What Happens Here...

What Happens Here...

歌名 What Happens Here...
歌手 Ross Golan
专辑 The Wrong Man
[00:00.000] 作词 : Golan, Ross Jacob
[00:01.000] 作曲 : Golan, Ross Jacob
[00:05.184] That's how the story ends, and this is how it begins
[00:11.107] It was hard, my father discharged from the armada
[00:14.645] He counted cards and moved our family to Nevada
[00:18.319] And started going to bars, beat mom like a piñata
[00:22.002] I dropped out, got outta there, whatever, yadda yadda
[00:25.963] By the time that I was 16, I cut ties with everybody in my life
[00:31.887] Soon I found myself surfing sofas, so I forged my diploma
[00:40.494] Now I'm here, middle management
[00:43.232] Imagine that, without an upper graduate
[00:45.283] Adamantly battling my abandonment
[00:48.330] From years of getting let down, down, down
[00:51.900] I've learned to keep my head down, down, down
[00:56.569] They say all kinds of clichés here
[01:00.752] Like, "What happens here stays here"
[01:04.119] I know
[01:05.471] But that don't happen here in Reno
[01:09.284] Mariana drives a 1956 teal pickup truck
[01:13.635] The windows rolled down, the radio up
[01:16.441] Cruising Interstate 80 on the bank of the Truckee
[01:20.569] Banking on getting lucky
[01:22.341] Ain't working, but she's still making money from nothing
[01:25.320] 'Cause she's got the body of a prom queen
[01:28.356] A former cocktail waitress who drinks J&B
[01:32.251] She looks 30, is a dirty blonde but was born a brunette
[01:35.851] And yet, that incredible cleavage is as real as it gets
[01:39.453] She's a regular at Ray's, the bar next to the Eldorado
[01:43.477] Looks for men in designer threads like they're the Nevada lotto
[01:46.862] Often dating losers and liquidating their wallets
[01:50.642] She does her best to get by since her first husband bought it
[01:54.881] They say all kinds of clichés here
[01:59.756] Like, "What happens here stays here"
[02:02.989] I know
[02:04.499] But that don't happen here in Reno
[02:08.954] That night I stumbled into Ray's with exhaustion on my face
[02:12.759] Two to one, the Silver Sox hanging on to first place
[02:16.527] A fan of minor league games since I was in second grade
[02:20.246] And Ray has happy hour all night long on days of the games
[02:23.679] Dropped in directly from work in my Monday, Wednesday suit
[02:28.070] A crocheted blue scarf my ex made me last June
[02:31.364] After I got demoted, ne'er saw coming but it did
[02:34.947] Instead my boss hired his lover who's his best friend's kid
[02:39.133] They say all kinds of clichés here
[02:43.912] Like, "What happens here stays here"
[02:47.473] I know
[02:48.881] But that don't happen here in Reno
[02:53.066] She pointed to the stool next to me, "Is someone sitting here?"
[02:57.461] "No, please take a seat, the Silver Sox got the lead"
[03:00.790] She rolled her eyes and bumped her elbow into mine
[03:04.318] Spilled whiskey on my brand new shirt and tie
[03:08.063] "I'm sorry, what's your name?" "Duran, and yours?"
[03:11.696] "Mariana, I live near the Grand Sierra Resort"
[03:15.505] We got a round on the house, one-point-five ounces
[03:19.630] Got piss-drunk and talked about bouncing
[03:23.655] They say all kinds of clichés here
[03:28.449] Like, "What happens here stays here"
[03:31.382] I know
[03:33.166] But that don't happen here in Reno
[03:37.791] She stabbed at her lock, turned and grabbed my cock
[03:41.910] Pulled at my tie and unraveled the knot
[03:44.980] She said she'd be right back to freshly powder her nose
[03:48.743] So, I snooped around and made myself at home
[03:52.490] She had collages on the wall with most of the faces missing
[03:56.268] In her class pictures, even ones with her kissing
[03:59.828] And then she entered the room in full lingerie
[04:03.938] Turned on the record and pumped up the bass
[00:05.184] 刚刚说的是这个故事的结局 现在从头开始给你讲起
[00:11.107] 那时候真挺难的 我父亲刚从舰队退伍
[00:14.645] 清点家当过后 举家迁移 来到内瓦达州
[00:18.319] 此后他开始宿醉不归 成天向妈妈讨钱(piñata指“敲罐得糖”的典故)
[00:22.002] 我果断离家 决定一去不归 已然不顾一切
[00:25.963] 那时我才16岁 却已与世隔绝
[00:31.887] 不久后我染上网瘾 将学业全然忘却
[00:40.494] 如今我岁已中年
[00:43.232] 想着也没什么高文凭
[00:45.283] 对自己放纵过度的曾经后悔难已
[00:48.330] 几年过后 还是一事无成 日渐倾颓
[00:51.900] 渐而屈服 自卑不已
[00:56.569] 人们东扯西道
[01:00.752] 说什么“这里有什么不好的 何不留下”
[01:04.119] 道理谁不明白
[01:05.471] 但里诺对我真不合适
[01:09.284] 玛丽安娜驾着一辆1956蒂尔皮卡
[01:13.635] 敞着车窗 开着收音机
[01:16.441] 安然驶过州界 到特拉基(美国地名)银行存钱
[01:20.569] 想着能赚上一笔
[01:22.341] 事不成心 但她还是有办法闲而得成
[01:25.320] 只因她身姿婀娜 令人瞩目
[01:28.356] 曾经是个调酒师 日日得饮珍宝威(J&B为一种昂贵的酒名)
[01:32.251] 看起来有30岁 像个金发靓女 但原本无奇
[01:35.851] 然而 这番绝艳的姿色还是生来所俱的
[01:39.453] 她是埃尔多拉多公司旁边 瑞家酒吧的常客(Eldorado指一家号称“黄金国度”的公司)
[01:43.477] 攀附一些创思丰富的人 专找在内瓦达有点头面的人
[01:46.862] 也经常跟苦命仔约会 只不过是为了讨钱生存
[01:50.642] 第一个丈夫离开后 她已竭尽全力寻找出路
[01:54.881] 人们东扯西道
[01:59.756] 说什么“这里有什么不好的 何不留下”
[02:02.989] 道理谁不明白
[02:04.499] 但里诺对我真不合适
[02:08.954] 那夜 我走进瑞家酒吧 面带倦意
[02:12.759] 迷糊不清 头昏眼乱
[02:16.527] 自从二年级 我就是个小职业球队联盟的忠实迷
[02:20.246] 瑞家又刚好要在深夜播放好几天的赛事
[02:23.679] 周一工作结束后 我才去的酒吧
[02:28.070] 周三如期穿上了去年六月前任给我织的钩边蓝长袜
[02:31.364] 后来我降职了 出乎意料
[02:34.947] 老板让他现为爱人的好友女儿 来代替我
[02:39.133] 人们东扯西道
[02:43.912] 说什么“这里有什么不好的 何不留下”
[02:47.473] 道理谁不明白
[02:48.881] 但里诺对我真不合适
[02:53.066] 她指着我旁边那个凳子说“这儿有人了吗”
[02:57.461] 我答道“没有 坐下吧,果然还是关系成事”
[03:00.790] 她翻了翻眼 拐了我一下
[03:04.318] 杯中酒无意泼在我身 新衬衫新领带都遭殃
[03:08.063] “对不起 你叫什么?”“杜兰,你呢”
[03:11.696] “玛丽安娜,我住在绝景山脉旁边”
[03:15.505] 她驶着雪豹1.5带我在她家转了一圈
[03:19.630] 喝得酩酊大醉 任口胡说
[03:23.655] 人们东扯西道
[03:28.449] 说什么“这里有什么不好的 何不留下”
[03:31.382] 道理谁不明白
[03:33.166] 但里诺对我真不合适
[03:37.791] 她对我故作引诱 主动与我亲昵
[03:41.910] 拉扯我的领带 解开领结
[03:44.980] 她说去整洗一下 马上回来
[03:48.743] 我窥探一周 果断归家
[03:52.490] 她的墙上贴着人脸消失的抽象拼画
[03:56.268] 班级照上 她几乎与所有人都吻过
[03:59.828] 之后 她全身仅着内衣 踏入房内
[04:03.938] 播放唱片 沉陷那番韵律