Let Me Go

Let Me Go

歌名 Let Me Go
歌手 NF
专辑 The Search
[00:00.000] 作词 : Nate Feuerstein/Tommee Profitt/Cole Walowac
[00:01.000] 作曲 : Nate Feuerstein/Tommee Profitt/Cole Walowac
[00:33.370] Talk to you with my hands tied
[00:34.954] Walk towards you on a fine line
[00:37.403] Everybody has a dark side
[00:39.259] I feel embarrassed when they see mine
[00:41.451] Rain falling from my dark skies
[00:43.262] Clouds parting, but it's all lies
[00:45.479] Shouldn't I see the sunshine now?
[00:47.706] Wonder how I look in God's eyes
[00:49.522] Am I a good person or a lost one?
[00:51.488] Will this feel worth it when I'm all done?
[00:53.838] Will I feel ashamed or like who I was?
[00:55.671] Will the pain vanish or will more come?
[00:57.688] Will I stay numb or regain love?
[00:59.739] Maybe someday have a taste of freedom?
[01:01.771] Will I take the poison out of my blood?
[01:03.898] Or just leave it there inside of my lungs?
[01:05.959] I (Know know, know)
[01:07.325] I should let you go, hands are feeling cold
[01:09.459] Just leave me alone (No, no, no)
[01:11.456] I just want control, I feel so exposed
[01:13.540] Liars in my home (No, no, no)
[01:15.335] Please do not provoke, noose around my soul, I cut down a rope
[01:18.573] They don't want me happy, they don't want me fixed
[01:20.816] They don't want me better, they just want me broke
[01:22.881] Talk but never listen, at least I admit it
[01:24.846] Block out all my vision, watchin' me diminish
[01:26.930] That's my favorite pastime, I know nothing different
[01:29.030] Tell me something different, I don't see the difference
[01:31.144] I just feel offended, I just feel defensive
[01:33.111] Why don't you accept me? I just need acceptance
[01:35.194] Time is of the essence, don't like how we spend it
[01:37.266] You just want perfection, I need you to let me
[01:40.110] Let me go, let me go, let me go, let me go
[01:48.093] Let me go, let me go, let me go, let me go
[01:56.260] Let me go, let me go, let me go, let me go
[02:04.575] Let me go, let me go, let me go, let me go
[02:12.658] Why'd you say I don't belong here? (Huh?)
[02:14.358] Fill a bucket full of my tears (Huh?)
[02:16.557] Pour it out the water, all of my insecurities whenever I'm scared
[02:20.491] I watch 'em grow and say I don't care
[02:22.508] I pray to God to ask if hope's real
[02:24.592] And if it is, then I was thinking maybe You could introduce us, we ain't met still
[02:29.054] Yeah, my chest feels like a blade's in it
[02:30.788] Who put it there? I think they did it
[02:32.771] Out the cell now, where am I headed?
[02:34.888] Am I Hell-bound? Will I find Heaven?
[02:36.937] Will I feel better or just regret it?
[02:38.955] If I let you go and find the seven letters
[02:41.071] I've been looking for, it's like it's never endin'
[02:43.104] Open all the doors and let the peace enter
[02:45.271] I'm (So, so, so)
[02:46.621] Pitiful at times, miserable inside
[02:48.586] They want me to hide (No, no, no)
[02:50.674] How can I survive? Change your state of mind
[02:52.805] I should say goodbye (No, no, no)
[02:54.837] They want me to beg, they want me to plead, they want me to die
[02:57.908] They just want me dead, they just want me hurt
[03:00.075] Don't want me to live, don't want me alive
[03:02.153] Stop with the pretending, I don't feel respected
[03:04.403] I just feel rejected, I don't like rejection
[03:06.205] You promise protection, I don't feel protected
[03:08.238] I just feel neglected, how can I respect it?
[03:10.320] I'll teach them a lesson, I pick up the weapon
[03:12.405] Aim in your direction, shoot at my reflection
[03:14.471] Shatter my perception, hate it when I'm desperate
[03:16.503] You just want perfection, I want you to let me
[03:18.871] Let me go, let me go, let me go, let me go
[03:27.430] Let me go, let me go, let me go, let me go
[03:35.602] Let me go, let me go, let me go, let me go
[03:43.878] Let me go, let me go, let me go, let me go (Let me go)
[00:33.370] 束缚双手与你交谈
[00:34.954] 小心翼翼地向你走来
[00:37.403] 每个人都有自己的另一面
[00:39.259] 曝光自已的实在尴尬
[00:41.451] 雨点从暗天落下
[00:43.262] 云在消散,但全是谎言
[00:45.479] 我现在不该见到阳光?
[00:47.706] 我在上帝眼中是何模样
[00:49.522] 是一个好人还是执迷不悟的人?
[00:51.488] 当我做完这一切,会觉得值得吗?
[00:53.838] 我会感到羞愧,或者怀念从前的自己吗?
[00:55.671] 痛苦会消失还是剧增?
[00:57.688] 我会依旧麻木还是重获真爱?
[00:59.739] 或许有天能尝尝自由?
[01:01.771] 我能清除血液中的毒素吗?
[01:03.898] 还是就把它留在我的肺里?
[01:05.959] 我(知道,知道,知道)
[01:07.325] 我该让你走了,手渐觉冰冷。
[01:09.459] 让我静一静(不,不,不)
[01:11.456] 我只是想要控制自己,我觉得自己太暴露了
[01:13.540] 我家中那些骗子(不,不,不)
[01:15.335] 请不要再挑衅,我砍断了一根绳子,栓紧我的灵魂
[01:18.573] 他们不希望我快乐,他们不希望我被治愈
[01:20.816] 他们不希望我变得更好,他们只是想让我破产
[01:22.881] 只说不听,至少我承认
[01:24.846] 挡住我所有视线,看着我消失
[01:26.930] 那是我最喜欢的消遣,我不知道有何不同
[01:29.030] 告诉我一些不一样的,我看不见异样
[01:31.144] 我只是觉得被冒犯了,我只是觉得该防御了
[01:33.111] 你为何不接纳我?我只需要一些接纳
[01:35.194] 光阴至珍,我们竟如此度过?
[01:37.266] 你只想要完美的我,你能不能放过我
[01:40.110] 让我走,让我走,让我走,让我走
[01:48.093] 放我走,放我走,放我走,放我走
[01:56.260] 让我走,让我走,让我走,让我走
[02:04.575] 放我走,放我走,放我走,放我走
[02:12.658] 你为何说我不属于这里?(嗯?)
[02:14.358] 让我声泪俱下?(嗯?)
[02:16.557] 当我害怕时,所有的不安全感倾盆而出
[02:20.491] 看着它们越来越多,却说着我不在乎
[02:22.508] 我向上帝析祷,询问希望真实与否
[02:24.592] 如果是,我想也许你可以引荐一下我们,我们还没见过面
[02:29.054] 是啊,我的胸口插着一把刀
[02:30.788] 谁下的手?我想是他们干的
[02:32.771] 现在走出牢房,我该何去何从?
[02:34.888] 我会下地狱?或者到天堂?
[02:36.937] 我会感觉好点吗?或只是后悔?
[02:38.955] 如果我放开你,去找那七个字母
[02:41.071] 我一直在寻找,就像它从未结束
[02:43.104] 打开所有出口,让喧嚣散去
[02:45.271] 我有时(非常,非常,非常)
[02:46.621] 可怜,内心很痛苦
[02:48.586] 他们想让我躲起来(不,不,不)
[02:50.674] 我该如何活下去?改变你的心态
[02:52.805] 我应该说再见了(不,不,不)
[02:54.837] 他们想让我乞求,他们想让我求饶,他们想让我死去
[02:57.908] 他们只是想让我死,他们只是想让我受伤
[03:00.075] 不想让我活着,不想让我活下去
[03:02.153] 别装模作样了,我感觉不到任何尊重
[03:04.403] 我觉得自己被否决了,我不喜欢否决
[03:06.205] 你发誓要保护我, 我却感受不到庇护
[03:08.238] 我感觉被忽视了,又该如问去尊重它?
[03:10.320] 我来给他们点教训,拿起武器
[03:12.405] 瞄准你的方向,对着我的倒影开枪
[03:14.471] 粉碎我的知觉,当我绝望时它是如此可恨
[03:16.503] 你只想要完美的我,你能不能放过我
[03:18.871] 让我走,让我走,让我走,让我走
[03:27.430] 放我走,放我走,放我走,放我走
[03:35.602] 让我走,让我走,让我走,让我走
[03:43.878] 放我走,放我走,放我走,放我走