All Day Long

All Day Long

歌名 All Day Long
歌手 Chance The Rapper
歌手 John Legend
专辑 The Big Day
[00:03.61] Yup
[00:05.68] And we back (Igh)
[00:13.10] Na-na-na (Igh)
[00:16.33] If you blink you might miss it
[00:17.10] You gotta click it or ticket
[00:18.06] You gotta go get to gettin' before it's gone
[00:20.20] End it quickly as it begun
[00:21.70] Life is short as a midget, but mine's a little LeBron
[00:23.75] Been a minute since Eminem was a blonde
[00:25.77] I need a peace prize mom invented the bomb
[00:27.61] A ***** wanted more, I would only sit on the lawn
[00:29.64] A ***** up next like Charlize scented colognes
[00:31.56] I'm 'bout to book a show at the Dimmsdale Dimmadome
[00:33.38] I still could hit up Sony today and get a loan
[00:35.38] And shout out to Miss Sylvia Rhone, we get along
[00:37.20] But that boy advance gotta be bigger than Diddy Kong
[00:39.13] I need stock and it gotta be Pippy Long
[00:40.97] Can't stop won't stop boppin' like Diddy's song
[00:43.15] My next tour, it got eight legs like daddy long
[00:44.97] I'm 'bout to have two kids that like daddy's song
[00:47.02] We can't be out here pleasin' everybody (Oh, I...)
[00:52.47] We know who we are (Oh? yeah)
[00:55.57] And if you with me, then I'm with you darlin' (Yeah)
[00:59.13] Baby, all day long (Come on, come on)
[01:03.57] Baby, all day long (Oh, I...)
[01:07.82] Baby, all day long (Yeah)
[01:11.37] Baby, all day long
[01:17.17] This is, this is the day
[01:20.12] Took it the scenic route, but this is the way
[01:22.12] That's old news, baby, this is today
[01:24.03] They gon' miss us today, you a missus today
[01:26.02] This is, this is the day
[01:27.97] Took it the scenic route, but this is the way
[01:29.89] That's old news, baby, this is today
[01:31.93] They gon' miss us today, you a missus today
[01:33.76] Backyard blasted, dance 'til it's grassless
[01:35.86] Patio glass, the mazel tov cocktails
[01:37.78] Bomb, b-bombastic, used to drop acid
[01:39.69] Marley come soon, I only drop classics
[01:41.58] Everyone ask when that heat gon' drop
[01:43.48] When that knee gon' drop, when is he gon' pop
[01:45.33] The question we all got, 'cause this could be our block
[01:47.27] You're livin' in a glass house, we can see y'all clocks
[01:49.20] But I can see you from the other side, see y'all rocks
[01:51.39] And we could've been Magneto, if you see our locks
[01:53.09] But we share with the world, not just fans
[01:55.01] Come out clean lookin' like we jumped the broom and the dustpan
[01:57.51] So now we're scared and we actin' out
[01:59.06] Dame Dash champagne, in the back a towel
[02:00.90] Now I'm back in my bag and the cat is out
[02:02.86] Burn a hole in my pocket like a Black & Mild (Ah)
[02:05.39] We can't be out here pleasin' everybody (Oh, I...)
[02:09.55] I know, you know, we know just who we are (Oh, yeah)
[02:13.19] And if you with me, then I'm with you darlin' (Oh, baby)
[02:17.37] Baby, all day long (Come on, come on)
[02:21.58] Baby, all day long (Oh, I...)
[02:25.30] Baby, all day long (Yeah)
[02:28.86] Baby, all day long (Oh, I...)
[02:35.48] Hey, we made it, we made it
[02:38.25] I'm feelin' grateful
[02:40.29] I'm here with my favorite
[02:42.21] Oh God, I'm thankful
[02:44.02] Our song and we played it
[02:46.25] So good, we played it (Yeah)
[02:48.09] I just wanted to keep on playin' (Hey)
[02:52.03] We made it, we made it
[02:53.86] I'm feelin' grateful
[02:55.76] I'm here with my favorite
[02:57.97] Oh God, I'm thankful
[02:59.61] Our song and we played it
[03:01.83] So good, we played it (Yeah)
[03:04.15] Baby, all day long (Come on, come on)
[03:08.60] Baby, all day long (Oh, I...)
[03:12.38] Baby, all day long (Yeah)
[03:16.18] Baby, all day long
[03:19.48] Baby, all day long
[00:05.68] 我们回来了
[00:13.10] 不不不
[00:16.33] 若稍不留神 将错失良机
[00:17.10] 你要把握好机会
[00:18.06] 在它消失前抓紧它
[00:20.20] 机不可失而时不待人
[00:21.70] 生命如此短暂 就好似侏儒比上勒布朗的身高
[00:23.75] 光阴不会为你停留
[00:25.77] 但我成事不足 败事有余
[00:27.61] 别人雄心勃勃 我只会坐在草坪等待
[00:29.64] 这哥们走过就像Charlize一般散发着成功人士的古龙香(Charlize出演过香水广告)
[00:31.56] 我可以在Dimmsdale Dimmadome预订一场演出
[00:33.38] 我仍能向索尼唱片借上一大笔钱
[00:35.38] 还能与前任互相寒暄
[00:37.20] 但我需要更多的报酬
[00:39.13] 我的收入得像Pippi的长袜一样多才行
[00:40.97] 正如Lox乐队的歌中唱道 永无止境
[00:43.15] 我的巡演大受欢迎 即便化身八腿蜘蛛也忙得不可开交
[00:44.97] 人生稍有起色 或许不久我就儿女满堂
[00:47.02] 谁又能以取悦别人而过活呢
[00:52.47] 我们都对彼此知根知底
[00:55.57] 若你选择与我共度余生 我也将伴你终生
[00:59.13] 彻日缠绵
[01:03.57] 彻日缠绵
[01:07.82] 彻日缠绵
[01:11.37] 彻日缠绵
[01:17.17] 多么命中注定的一天
[01:20.12] 能够与你相遇 但这就是正道
[01:22.12] 往日如浮云 不再重要
[01:24.03] 命运把我们安排在今日相遇 今天你就是我的夫人
[01:26.02] 多么命中注定的一天
[01:27.97] 能够与你相遇 但这就是正道
[01:29.89] 往事如浮云 不再重要
[01:31.93] 命运把我们安排在今天相遇 今天你就是我的夫人
[01:33.76] 在后院热舞狂欢 直至草坪都面目全非
[01:35.86] 玻璃露台上 举杯欢庆
[01:37.78] 给我灵感 我的缪斯在哪
[01:39.69] 我发行的都是经典之作
[01:41.58] 每个人都好奇着大热单曲何时放出
[01:43.48] 都好奇着我什么时候引领风潮
[01:45.33] 我们也想知道答案 因为它阻碍着我们前进
[01:47.27] 就如住进玻璃房 无一刻不被注视
[01:49.20] 无论我身在何处你都被我管控
[01:51.39] 你企图窥探我们的秘密
[01:53.09] 但我们毫无保留 与世人分享
[01:55.01] 干净利落 就如刚经历洗礼
[01:57.51] 我敢于露面 堂堂正正做人
[01:59.06] 我直言不讳 敢于披露
[02:00.90] 当我回到温暖港湾 小人又出来作怪
[02:02.86] 点上的雪茄在口袋上烧穿个洞
[02:05.39] 谁又能以取悦别人而过活呢
[02:09.55] 我们都对彼此知根知底
[02:13.19] 若你选择与我共度余生 我也将伴你终生
[02:17.37] 彻日缠绵
[02:21.58] 彻日缠绵
[02:25.30] 彻日缠绵
[02:28.86] 彻日缠绵
[02:35.48] 我们终成眷属
[02:38.25] 能与我的爱人一起
[02:40.29] 我无比感恩
[02:42.21] 主啊 我难言感激之情
[02:44.02] 编唱着我们的爱歌
[02:46.25] 如此美妙动听
[02:48.09] 只想此般 永不停息
[02:52.03] 我们终成眷属
[02:53.86] 我无比感恩
[02:55.76] 能与我的爱人一起
[02:57.97] 主啊 我难言感激之情
[02:59.61] 编唱着我们的爱歌
[03:01.83] 如此美妙动听
[03:04.15] 彻日缠绵
[03:08.60] 彻日缠绵
[03:12.38] 彻日缠绵
[03:16.18] 彻日缠绵
[03:19.48] 彻日缠绵