Zanies and Fools

Zanies and Fools

歌名 Zanies and Fools
歌手 Chance The Rapper
歌手 Darius Scott
歌手 Nicki Minaj
专辑 The Big Day
[00:11.78] Well we must be some zanies and fools
[00:18.62] To take a gamble on this love just like we do
[00:24.76] What a wonderfully crazy thing to do
[00:31.36] Love like mine that we were powerless to choose
[00:37.12] I'm so powerful every time I look at you
[00:42.83] No memory of anything I couldn't do
[00:48.78] It's possible, so possible
[01:06.45] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
[01:09.53] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
[01:14.21] Once upon a time I wasn't sure of myself
[01:16.01] I would always claim I never had no help
[01:17.68] Look into the mirror, the most unfair of all
[01:20.34] Hit the Player's Ball, it was unbearable
[01:22.40] Another big birthday, another milestone
[01:24.68] To make your birthstone feel like rhinestone
[01:26.53] The caterpillars that had burrowed inside my belly
[01:28.73] Started to flutter before I learned how to fly
[01:30.28] I had a bunch of midlife crises 'fore I turned 25
[01:32.16] The teachers put me in the back where I was learning to hide
[01:34.17] 'Cause when the teachers call you special, that's a perfect disguise
[01:36.24] I had to bury all the dancing that would burgeon inside
[01:38.33] I got quiet, thought the silence was the perfect reply
[01:40.31] I turn to Casper any time a ***** turn on the slide
[01:42.31] Until I turned up at the talent show, a permanent high
[01:44.36] I had Jesus behind the wheel before I learned how to drive
[01:46.47] 'Cause it's press
[01:47.40] It's possible
[01:48.65] It's possible
[01:50.47] It's possible
[01:52.45] It's possible
[01:54.52] It's possible
[01:56.47] It's possible
[01:58.53] It's possible
[02:00.55] It's possible
[02:02.58] Once upon a time, a lady who tried twice
[02:05.02] At being a good wife and giving a good life
[02:06.79] To both of her lil' girls with ballerina tights
[02:08.80] She called up the RE/MAX and opened her own site
[02:10.89] Clothes and open houses, hired her own type
[02:12.90] Alimony is phony, she paid for her own flights
[02:14.91] Crazy office parties, she's throwin' 'em inside
[02:17.03] And my mama sealed my fate when she opened the invite
[02:19.16] The lady had a plan, she knew it all in advance
[02:21.26] The party was a good mixture of employees and friends
[02:23.15] She told the people comin' to make sure they bring their kids
[02:25.24] Yeah, bring some food, but just make sure you bring your kids
[02:27.40] After we arrived and after standing around
[02:29.26] The lady take the glass and told us gather around
[02:31.16] For a special performance from her daughters, she said it proud
[02:33.39] But tonight they not my daughters, tonight they Destiny's Child
[02:35.51] Out from the back came three lil' survivors
[02:37.41] In formation, choreo tighter
[02:39.42] One on the left, I think I might like her
[02:41.60] One on the left, I think I might love her
[02:43.65] Lady just folds her arms, rubs her hands
[02:45.67] All of the lessons, learn how to dance
[02:47.68] All of these moments left up to chance
[02:49.70] Everything will go right as it can
[02:51.80] It's possible
[02:54.18] It's possible
[02:55.69] It's possible
[02:57.11] (Vous allez accomplir, vous allez accomplir, allez)
[02:59.65] It's possible (Tu t'a grandé)
[03:01.86] It's possible (Tu t'a grandé)
[03:03.85] It's possible
[03:05.87] It's possible
[03:07.94] Once upon a time, I had carats supplied
[03:09.91] To a pair of fair rings I would share with the bride
[03:11.83] Every kiss begins with clear cut clarity sides
[03:14.01] They were forever, but marriage had an apparent decline
[03:15.94] Now we live in fear of doin' what our parents was tryin'
[03:17.87] So every Rapunzel don't got the kind of hair you can climb
[03:19.81] Every since they lost a slipper, every pair that they find
[03:21.98] They say these boots were made for dancing like Mary J. Blige
[03:24.17] We live a life apart, life so hard
[03:26.28] Life'll never really end up like the start
[03:28.25] We learn together how the back door feels
[03:30.28] And we was jumping over brooms in tobacco fields
[03:32.21] We was the same, all black folks still
[03:34.22] Until the white man found out black votes steal elections
[03:36.95] So they legitimized us, but behind us
[03:38.72] It's still black folks at the back door still
[03:40.35] For every small increment liberated, our women waited
[03:42.71] And all they privacy been invaded
[03:44.06] Almost every trade I got through the slave owner
[03:46.02] Dark skin, brown, nose round, but the Bennett made it
[03:48.19] Now I wanna give it to her, Sierra Leone, serenade
[03:50.43] Sometimes love come with its own barricade
[03:52.63] Sometimes love just gotta hold, marinate
[03:54.72] Let it hold, let it wait, here it go, here it go
[03:56.70] It's possible (It's possible)
[03:58.86] It's possible (It's possible)
[04:00.84] (Vous allez accomplir, vous allez accomplir, allez)
[04:04.85] It's possible (Tu t'a grandé)
[04:06.98] It's possible (Tu t'a grandé)
[04:08.96] It's possible
[04:11.04] It's possible
[04:11.66] Ayy, yo
[04:13.11] Once upon a time, a girl from Trinidad
[04:14.94] Had to fly to Canada and sneak into the land
[04:16.75] Of the free and of the brave, feet under the sand
[04:18.95] And I came in realizing nothing free in the land
[04:20.84] Dreams of making money, had to split it with Sam
[04:22.93] All that Making the Band, yeah, I could've did it, but damn
[04:25.03] Had to really be on the come-up, had to stick to the plan
[04:26.98] Went from rockin' with Fendi, now Fendi know I'm a brand
[04:29.14] That's how God do, I'm in your top two
[04:31.57] And I ain't number two, conquered rap, then the pop too
[04:33.49] You gon' stop who? Get off ****, dude
[04:35.64] This itty bitty piggy giving ******* what they bop to
[04:37.69] I met my husband when I was 17 out in Queens
[04:39.88] If you love it, let it go, now I know what that means
[04:41.86] While he was up North for a body
[04:43.57] I bodied everybody and got known for my body
[04:45.53] My ***** home now, he the Clyde to my Bonnie
[04:47.52] 'Bout to walk down the aisle and be a mommy
[04:49.65] Ooh, I remember when I cried like, "Why me?"
[04:51.32] Now I wouldn't exchange my life for Armani
[04:53.33] Sometimes I feel like I'm dreaming and then it hits me
[04:55.74] Gotta remember who I am when it slips me
[04:57.94] Kids running up to the car yelling, "Nicki"
[04:59.88] All my bad *******, I know that y'all with me
[05:01.74] **** they thought was sittin' in my seat?
[05:03.73] Got a big bowl of ice cream sitting in my Jeep
[05:05.74] Got some felons that'll put you on ice, so don't sleep
[05:07.76] 'Bout to dead this whole beat for rocks and gold teeth
[05:09.95] It's possible, it's possible
[05:13.89] It's possible to me
[00:11.78] 我们必定成为一群愚蠢的傻子
[00:18.62] 从心所欲地对爱情下着赌注
[00:24.76] 这真是一件异乎寻常的傻事啊
[00:31.36] 像我一般厌倦地爱着,已然无力选择
[00:37.12] 只当你出现在我眼中时我才能重焕活力
[00:42.83] 心中早已了然我无力之事
[00:48.78] 这并非枯木生花,一切皆有可能
[01:06.45] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
[01:09.53] 耶,耶,耶~
[01:14.21] 曾几何时我对自己还迟疑不前
[01:16.01] 总爱声称自己从未得到帮助
[01:17.68] 照着镜子里的自己,总觉得世事不公
[01:20.34] 击打着篮球,度如年之日
[01:22.40] 又一生辰过去,又刻下一座人生印记
[01:24.68] 单身时光总是让我的出生石如莱茵石般暗淡(Chance为四月出生,出生石为璀璨的宝石)
[01:26.53] 年纪轻轻便内在成茧
[01:28.73] 未学会飞前就自己扑腾
[01:30.28] 25岁未到就经历一系列中年危机
[01:32.16] 老师们把我贬到最低,我只好学会隐忍(Chance曾提到过他的老师称他为“”)
[01:34.17] 只有让这些园丁们夸赞我与众不同方可掩盖我的不足
[01:36.24] 我只好悄无声息掩埋内心迸发的火苗
[01:38.33] 闭上嘴巴,把沉默当做最好的回应
[01:40.31] 即使他们要求我跳舞时我总是害羞不已(Casper Slide为一种舞蹈)
[01:42.31] 直到我出现在学校才艺表演上,连赢两场
[01:44.36] 在我学会开车之前,耶稣总在身后守护着我(引用Carrie Underwood的《Jusus,Take The Wheel》)
[01:46.47] 因为这早已命中注定(指上帝为他制定好了计划)
[01:47.40] 因为这并非吹网欲满
[01:48.65] 这并非煎水作冰
[01:50.47] 这并非白日做梦
[01:52.45] 这并非痴心妄想
[01:54.52] 这并非蹇人升天
[01:56.47] 这并非山童石烂
[01:58.53] 这并非却行求前
[02:00.55] 一切皆有可能
[02:02.58] 曾几何时,有位女士屡次三番的与生活斗争
[02:05.02] 她想成为一个贤妻,过上像进化前的林品如一样的幸福生活
[02:06.79] 给她的两位宝贝买上芭蕾舞紧身衣
[02:08.80] 她打电话给RE/MAX公司并开了自己的网站(RE/MAX为一家房地产公司)
[02:10.89] 赚了点小钱,买了自己喜欢的衣服,租了个自己的房子
[02:12.90] 也没人给她生活费,得自掏腰包付航班钱
[02:14.91] 她还带着俩孩子去参加办公室聚会
[02:17.03] 我的母亲发出派对邀请函之时,已经锁定我的命运
[02:19.16] 这位年轻的女士提前准备好了个计划
[02:21.26] 用这个派对好好撮合一下她的同事和朋友们
[02:23.15] 她还让参加者们都带上自己家的小孩
[02:25.24] 备上美味的事物,务必保证令郎令媛都到场
[02:27.40] 各位到齐之后我们都四散而立
[02:29.26] 这位女士摇曳着酒杯将我们聚集而齐
[02:31.16] 她自豪的让大家都看她女儿的表演
[02:33.39] 但今晚她们已经不是我的女孩,已然成长为真命天女的孩子们
[02:35.51] 从幕后走来三个幼小的幸存者(《Survivor》为Destiny的代表作)
[02:37.41] 队形舞蹈更加整齐划一(《FORMATION》为Bey对她的传统和根源的颂歌)
[02:39.42] 那左边的女孩已经让我怦然心动
[02:41.60] C位之左已迷得我神魂颠倒
[02:43.65] 行云流水的舞步足以让我心乱神迷
[02:45.67] 夙夜匪懈地坚持练舞
[02:47.68] 让凡事都听天由命吧(与名字的文字游戏)
[02:49.70] 一切都会按部就班地开花结果
[02:51.80] 因为这并非吹网求满
[02:54.18] 这并非煎水作冰
[02:55.69] 这并非白日做梦
[02:57.11] (你必会成功的)
[02:59.65] 这并非蹇人升天
[03:01.86] 这并非山童石烂
[03:03.85] 这并非却行求前
[03:05.87] 一切皆有可能
[03:07.94] 曾几何时,我赚了点钱,买了对闪耀的钻戒
[03:09.91] 一对公正的钻戒,我准备用来点缀我的新娘
[03:11.83] 每一次亲吻都始于那分明的棱角
[03:14.01] 钻石恒久远,但中意之人却远未到来(指美国结婚率下降)
[03:15.94] 现如今我们生活在我们父母造就的恐惧之中(Chance认为结婚率降低源于上一代父母离婚率太高致使这一代人不敢结婚)
[03:17.87] 所以并非所有人都能找到自己的长发公主(Rapunzel,童话人物,垂下自己的头发让追求者找到她)
[03:19.81] 自从灰姑娘丢了水晶鞋,她的王子便会在每个人脚上试一遍来寻找她
[03:21.98] 他们说这鞋子是为了灰姑娘能像Mary J. Blige一般跳舞而设计的
[03:24.17] 我们生活在琐碎的生活碎片中,品味着人生的冷暖
[03:26.28] 但生活永不会如它的开始一般霎然结束
[03:28.25] 我们还需一起学习如何度过生活的低谷
[03:30.28] 在烟草田中携手跳过扫帚,我们总能觅得真爱(跳扫帚是象征婚姻的传统)
[03:32.21] 我们还是纯真如初,我们的种群亦然
[03:34.22] 直至白人们发现选举被黑人们的选票亦能控制选举
[03:36.95] 所以他们便颁布平权法案,但在我们身后...
[03:38.72] 仍有一些遭受不公的黑人族裔处于逆境洪流之中
[03:40.35] 为了一切微小的进步,为了我们身后等待命运改变的妇女们
[03:42.71] 然而 我们的每一份隐私都被监控
[03:44.06] 几乎囊括我和奴隶主们的每一笔交易
[03:46.02] 深色皮肤,棕园鼻子,感谢Bennett为我们打破不公
[03:48.19] 而现在我想为她献上塞拉利昂的小夜曲
[03:50.43] 有时求爱之路道阻且长
[03:52.63] 有时求爱之路亦要锲而不舍之精神
[03:54.72] 持之以恒 顺从自然 厚积薄发 一蹴而就
[03:56.70] 因为这并非吹网求满
[03:58.86] 这并非煎水作冰
[04:00.84] 你必将会实现自己的目标(暗示歌曲主题)
[04:04.85] 这并非白日做梦
[04:06.98] 这并非蹇人升天
[04:08.96] 这并非山童石烂
[04:11.04] 一切皆有可能!
[04:11.66] 耶,唉哟,鸡姐驾到
[04:13.11] 曾几何时,有个特立尼达来的小妞
[04:14.94] 不得不先飞到公鸭的老家,再想方设法偷渡到美利坚
[04:16.75] 初生鸡仔不怕黄鼠狼,恣意呼吸着美利坚自由的空气(引用美国国歌讽刺川普的移民政策)
[04:18.95] 直到有一天我意识到成功不会送到我面前
[04:20.84] 梦想着赚大钱,却发现不得不与山姆大叔分享越来越多收入(山姆大叔指代联邦政府增加税收削减Nicki的收入)
[04:22.93] 就像Diddy的真人秀一样,我本可用些来浇筑事业
[04:25.03] 但我稳扎稳打,不靠炒作取得成功(Nicki自2007年就强调亲力亲为写歌创作)
[04:26.98] 从追捧Fendi开始结缘,如今老娘已成为Fendi招牌(如Chun-Li封面)
[04:29.14] 而我始终在你前列,这便是说唱女神的做派
[04:31.57] 且我从不屈居第二,征服了说唱,偶尔也和雅莉安娜做做流行
[04:33.49] 你还想挡着谁的前途呢?快从我眼前滚开吧
[04:35.64] 自从itty bitty piggy的混音时期就为这些后代们树立了争相效仿的目标
[04:37.69] 还记得在本鸡的碧玉年华就在皇后区遇到了你们姐夫
[04:39.88] 如今我终于知道 “爱他就随他而去吧” 到底意味着什么
[04:41.86] 当他为body事件闹得满城风雨之时
[04:43.57] 我为我的男人葬送一切闲言碎语
[04:45.53] 如今我的夫君已经准备好和我当邦尼和克莱德(Bonnie和Clyde为一对臭名昭著的情侣)
[04:47.52] 我寻思着也差不多该抱着个鸡仔当个麻咪
[04:49.65] 还记得当初的我哭诉为何命运对我如此不公
[04:51.32] 而如今的我已不会拼命工作只为入手阿玛尼(指Nicki已淡泊名利)
[04:53.33] 有时我感觉自己正在做梦而后又被现实击倒(以下为Roman经典flow)
[04:55.74] 但无论遭遇何种困境,我都记住我是强大的妮姬米娜
[04:57.94] 孩子们挂着笑容跑到车边高喊“Nicki!”
[04:59.88] 我的坏姐妹们,我知道你们时刻在我身后
[05:01.74] 去的谁还想坐在本女皇的王位上
[05:03.73] 我就抱着一大碗冰淇淋坐在吉普车里享受
[05:05.74] 自有一众杀手让你凄神寒骨,最好不要掉以轻心
[05:07.76] 我正摇摆着金色獠牙终结这场beef(《Monster》中经典歌词明示说唱人格Roman回归)
[05:09.95] 一切皆有可能
[05:13.89] 女皇的生涯一切仍未成定数