i'll be waiting for you

i'll be waiting for you

歌名 i'll be waiting for you
歌手 sohayl ryder
专辑 i'll be waiting for you
[00:30.57] They tell me don't waste it
[00:32.54] And I know it's basic
[00:34.59] Cuz patience is a virtue
[00:36.54] But it's so outrageous
[00:38.64] So why is it so hard
[00:40.54] To Find out who u are
[00:42.55] They say be yourself
[00:44.50] But really? Now come on
[00:46.22] Got So much to share
[00:48.26] But how do I say it?
[00:50.27] I've spent so much time
[00:52.18] Seconds gone wasted
[00:54.17] But I did alright
[00:56.09] My dreams and ambitions
[00:58.04] Will keep me upright
[00:59.95] As long as I live them
[01:01.96] So once again
[01:04.17] I'll be waiting for you
[01:05.98] Tell a friend
[01:08.08] Let them know I'm trying
[01:09.89] I've hit descend
[01:11.94] "There's nothing wrong with it"
[01:17.12] So once again
[01:19.68] I'll be waiting for you
[01:21.64] Tell a friend
[01:23.61] Let them know I'm trying
[01:25.26] I've hit descend
[01:27.54] "There's nothing wrong with it"
[01:33.47] This road is closed
[01:35.57] So Suck it up
[01:39.95] There's nothing wrong
[01:43.26] Dear, there's nothing wrong
[01:48.76] This car won't start
[01:51.59] It's fxcked me up
[01:55.12] I think it's time, my dear
[01:59.20] To pack things up
[02:04.35] So once again
[02:06.56] I'll be waiting for you
[02:08.50] Tell a friend
[02:10.82] Let them know I'm trying
[02:12.30] I've hit descend
[02:14.57] "There's nothing wrong with it"
[02:19.41] So once again
[02:22.32] I'll be waiting for you
[02:24.07] Tell a friend
[02:26.33] Let them know I'm trying
[02:27.87] I've hit descend
[02:30.23] "There's nothing wrong with it"
[02:36.13] Blurred trees, broken visions
[02:39.93] New start, new decisions
[02:44.71] Is this really what I wanted now?
[02:48.87] Tell me how I'm gonna get it now
[00:30.57] 他们告诉我不要浪费时间
[00:32.54] 我知道这是必须的
[00:34.59] 因为这是好习惯
[00:36.54] 但这太离谱了
[00:38.64] 为什么这么难
[00:40.54] 找出你是谁
[00:42.55] 他们说要做自己
[00:44.50] 但真的吗?从现在开始吧
[00:46.22] 有那么多要分享的
[00:48.26] 我要怎么讲
[00:50.27] 我花了那么多时间
[00:52.18] 浪费的时间
[00:54.17] 但我做得很好
[00:56.09] 我的梦想与抱负
[00:58.04] 会让我保持正直
[00:59.95] 只要我还活着
[01:01.96] 所以这一次
[01:04.17] 我会等你的
[01:05.98] 告诉他们
[01:08.08] 让他们知道我在努力
[01:09.89] 我打击到你了
[01:11.94] “没事”
[01:17.12] 所以这一次
[01:19.68] 我会等你的
[01:21.64] 告诉他们
[01:23.61] 让他们知道我在努力
[01:25.26] 我撞到你了
[01:27.54] “没事”
[01:33.47] 这条路是死胡同
[01:35.57] 那就算了吧
[01:39.95] 没什么大不了的
[01:43.26] 亲爱的,没什么大不了的
[01:48.76] 这辆车开不出去
[01:51.59] 它把我搞砸了
[01:55.12] 我想是时候了,亲爱的
[01:59.20] 收拾东西
[02:04.35] 所以这一次
[02:06.56] 我会等你的
[02:08.50] 告诉他们
[02:10.82] 让他们知道我在努力
[02:12.30] 我撞到你了
[02:14.57] “没事”
[02:19.41] 所以再一次
[02:22.32] 我会等你的
[02:24.07] 告诉他们
[02:26.33] 让他们知道我在努力
[02:27.87] 我撞到你了
[02:30.23] “没事”
[02:36.13] 迷离的树木,破碎的幻象
[02:39.93] 新的决定,新的旅程
[02:44.71] 这真的是我想要的吗
[02:48.87] 告诉我现在 该怎么做