

歌名 Fiction
歌手 ℒund
专辑 Fiction
[00:00.00] 作曲 : Robert Lund
[00:46.69] Feelings come and go
[00:47.93] Time to hit the road
[00:49.30] Can’t afford
[00:49.66] To watch this
[00:50.43] Time move past
[00:51.47] I'm never going back
[00:52.81] Moving forward
[00:54.21] Lying to yourself
[00:55.14] You don’t really need me
[00:56.64] Fiction in your head
[00:58.11] That you keep on believing
[01:00.41] People come and go
[01:01.47] Everybody knows
[01:02.89] Love is potent
[01:03.89] Let you go
[01:05.64] Had to let you go
[01:06.71] Now I’m hoping
[01:08.67] You get closure
[01:10.79] Cause I’m feeling
[01:11.47] So much better
[01:12.17] Now were over
[01:14.59] With you
[01:15.19] It ain’t right
[01:16.60] Too many missed calls
[01:18.45] And long nights
[01:20.53] I heard your voicemail
[01:22.24] To many times
[01:24.23] And I aint wasting no more love on you
[01:28.19] With you
[01:29.35] It ain’t right
[01:30.98] To many missed calls
[01:32.82] And long nights
[01:34.81] I heard your voicemail
[01:36.20] To many times
[01:38.07] And I aint wasting no more love on you
[01:43.13] Open up my chest
[01:44.15] Deep into my heart
[01:45.39] Do you see it
[01:46.83] A shard of glass
[01:47.99] I can feel it slice
[01:49.09] As I’m breathing
[01:50.33] It cut my strings
[01:51.34] Now my *******
[01:52.27] Heart isn’t beating
[01:53.67] And from my brain
[01:55.20] Is where I’m bleeding
[01:56.73] Deep inside my mind
[01:58.52] Scared of what I’ll find
[01:59.66] Our memories linger
[02:01.55] hurt confined
[02:02.53] Love the way you’d lie
[02:03.64] With a smile
[02:04.84] I’m saving me
[02:05.63] There’s no wrong or right
[02:06.92] This is survival
[02:08.05] Put me down
[02:08.95] You'd put me
[02:09.74] In the ground
[02:11.09] No revival
[02:12.16] No revival
[02:12.93] No survival
[02:15.50] I'm 51:50
[02:16.29] Suicidal
[02:19.32] There’s no way out
[02:20.41] As far as I see
[02:21.48] I’m going through hell
[02:23.68] Can you find me
[02:25.52] No revival
[02:27.14] No survival
[02:29.00] Im 51:50
[02:31.30] Suicidal
[02:32.65] There’s no way out
[02:34.34] As far as I see
[02:36.82] I’m going through hell
[02:37.65] Can you find me
[02:54.02] Boy you left me down
[02:54.77] Broken on the ground
[02:56.23] I'm so sad
[02:57.30] Cause your always gone
[02:58.45] Out there on the road
[02:59.80] I’m not mad
[03:01.21] I just wish that you would
[03:02.33] Call me sometime
[03:03.56] I just wish that
[03:05.30] We could ******* rewind
[03:07.26] But
[03:07.71] Girl you let me down
[03:09.53] You been running round
[03:10.54] I'm not dumb
[03:11.55] Got me staring down
[03:12.72] The barrel of a loaded gun
[03:15.05] You burned our bridge
[03:16.14] And we can’t turn back time
[03:17.57] I got to go
[03:19.39] Before I lose my mind
[03:22.51] Feelings come and go
[03:23.72] Time to hit the road
[03:24.57] Can’t afford
[03:25.67] To watch this
[03:26.46] Time move past
[03:27.36] I'm never going back
[03:28.37] Moving forward
[03:29.58] Lying to yourself
[03:30.64] You don’t really need me
[03:32.22] Fiction in your head
[03:33.76] That you keep on believing
[03:36.11] People come and go
[03:37.60] Everybody knows
[03:38.59] Love is potent
[03:39.66] Let you go
[03:40.93] Had to let you go
[03:42.19] Now I’m hoping
[03:44.07] You get closure
[03:46.45] Cause I’m feeling
[03:47.15] So much better
[03:47.99] Now were over
[03:50.30] Going going’ gone
[03:50.90] I think my soul is moving on
[03:52.62] Hate me while I’m here
[03:55.11] Then love while I’m lost
[03:56.39] Do we fight to feel the pain
[03:58.01] Or Do we bleed to feel the same
[03:59.50] Why’s the world so ******* cold
[04:01.72] Why do I often feel alone
[04:04.38] Going going’ gone
[04:05.08] I think my soul is moving on
[04:06.49] Hate me while I’m here
[04:08.98] Then love while I’m lost
[04:10.53] Do we fight to feel the pain
[04:12.20] Or Do we bleed to feel the same
[04:13.67] Why’s the world so ******* cold
[04:15.70] Why do I often feel alone
[00:46.69] 感情来来走走
[00:47.93] 我是时候该上路
[00:49.30] 我无法担负
[00:49.66] 亲眼目睹
[00:50.43] 时光飞逝
[00:51.47] 我无法回头
[00:52.81] 无法前行
[00:54.21] 无法再欺骗你
[00:55.14] 你并不真的需要我
[00:56.64] 一切只是你笃信的
[00:58.11] 头脑中的幻象
[01:00.41] 人们来来走走
[01:01.47] 所有人都知晓
[01:02.89] 爱强大无比
[01:03.89] 让你走吧
[01:05.64] 我必须让你走
[01:06.71] 现在我希望
[01:08.67] 你已解脱
[01:10.79] 因为我感觉
[01:11.47] 轻松太多
[01:12.17] 现在一切都结束了
[01:14.59] 和你在一起
[01:15.19] 并不是正确的选择
[01:16.60] 因为有太多错过的电话
[01:18.45] 和我孤身一人的漫漫长夜
[01:20.53] 我已听过太多次
[01:22.24] 信箱里的语音
[01:24.23] 我不会再把爱浪费在你身上了
[01:28.19] 和你在一起
[01:29.35] 并不是正确的选择
[01:30.98] 因为有太多错过的电话
[01:32.82] 和我孤身一人的漫漫长夜
[01:34.81] 我已听过太多次
[01:36.20] 信箱里的语音
[01:38.07] 我不会再把爱浪费在你身上了
[01:43.13] 剖开我的胸腔
[01:44.15] 深入我的心脏
[01:45.39] 你看见了吗
[01:46.83] 里面满是玻璃碎片
[01:47.99] 我能清晰地感受到它在撕裂我的心
[01:49.09] 每次当我呼吸的时候
[01:50.33] 它都在割断我的心弦
[01:51.34] 现在我的心脏
[01:52.27] 终于***停止跳动了
[01:53.67] 而我的大脑
[01:55.20] 还在淌血
[01:56.73] 其实在我的内心深处
[01:58.52] 我害怕发现
[01:59.66] 我们的回忆还存留
[02:01.55] 伤害还存在
[02:02.53] 我还爱着你微笑着
[02:03.64] 说谎的方式
[02:04.84] 我在拯救我
[02:05.63] 这并没有是非对错
[02:06.92] 我只是想要苟延残喘
[02:08.05] 放下我吧
[02:08.95] 请你放了我
[02:09.74] 回到现实
[02:11.09] 没有重蹈覆辙的机会了
[02:12.16] 没有重蹈覆辙的机会了
[02:12.93] 没有活下去的机会了
[02:15.50] 在我与死亡的对抗中
[02:16.29] 比分是51:50
[02:19.32] 生活再无出路
[02:20.41] 我目之所及
[02:21.48] 皆是地狱
[02:23.68] 你能找到我吗?你能给我救赎吗?
[02:25.52] 没有重蹈覆辙的机会了
[02:27.14] 没有活下去的机会了
[02:29.00] 在我与死亡的对抗中
[02:31.30] 比分是51:50
[02:32.65] 生活再无出路
[02:34.34] 我目之所及
[02:36.82] 皆是地狱
[02:37.65] 你能找到我吗?你能给我救赎吗?
[02:54.02] 你留我一人心碎
[02:54.77] 蜷缩在地上流泪
[02:56.23] 我是如此难过
[02:57.30] 因为你总是一言不发地离开
[02:58.45] 与我分道扬镳
[02:59.80] 我不是在生气
[03:01.21] 我只是希望你能够
[03:02.33] 偶尔给我打个电话
[03:03.56] 我只是希望
[03:05.30] 我们***能够倒带重来
[03:07.26] 但是
[03:07.71] 女孩 你让我好失望
[03:09.53] 你总是四处流浪
[03:10.54] 我并不愚蠢
[03:11.55] 我亲眼目睹了
[03:12.72] 子弹上膛
[03:15.05] 你烧毁了我们之间的桥梁
[03:16.14] 我们永远也无法逆转时光
[03:17.57] 在我失去理智之前
[03:19.39] 我必须得走了
[03:22.51] 感情来来走走
[03:23.72] 我是时候该上路
[03:24.57] 我无法承担
[03:25.67] 亲眼目睹
[03:26.46] 时光飞逝
[03:27.36] 我无法回头
[03:28.37] 无法前行
[03:29.58] 无法欺骗你
[03:30.64] 你并不真的需要我
[03:32.22] 一切只是你笃信的
[03:33.76] 头脑中的幻象
[03:36.11] 人们来来走走
[03:37.60] 所有人都知晓
[03:38.59] 爱强大无比
[03:39.66] 让你走吧
[03:40.93] 我必须让你走
[03:42.19] 现在我希望
[03:44.07] 你已解脱
[03:46.45] 因为我感觉
[03:47.15] 轻松太多
[03:47.99] 现在一切都已经结束了
[03:50.30] 走吧 走吧 都走了
[03:50.90] 我想我的灵魂要继续前行
[03:52.62] 恨我当我在你左右
[03:55.11] 爱我当我离你远去
[03:56.39] 我们争吵是为了感受痛苦吗?
[03:58.01] 我们流血是为了感同身受吗?
[03:59.50] 为什么这个世界如此冷酷?
[04:01.72] 为什么我总是感到孤独?
[04:04.38] 走吧 走吧 都走了
[04:05.08] 我想我的灵魂要继续前行
[04:06.49] 恨我当我在你左右
[04:08.98] 爱我当我离你远去
[04:10.53] 我们争吵是为了感受痛苦吗?
[04:12.20] 我们流血是为了感同身受吗?
[04:13.67] 这个世界***冷酷啊
[04:15.70] 我***孤独