

歌名 Memories
歌手 TAKOkidd
专辑 Memories
[00:00.000] 作词 : TAKOkidd
[00:01.000] 作曲 : TAKOkidd
[00:08.931] Memories
[00:11.932] I don’t want to leave them behind
[00:12.933] Memories
[00:15.182] They did make me who I am
[00:19.185] Right here
[00:21.931] Right here
[00:25.185] Memories
[00:27.181] They’re left in here
[00:27.933] Aside with
[00:29.434] Broken grand pianos
[00:31.184] And some books I read
[00:33.181] And the guard says
[00:35.183] What’s the past is the past
[00:38.431] and you’ll never ever see them again
[00:43.182] All I see is the golden sky
[00:45.183] Near the end of the day
[00:47.435] driving hundred on the highway
[00:49.182] and the scent of June
[00:51.681] which was the scent of the summer
[00:53.182] they filled my lungs
[00:55.431] as we rode into the sunset
[00:56.682] Hopes and dreams
[00:57.684] They make me wonder
[00:59.184] Who I am
[01:00.432] In the past and
[01:01.684] In the future
[01:03.433] And who I am
[01:07.184] Right now
[01:09.433] Right now
[01:31.181] All I see is the great blue sky
[01:33.112] in the afternoon when
[01:35.363] nothing seems to step in our way
[01:37.113] and the scent of you
[01:39.613] which was the scent of our friendship
[01:41.362] flames in my heart
[01:43.113] oh there's nothing that compares
[01:44.862] Oh my lovely friend
[01:47.364] I will keep you deep in mind
[01:49.615] till the sun dies and the seas dry
[01:55.364] but we will not fade away
[01:57.612] away
[02:00.862] Memories
[02:03.112] like ups and downs in my little life
[02:04.362] they are the light they
[02:05.306] are the dark
[02:07.058] they are a part of me
[02:11.306] yes me
[02:13.307] yes me
[02:19.057] All I see is the golden sky
[02:21.559] in that perfect afternoon
[02:23.557] taking pictures by the pool
[02:25.056] and all that time
[02:27.807] I've been asking to my self
[02:30.307] if all these memories
[02:32.806] are worth a hug
[02:37.307] All I see is the golden sky
[02:39.308] near the end of the day
[02:41.557] dressed in wonderful attires
[02:43.056] and the scent of tears
[02:45.810] which was the scent of a farewell
[02:47.306] filled my eyes
[02:49.057] as they dropped down my cheeks
[02:54.556] Oh the memories!
[00:08.931] 回忆啊
[00:11.932] 我不想将你们抛之脑后
[00:12.933] 回忆啊
[00:15.182] 你们塑造了当今的我
[00:19.185] 就在这里
[00:21.931] 就在这里
[00:25.185] 回忆
[00:27.181] 它们被置于这里
[00:27.933] 它们和破旧的大钢琴
[00:29.434] 与一些书籍
[00:31.184] 一同作伴
[00:33.181] 门卫是这样说的
[00:35.183] “过去即过去
[00:38.431] 你再也不会与他们重逢“
[00:43.182] 可我看得到那黄金般的天空下
[00:45.183] 那个美丽的傍晚
[00:47.435] 路边的树飞驰而过
[00:49.182] 我能感受到六月的气息
[00:51.681] 也就是夏天的气息
[00:53.182] 充满我的胸腔
[00:55.431] 与此同时我们驶进了夕阳
[00:56.682] 希望与梦想
[00:57.684] 它们不禁让我困惑
[00:59.184] 在过去的时光
[01:00.432] 在遥远的未来
[01:01.684] 以及当下
[01:03.433] 我到底是谁
[01:07.184] 是谁
[01:09.433] 我是谁
[01:31.181] 我看得到那湛蓝的天空下
[01:33.112] 那可爱的午后
[01:35.363] 似乎没有任何东西阻挡我们的脚步
[01:37.113] 你的气息
[01:39.613] 即友谊之风
[01:41.362] 掀起我心中的波澜
[01:43.113] 这可是无与伦比的感受
[01:44.862] 我敬爱的朋友
[01:47.364] 我会将你永远铭记在心中
[01:49.615] 即便海枯石烂
[01:55.364] 我们也不会被冲散
[01:57.612] 不会被冲散
[02:00.862] 呵,回忆
[02:03.112] 就像我短暂人生的起起落落
[02:04.362] 它们是光明
[02:05.306] 它们是暗影
[02:07.058] 它们是我自己
[02:11.306] 是我的一部分
[02:13.307] 一部分
[02:19.057] 我看得到那金黄的天空下
[02:21.559] 那完美的下午
[02:23.557] 那时灯红酒绿、人声鼎沸
[02:25.056] 但从那时起
[02:27.807] 我一直在思考
[02:30.307] 那么多喜怒哀乐
[02:32.806] 是否值得你的一个拥抱?
[02:37.307] 反正我看得到那黄金般的天空下
[02:39.308] 那令人难忘的傍晚
[02:41.557] 那天我们盛装出席
[02:43.056] 我感到了泪
[02:45.810] 那是离别的哀伤
[02:47.306] 它们充满了眼眶
[02:49.057] 似乎流下了我的脸颊
[02:54.556] 噢,可爱的记忆!