5 Year Plan

5 Year Plan

歌名 5 Year Plan
歌手 Chance The Rapper
歌手 Randy Newman
专辑 The Big Day
[00:12.01] You gotta schedule vacations in your five year plan
[00:15.32] You gotta schedule celebrations in your five year plan
[00:17.96] You gon' have several revelations in your first five days
[00:20.84] In your first five minutes, have your first five fans
[00:23.82] For like 45 minutes, take your first shift break
[00:26.67] There's no time for impatience in your five year plan
[00:29.49] You got time for hesitation in your five year plan
[00:32.29] A lot of **** came at you in a five year span
[00:35.27] If you followed your flight plan,
[00:37.01] You'd be right here prayin'
[00:38.15] Eyes closed, right now sayin', Lord of Lords
[00:40.60] I know you gave abundantly, even gave up your son for me
[00:43.40] No need for sacrifice in my plans
[00:45.07] And I love to say your name, it come from my diaphragm
[00:47.79] I just had to scare 'em off and draw a line in the sand
[00:50.83] Anything you gave to me, they couldn't pry from my hands
[00:53.76] Anything you gave to me, I know it's right for my brand
[00:56.62] I know shortcuts cut short long runs
[00:59.13] I seen ****** on one try to wrong one
[01:01.75] Get drunk, sing the same song, Kung Jong Swon
[01:04.69] Giant mistakes on fee fi foe numb
[01:07.61] Got to keep on thumb, you got time for missteppin'
[01:11.24] Time for them weapons, form but not prosper
[01:13.96] Time for them lessons, time for them blessings
[01:16.78] Time for first, second, third, fourth impressions
[01:19.80] Time for reflection, time for confession
[01:22.38] Time will heal all, let's get a good stretch in
[01:31.09] Things that's in the way of my goal
[01:33.95] Things that eat away at my heart
[01:37.04] That's just, just the way of the art
[01:39.78] I know that I had a good start
[01:42.72] I wish I could play a guitar
[01:45.46] I, I know that I'm gonna be
[01:48.28] Better than I ever was
[01:51.64] I told 'em they gonna see
[01:54.30] I just want every bottle
[01:57.25] Love, love, love
[02:06.06] Time has, time has come
[02:09.85] Time has, time has come
[02:12.48] To be who you are
[02:14.77] Be who you are
[02:17.25] Time has, time has come
[02:21.55] Time has come
[02:23.37] To take it all in, take it all in
[02:26.91] Take it all in
[02:28.67] The time has come
[02:31.33] Time has come, time has come
[02:34.22] The time has come
[02:35.30] Know who you are
[02:37.52] Know who you are
[02:40.66] The time has come
[02:42.92] Time has come, time has come
[02:45.79] To take it all in
[02:50.88] Who's that in the back of the back?
[02:53.69] You deserve a plaque and a pat on the back
[02:56.56] I see y'all in your Seuss like the Cat in the Hat
[02:59.35] With the clean black slacks and the jacket to match
[03:02.34] Found your way back like a Cadillac with the flats
[03:05.11] Came around like satellite, down like a battle axe
[03:08.35] Why do you word insure me like it's Aflac?
[03:11.23] I don't know, why do birds Burt Bacharach?
[03:14.12] Why do worms prefer habitats?
[03:16.44] Why did it occur where it happened at?
[03:18.61] Why ain't no apples in Apple Jacks?
[03:20.67] Are you ready for The Big Day?
[03:22.55] I don't know, but you're well on your way
[03:29.65] Somebody hurt you really bad
[03:34.94] And you don't know what to do
[03:39.15] And you think how so many people
[03:45.52] Live through things like this
[03:48.92] Sounds crazy but it's true
[03:53.84] You can get over anything, almost
[04:04.40] I'm telling you the truth
[04:09.70] The one thing left to say is
[00:12.01] 你得把假期安排进你五年计划中
[00:15.32] 你得把欢庆会安排进你五年计划中
[00:17.96] 刚开始的五天 你有几件事要要澄清
[00:20.84] 在刚开始的五分钟 你拥有了五个粉丝
[00:23.82] 大约四十五分钟 第一次轮班休息
[00:26.67] 在你的五年计划中 没有时间给你懊恼
[00:29.49] 在这五年中 你时常优柔寡断
[00:32.29] 在这五年中 有许多事情发生
[00:35.27] 如果你按部就班
[00:37.01] 你会祈祷的
[00:38.15] 闭上眼 此刻说着 主啊主
[00:40.60] 我清楚你付出了太多 甚至为我放弃了你的孩子
[00:43.40] 在我的计划中本不需要牺牲
[00:45.07] 我喜欢叫你名字 这源自我内心深处
[00:47.79] 我只想把他们吓跑 与他们划清界限
[00:50.83] 我给我的任何东西 他们都不可能从我手上抢走
[00:53.76] 我知道你给我的任何东西都很适合我
[00:56.62] 我知道怎么走捷径
[00:59.13] 我看过一个人 尝试去找一个不喜欢的伴侣
[01:01.75] 他喝醉 唱着同一首歌
[01:04.69] 犯巨大的错误
[01:07.61] 保持良好的心态 你会有犯错的时候
[01:11.24] 他们都嫉妒我所达到的成就
[01:13.96] 是时候给他们教训了 是时候让他们保佑自己了
[01:16.78] 一次 两次 三次 第四次就会印象深刻
[01:19.80] 该反省了 该忏悔了
[01:22.38] 时间会治愈一切 让我们好好放松吧
[01:31.09] 那些妨碍我实现目标的事
[01:33.95] 那些侵蚀我心智的事
[01:37.04] 这只是行为的艺术
[01:39.78] 我知道我有个好开头
[01:42.72] 我希望我能弹吉他
[01:45.46] 我知道我会的
[01:48.28] 这比以往好多了
[01:51.64] 我告诉他们 他们会见证的
[01:54.30] 我只想让每个人知道
[01:57.25] 爱 爱 爱
[02:06.06] 时机到了 时机来临了
[02:09.85] 时机到了 时机来临了
[02:12.48] 做回自己
[02:14.77] 做回自己
[02:17.25] 时机到了 时机来临了
[02:21.55] 时机到了
[02:23.37] 接受一切 接受一切
[02:26.91] 接受一切
[02:28.67] 时机到了
[02:31.33] 时机到了 时机来临了
[02:34.22] 时机成熟了
[02:35.30] 了解自己
[02:37.52] 了解自己
[02:40.66] 时机到了
[02:42.92] 时机到了 是时候了
[02:45.79] 接受一切
[02:50.88] 是谁在幕后
[02:53.69] 你值得为人们所赞许与纪念
[02:56.56] 你们穿的就像Suess所写的戴帽子的猫
[02:59.35] 配上干净的黑色长裤和夹克
[03:02.34] 像卡迪拉克那样找到回家的的道路
[03:05.11] 像卫星般旋转 像斧头般倒下
[03:08.35] 为什么你要像Aflac(保险公司)那样保护我
[03:11.23] 我不懂 为什么他们渴望靠近你
[03:14.12] 为什么蠕虫更喜欢栖息地
[03:16.44] 为什么它出现在它出现的地方
[03:18.61] 为什么苹果酱里没有苹果
[03:20.67] 准备好发行这专辑了吗
[03:22.55] 我都不清楚 但你做得很好
[03:29.65] 有些人伤的你很深
[03:34.94] 你却不知道如何是好
[03:39.15] 你想象一下有多少人
[03:45.52] 经历过这样的事
[03:48.92] 听起来很疯狂 但这是真的
[03:53.84] 你几乎可以克服一切
[04:04.40] 我会告诉你真相
[04:09.70] 这是唯一要告诉你的东西