The Archer

The Archer

歌名 The Archer
歌手 Jase Worder
专辑 The Archer
[00:03.698] Combat, I'm ready for combat
[00:09.939] I say I don't want that, but what if I do?
[00:18.446] Cause cruelty wins in the movies
[00:25.204] I've got a hundred thrown-out speeches I almost said to you
[00:34.442] Easy they come, easy they go
[00:38.204] I jump from the train, I ride off alone
[00:41.948] I never grew up, it's getting so old
[00:46.191] Help me hold on to you
[00:49.449] I've been the archer, I've been the prey
[00:57.203] Who could ever leave me, darling
[01:01.444] But who could stay?
[01:06.451] Dark side, I search for your dark side
[01:12.691] But what if I'm alright, right, right, right here?
[01:21.942] And I cut off my nose just to spite my face
[01:28.694] Then I hate my reflection for years and years
[01:37.439] I wake in the night, I pace like a ghost
[01:41.198] The room is on fire, invisible smoke
[01:45.878] And all of my heroes die all alone
[01:49.128] Help me hold on to you
[01:52.377] I've been the archer, I've been the prey
[02:00.373] Who could ever leave me, darling
[02:04.627] But who could stay?
[02:09.133] They see right through me
[02:10.632] They see right through
[02:12.875] They see right through me
[02:14.874] Can you see right through?
[02:16.873] They see right through me
[02:18.632] They see right through me
[02:20.634] I see right through me
[02:22.881] I see right through me
[02:24.633] All the king's horses, all the king's men
[02:28.623] Couldn't put me together again
[02:32.384] Cause all of my enemies started out friends
[02:36.383] Help me hold on to you
[02:39.635] I've been the archer, I've been the prey
[02:48.312] Who could ever leave me, darling
[02:51.310] But who could stay?
[02:56.569] Who could stay?
[03:07.315] You could stay
[03:11.314] You could stay
[03:21.321] Combat, I'm ready for combat
[00:03.698] 殊死一搏 我准备好了殊死一搏
[00:09.939] 我说这一切都非我所愿 但如果我渴望这场搏斗呢
[00:18.446] 暴虐与残酷 往往是电影中的最终赢家
[00:25.204] 渴望向你一吐真言 却欲说还休
[00:34.442] 唾手可得的人或事 总是昙花一现
[00:38.204] 从列车上纵身一跃 孑然一身开启新的征程
[00:41.948] 一如既往 懵懂无知
[00:46.191] 请让我把你依靠
[00:49.449] 我是爱的弓箭手 也是爱的猎物
[00:57.203] 亲爱的 谁会渐行渐远 扬长而去
[01:01.444] 谁又会对我不离不弃呢
[01:06.451] 暗无天日 我探寻着你心中的阴霾
[01:12.691] 倘若我已置身于你的阴暗当中了呢
[01:21.942] 冲动的洪流 总是冲垮我理智的大坝
[01:28.694] 悔恨与自责 年复一年地泛滥于心头
[01:37.439] 更阑夜寂 在梦靥中惊醒 魂不守舍 彷徨徘徊
[01:41.198] 房间里 烈焰熊熊燃烧 隐形的硝烟漫布
[01:45.878] 我所有的救世英雄 都形单影只地驾鹤西去
[01:49.128] 请让我把你依靠
[01:52.377] 我是爱的弓箭手 也是爱的猎物
[02:00.373] 亲爱的 谁会渐行渐远 扬长而去
[02:04.627] 谁又会与我生死相依呢
[02:09.133] 他们已经将我看透
[02:10.632] 他们已经将我看透
[02:12.875] 他们已经将我看透
[02:14.874] 你是否能将我看透
[02:16.873] 他们已经将我看透
[02:18.632] 他们已经将我看透
[02:20.634] 我已经看透了我自己
[02:22.881] 我已经看透了我自己
[02:24.633] 纵使是国王所有的战马与骑兵
[02:28.623] 也无法将我心的失地收复
[02:32.384] 我所有的仇敌 都曾是我的朋友
[02:36.383] 请让我把你依靠
[02:39.635] 我是爱的弓箭手 也是爱的猎物
[02:48.312] 亲爱的 谁会渐行渐远 扬长而去
[02:51.310] 谁又会对我不离不弃呢
[02:56.569] 谁又会对我不离不弃呢
[03:07.315] 你可以相伴我左右
[03:11.314] 你可以相伴我左右
[03:21.321] 殊死一搏 我准备好了殊死一搏