

歌名 Thinking
歌手 NF
专辑 The Search
[00:00.00] 作词 : Nate Feuerstein/Cole Walowac
[00:01.00] 作曲 : Nate Feuerstein/Cole Walowac
[00:11.72] Yeah, growing up, yeah
[00:15.37] Know a lot, but I don't know enough
[00:17.30] What you doin' here?
[00:18.51] Why you even showin' up? Yeah
[00:20.94] Showin' up for tryna show me love
[00:22.91] Why you look confused like you don't really know what's up? Yeah
[00:27.30] Why you always tryna judge?
[00:28.72] I know who you are, yeah
[00:30.08] Why you tryna, tryna front? Yeah
[00:32.92] I am not the man I was, look
[00:35.61] Ayy, made me a promise, I just hope you keep it
[00:38.67] I don't like to get involved with things I don't believe in
[00:41.56] I don't like to hang with people I don't trust to speak with
[00:44.31] If you tell me that you mean it, then I hope you mean it
[00:47.11] Yeah, feel like I don't deserve you when I hurt your feelings
[00:49.98] I'm vulnerable, you got the keys to open all my secrets
[00:52.92] You've always been there when I'm low to help pick up the pieces
[00:55.63] I know I act like I don't need you yet, but lately, I've been thinking
[01:02.51] Yeah, lately, I've been thinking
[01:11.37] Yeah, yeah, I have been thinking
[01:17.40] Yeah, I have been thinking
[01:21.51] Yeah, I wish that I was optimistic
[01:25.56] I wish that I could trust my intuition
[01:27.69] To most, negative thinking makes you a pessimist, but
[01:30.43] To me, negative thinking means I'm just realistic
[01:33.41] That's how I feel, ain't that a twisted view?
[01:35.44] Claim that I don't care what people think, but is that really true?
[01:38.29] Those the type of questions that I struggle with
[01:40.41] That's the type of thing to keep me up at night
[01:42.61] Wondering, I wonder if the pressure I've been under is too much on my shoulders
[01:46.61] Who gon' care when this all fades, I turn gray and get older?
[01:49.33] Yeah, that's the type of thing that I don't wanna answer
[01:52.19] But just 'cause I don't wanna do it don't mean I don't have to
[01:55.19] See, these are lessons that you learn in life
[01:57.62] And we only get one of 'em, hope I'm learning right
[02:00.22] I know that everything comes with a price
[02:02.94] Yeah, yeah, everything comes with a price
[02:05.31] Y'all got no clue what I have sacrificed
[02:07.35] And lately, I've been thinking
[02:11.92] Yeah, lately, I've been thinking
[02:21.79] Yeah, yeah, I have been thinking
[02:27.05] Yeah, I have been thinking (I have been thinking)
[00:11.72] 还是在成长着
[00:15.37] 懂得的越来越多 却总觉得不够用
[00:17.30] 你在那边做什么?
[00:18.51] 为何要在我身边出现?
[00:20.94] 甚至要对我展现着你的爱意
[00:22.91] 但为什么你看起来如此困惑就像你真的什么都不知道?
[00:27.30] 为什么总是喜欢评价他人?
[00:28.72] 可我知道你是谁啊
[00:30.08] 为什么你总是面向前方?
[00:32.92] 我曾是你所渴望 现在却已时过境迁
[00:35.61] 给我一个承诺 我希望你不会食言
[00:38.67] 不愿卷入我所不信任的一切
[00:41.56] 与无法信赖和交流的人们我希望敬而远之
[00:44.31] 若是你说你说话算数 我便希望你言出必行
[00:47.11] 我想使你不悦的那个我是配不上你的
[00:49.98] 我很脆弱 而你掌握着开启我秘密的钥匙
[00:52.92] 每当我弯腰捡拾琐碎的事物你总会与我相伴
[00:55.63] 明知自己是在强装不必有你相伴 但不知为何最近我开始思索
[01:02.51] 是的 最近我总是在思索
[01:11.37] 最近的我思绪不断
[01:17.40] 最近我总想个不停
[01:21.51] 希望我也能乐观一点
[01:25.56] 希望我的直觉总引着正确的方向
[01:27.69] 对很多人来说 消极的思考使让我们成了悲观主义者
[01:30.43] 但于我 消极的方式使我越发真实
[01:33.41] 我感觉如此 多扭曲的视觉对不对?
[01:35.44] 总是申明我不鸟别人想的是什么 但事实是否如此?
[01:38.29] 这些使我翻来覆去的问题
[01:40.41] 便是我彻夜难眠的原因
[01:42.61] 我好奇是否我真的应该承载如此之多的压力
[01:46.61] 当我的光芒泯灭肉体衰老化作灰尘 谁又会在意?
[01:49.33] 这些问题我也不愿回答
[01:52.19] 但我不想不代表着我不必回答
[01:55.19] 回收生活给你上的课
[01:57.62] 现在其实一节就够了 希望我学到的是对的
[02:00.22] 我明白所有的获得总要付出代价
[02:02.94] 天下没有白给的午餐
[02:05.31] 你们都不可能看到我做出的牺牲
[02:07.35] 最近我总想个不停
[02:11.92] 最近的我思绪不断
[02:21.79] 最近我总想个不停
[02:27.05] 最近我总是默默思索着