Throw It All Away

Throw It All Away

歌名 Throw It All Away
歌手 Madnap
歌手 Aviella
专辑 Throw It All Away
[00:14.04] All of the memories of us are in my head
[00:19.00] I'll be remembering until I can forget
[00:24.12] cause everything we did and all the things you said
[00:30.09] Throw it all away it's useless
[00:33.00] Tired of all your excuses
[00:35.57] If I knew then
[00:38.00] What I know now
[00:40.00] I would be strong
[00:42.94] Enough to get out
[00:45.98] Find my own way
[00:48.00] Away from your love
[00:50.98] Memories I can't escape 'em
[00:53.00] And I'm ready to erase them
[00:56.00] #Drop#
[01:36.01] If we went back to how it was when we were young
[01:40.97] Then I think maybe we could learn to get along
[01:45.92] But we're not getting any younger
[01:49.00] And I'm trying to be stronger
[01:51.00] So I'll throw it all away it's useless
[01:54.95] Tired of all your excuses
[01:57.00] If I knew then
[01:59.98] What I know now
[02:02.00] I would be strong
[02:04.92] Enough to get out
[02:07.03] Find my own way
[02:09.97] Away from your love
[02:12.22] Memories I can't escape 'em
[02:15.00] And I'm ready to erase them
[02:17.94] #Drop#
[00:14.04] 与我们有关的所有回忆都还萦纡心头
[00:19.00] 我会牢记 直到忘记为止
[00:24.12] 因为我们在一起做过的每一件事和你所谓的山盟海誓
[00:30.09] 现在看来都不值一提
[00:33.00] 厌倦了你的所有借口
[00:35.57] 如果我当初知道
[00:38.00] 这些不过只是你的一场骗局
[00:40.00] 我或许会变得足够坚强
[00:42.94] 从失去你的悲伤中脱身
[00:45.98] 找到属于我自己的路
[00:48.00] 远离你的爱
[00:50.98] 我沦陷在我的回忆中
[00:53.00] 是时候去忘记那些刺目的悲伤
[01:36.01] 如果我们能回到年轻气盛的几年
[01:40.97] 也许就能学着如何不再盲目地相爱
[01:45.92] 然而我们已不再年轻
[01:49.00] 而我也要试着自己强大成长
[01:51.00] 让过去的回忆都化为虚无
[01:54.95] 厌倦了你的所有借口
[01:57.00] 如果我当初知道
[01:59.98] 这只是你一个人的游戏
[02:02.00] 我或许会变得足够坚强
[02:04.92] 从你全身而退的悲伤中脱身
[02:07.03] 找到属于我自己的路
[02:09.97] 远离你的爱
[02:12.22] 回忆是我难逃的深渊
[02:15.00] 而我不再沉沦其中