Let Me Know

Let Me Know

歌名 Let Me Know
专辑 Let Me Know
[00:00.000] 作词 : FFFLEADER
[00:00.809] 作曲 : FFFLEADER
[00:01.618] 作词:FFFLEADER
[00:04.619] 作曲:FFFLEADER
[00:06.620] 编曲:AiChen
[00:08.369] 录音: Studio Delmonte
[00:10.620] 混音母带: 爆珠bzboom
[00:12.369] Let me know
[00:14.369] If u miss me somehow
[00:15.870] Then call me say u need me want me now
[00:18.619] Let me know
[00:20.619] No one gonna interrupt
[00:22.369] Hold u kiss me party from dusk till dawn
[00:24.869] 飞机优雅降落小岛
[00:26.368] 这里故事你我知道
[00:28.369] 想知道我是否一如往常一样被你需要
[00:31.119] 我 寻找 你的 暗号
[00:34.368] 耳畔掠风的喧嚣
[00:35.868] 你侧脸就像油画精雕
[00:37.619] 是怎样简单的相遇
[00:39.119] 突如其来的没有原因
[00:41.118] I've being waiting seeking Cupid take pity on me
[00:43.619] 等 光阴 贯穿 四季
[00:47.119] 阳光掠过那么温柔
[00:48.368] 太美有你陪伴的午后
[00:50.369] Tell me the places u wanna go
[00:52.119] Ride on my Harley motor
[00:53.869] Every word u say I’ll follow
[00:55.368] Record all u beauty in photo
[00:56.119] Shallow, we run from shallow
[00:58.118] Escape like rocket in NASA promo
[00:59.869] Till we hear the stars making bravo
[01:01.619] That’s the after meal sweet we swallow
[01:02.368] Swallow waffle
[01:04.618] with me there’s nothing struggle
[01:06.119] Every time I see u so close
[01:07.618] Like kush in my head u are my hope
[01:09.119] My hope you girl
[01:11.619] U are the one torching me burning me leading me kissing me loving me I want u to know
[01:14.868] Let me know
[01:16.869] If u miss me somehow
[01:18.368] Then call me say u need me want me now
[01:20.870] Let me know
[01:22.869] No one gonna interrupt
[01:24.619] Hold u kiss me party from dusk till dawn
[01:27.370] Let me know
[01:29.369] Pull all diamonds in your log
[01:31.119] Unblock all limits and you can take these all
[01:33.369] Let me know wow
[01:37.118] No one can take us apart now
[01:39.869] No vacancy here for other
[01:41.620] Occupying all of my heart
[01:43.370] Ride in No.90 and I hold u with a charm
[01:45.869] It’s needless to say
[01:49.370] Gonna get u out of ur house
[01:51.119] Blue fence,tha's what we jumped out
[01:52.620] But now I‘ve been trapped in here alone
[01:54.369] Cuz u say u can't hang on
[01:56.369] It’s the time to lay out
[01:58.118] How many days I’ve been count
[01:59.619] How many days I count
[02:01.869] I’ve been waiting here for so long
[02:03.369] I’ve been waiting here for so long
[02:04.870] Tell me the places u wanna go
[02:06.370] Ride on my Harley motor
[02:07.869] Every word u say I’ll follow
[02:09.868] Record all u beauty in photo
[02:11.120] Shallow, we run from shallow
[02:12.619] Escape like rocket in NASA promo
[02:14.619] Till we hear the stars making bravo
[02:16.118] That’s the after meal sweet we swallow
[02:17.620] Swallow waffle
[02:19.369] with me there’s nothing struggle
[02:20.869] Every time I see u so close
[02:22.368] Like kush in my head u are my hope
[02:23.618] My hope you girl.
[02:26.369] U are the one torching me burning me leading me kissing me loving me I want u to know
[02:29.619] Let me know
[02:31.369] If u miss me somehow
[02:33.618] Then call me say u need me want me now
[02:35.618] Let me know
[02:37.868] No one gonna interrupt
[02:39.869] Hold u kiss me party from dusk till dawn
[02:42.120] Let me know
[02:43.869] Pull all diamonds in your log
[02:45.619] Unblock my walls and you can take these all
[02:48.370] Let me know wow
[02:51.868] No one can take us apart now
[02:55.619] Now I'm trapped in memories alone
[02:58.869] I think it’s a right time to lay it out
[03:01.869] How many lonely nights have gone
[03:05.119] I've been waiting u for so long.
[00:01.618] 作词:FFFLEADER
[00:04.619] 作曲:FFFLEADER
[00:06.620] 编曲:AiChen
[00:08.369] 录音: Studio Delmonte
[00:10.620] 混音母带: 爆珠bzboom
[00:12.369] 让我知道
[00:14.369] 如果你想我
[00:15.870] 就打给我告诉我你想我需要我
[00:18.619] 让我知道
[00:20.619] 无人能阻挡
[00:22.369] 我们的派对从傍晚到日升
[00:24.869] 飞机优雅降落小岛
[00:26.368] 这里故事你我知道
[00:28.369] 想知道我是否一如往常一样被你需要
[00:31.119] 我 寻找 你的 暗号
[00:34.368] 耳畔掠风的喧嚣
[00:35.868] 你侧脸就像油画精雕
[00:37.619] 是怎样简单的相遇
[00:39.119] 突如其来的没有原因
[00:41.118] 我一直在等待期待来自丘比特的可怜
[00:43.619] 等 光阴 贯穿 四季
[00:47.119] 阳光掠过那么温柔
[00:48.368] 太美有你陪伴的午后
[00:50.369] 告诉我你想去的地方
[00:52.119] 骑上我的哈雷摩托
[00:53.869] 你说的每句话都会遵守
[00:55.368] 用照片记录你的美不胜收
[00:56.119] 从边缘的关系逃走
[00:58.118] 像NASA的宣传片里的火箭一样逃走
[00:59.869] 直到听见来自星星的呐喊加油
[01:01.619] 如饭后甜点般的简单自由
[01:02.368] 吞下华夫饼
[01:04.618] 和我在一起不会有什么好担心
[01:06.119] 每当你靠得很近
[01:07.618] 你像烟雾一样缭绕在我脑海的意境
[01:09.119] 你是我的希望
[01:11.619] 是你照亮我燃烧我指引我亲吻我爱着我 我想让你知道
[01:14.868] 让我知道
[01:16.869] 如果你想我
[01:18.368] 就打给我告诉我你想我需要我
[01:20.870] 让我知道
[01:22.869] 无人能阻挡
[01:24.619] 我们的派对从傍晚到日升
[01:27.370] 让我知道
[01:29.369] 把所有的钻石倒进你的航海志
[01:31.119] 打破所有约束 将它们全拿走
[01:33.369] 让我知道
[01:37.118] 没人能拆散我们
[01:39.869] 没有给其他人的地方
[01:41.620] 你占据了我的心房
[01:43.370] 在90号公路上 我搂着你的肩膀
[01:45.869] 没有什么琐碎之言
[01:49.370] 将你带出房间
[01:51.119] 跳过门前蓝色的栅栏
[01:52.620] 但我现在却被困在回忆里面
[01:54.369] 因为你说你无法坚持不懈
[01:56.369] 是时候坦白我的内心感言
[01:58.118] 不知我煎熬了多少时间
[01:59.619] 不知我煎熬了多少时间
[02:01.869] 我已等待太长时间
[02:03.369] 我已等待太长时间
[02:04.870] 告诉我你想去的地方
[02:06.370] 骑上我的哈雷摩托
[02:07.869] 你说的每句话都会遵守
[02:09.868] 用照片记录你的美不胜收
[02:11.120] 从边缘的关系逃走
[02:12.619] 像NASA的宣传片里的火箭一样逃走
[02:14.619] 直到听见来自星星的呐喊加油
[02:16.118] 如饭后甜点般的简单自由
[02:17.620] 吞下华夫饼
[02:19.369] 和我在一起不会有什么好担心
[02:20.869] 每你靠得很近
[02:22.368] 像烟雾一样缭绕在我脑海的意境
[02:23.618] 你是我的希望
[02:26.369] 是你照亮我燃烧我指引我亲吻我爱着我 我想让你知道
[02:29.619] 让我知道
[02:31.369] 如果你想我
[02:33.618] 就打给我告诉我你想我需要我
[02:35.618] 让我知道
[02:37.868] 无人能阻挡
[02:39.869] 我们的派对从傍晚到日升
[02:42.120] 让我知道
[02:43.869] 把所有的钻石倒进你的航海志
[02:45.619] 打破所有约束 将它们全拿走
[02:48.370] 让我知道
[02:51.868] 没人能拆散我们
[02:55.619] 而现在我被困在回忆里面
[02:58.869] 现在是时候说出内心感言
[03:01.869] 度过了多少一人的夜晚时间
[03:05.119] 我已等待太长时间