

歌名 Only
歌手 NF
歌手 Sasha Sloan
专辑 The Search
[00:00.00] 作词 : Nate Feuerstein/Tommee Profitt/Sasha Alex Sloan/Henry Allen
[00:00.15] 作曲 : Nate Feuerstein/Tommee Profitt/Sasha Alex Sloan/Henry Allen
[00:00.30] <Chorus: Sasha Sloan>
[00:00.303] I can't be the only one who’s lonely tonight
[00:10.571] I can't be the only—
[00:14.586] <Verse 1: NF>
[00:14.786] Yeah, does anybody feel like me?
[00:16.753] Show of hands, I don't need a lot, I just wanna find my peace
[00:19.875] Yeah, why you throwin’ rocks, oh, you wanna kill my dreams?
[00:23.440] Okay, tell me everything I'm not
[00:25.520] You think I didn't know those things?
[00:26.889] Always been a little lost and I still might be
[00:28.586] Life's hard, but it's okay (It's okay)
[00:29.970] Watchin' the comments feels like I'm at a court date
[00:32.336] How could I complain
[00:33.239] With a house like this and a car like that in the driveway?
[00:35.737] Half of what I say
[00:36.670] Kinda feels like a dream that I’m gonna wake from someday
[00:39.170] Wishin’ that I'd pray
[00:40.126] A little more often and put more time into my faith
[00:42.603] Travel in my brain, woo, might find damage and no grace
[00:45.520] Things that I hold on to, but I won’t say things that I won't let go
[00:48.003] So I chain my soul to the heartbreak
[00:49.653] Havin' a nice day, that's not a average in my case
[00:51.669] Don’t like cameras in my face; glamour, it's all fake
[00:54.189] Love my job, but it might seem odd that I'm here 'cause I hate fame
[00:56.674] Yeah, pay my debt to me, throwin' threats at me
[00:59.473] They can't tell, disconnectin' me, it's affectin' me
[01:02.972] Hide that well, they'll write checks to me, but don't check on me
[01:06.406] By myself, always questioning what comes next for me
[01:09.840] I can't be the only—
[01:11.105] <Chorus: Sasha Sloan>
[01:11.524] No, I can't be the only one who's lonely tonight
[01:19.686] No, I can't be the only—
[01:24.102] <Verse 2: NF>
[01:24.269] Yeah, if you made a list of people that you trusted would you put your name down?
[01:27.686] Do you know who you are when you look at life and you talk about yours, do you feel proud?
[01:31.152] Are you leaving a mark, or scared to make a bad impression so you just go hide in the dark?
[01:34.712] Livin' and playin' a part, knowin' regret'll come back up tomorrow
[01:37.760] That's what it does, ain't it? Don't know what we're chasin', but we all do it
[01:40.593] Just a part of life, I guess we're all foolish
[01:42.277] Running after what we think will make us happy 'til it falls through
[01:45.206] And then we find out later it ain't what we wanted
[01:46.723] So we give up on it, then we pile the garbage
[01:48.355] And we watch it grow and find a drug and numb it
[01:50.092] 'Til we hit the point that we can barely function
[01:51.843] Am I motivated? Is my music dated?
[01:53.592] Would I be the same if I was medicated?
[01:55.340] Even therapists say I need medication
[01:56.989] I avoid it, though, because I'm scared to take it
[01:58.807] Am I the only one that has a loaded gun
[02:00.442] That's full of doubts and memories to overcome?
[02:02.173] And I complain about 'em when they shoot at me
[02:03.923] But I know truthfully I like to load 'em up and let 'em—
[02:06.091] That's so sad to see, that's so sad to see, I need help
[02:09.924] They talk passively, then come after me by myself
[02:13.379] Lost that half of me, God, there has to be someone else
[02:16.864] Don't feel bad for me, I just can't believe that I'm only
[02:19.729] <Chorus: Sasha Sloan>
[02:20.030] No, I can't be the only one who's lonely tonight
[02:29.198] No, I can't be the only—
[02:33.715] <Bridge: Sasha Sloan, with NF>
[02:34.264] There's gotta be somebody out there
[02:37.514] There's gotta be somebody somewhere
[02:40.914] Who needs company, and it's comforting to know
[02:48.292] There's gotta be somebody out there
[02:51.313] There's gotta be somebody somewhere
[02:54.848] Who needs company, and it's comforting to know
[03:01.217] <Chorus: Sasha Sloan>
[03:01.483] I can't be the only one who's lonely tonight
[03:11.093] No, I (I) can't be the only— (Only)
[03:16.645] Can't be the only one who's lonely tonight
[03:24.887] No, I (I) can't be the only—
[00:00.303] 我不是今夜唯一的孤独患者
[00:10.571] 我不是唯一一个
[00:14.786] Yeah,有人能和我感同身受吗?
[00:16.753] 举起手给我看看,我不需要太多,只想获得些许安慰
[00:19.875] Yeah,你为何朝我扔石头,oh,想扼杀我的梦想?
[00:23.440] Okay,告诉我我配不上这些
[00:25.520] 你以为我不知道你说的那些东西?
[00:26.889] 看上去总是有点失落, 是的我有时仍会那样
[00:28.586] 日子过得艰难,但我还能承受
[00:29.970] 看着这些评论,我还以为到了自己的审判日
[00:32.336] 我该如何去抱怨
[00:33.239] 在路边住着这样的房子,开着破烂的车?
[00:35.737] 我的话已说了一半了
[00:36.670] 在某一天我也会从似梦似醒的生活中醒来
[00:39.170] 到了那时,希望我仍然会去祈祷
[00:40.126] 把更多的精力和时间投入到我的信仰之中
[00:42.603] 在我脑海里遨游,woo,会发现那些被伤害过和没有怜悯的地方
[00:45.520] 那些我不曾开口却坚信的事,一定会给个交代
[00:48.003] 正因如此,我无法从心碎的事中脱身
[00:49.653] 度过愉快的一天,这对我来说并不轻松
[00:51.669] 别拿相机对着我拍照;什么魅力,都是假的
[00:54.189] 热爱我的工作,但在我这儿听起来却很奇怪,因为我厌恶名气
[00:56.674] Yeah,为自己欠下的事买单,与危险常伴
[00:59.473] 他们不会说与我切断联系,这些正影响着我
[01:02.972] 藏好吧,他们会写账单给我,但却不会关心我
[01:06.406] 独自一人,总质疑着接下来会发生什么
[01:09.840] 我不是今夜的唯一—
[01:11.524] 不,我不是今夜的唯一孤独患者
[01:19.686] 不,我不是唯一那个
[01:24.269] Yeah,列出你信任人的名单,你会将你的名字放在其中吗?
[01:27.686] 当你着眼生活,和别人谈论自己时会感到自豪吗?(孤独)
[01:31.152] 当你留下污点,或害怕留下坏印象时,难道就只躲藏在黑暗之中吗?(孤独)
[01:34.712] 在生活中扮演着自己的角色,知道遗憾在黎明之时会再来
[01:37.760] 生活原本就是如此, 难道不是吗? 不清楚自己在追寻什么, 但我们也不愿停下脚步
[01:40.593] 这只是生活的一部分 也许我们都愚笨至极
[01:42.277] 追逐以为会让自己感到快乐的东西,直到碰壁(孤独)
[01:45.206] 随后又会发现 这些并不是我们想要的
[01:46.723] 所以放弃追逐,将最后的动力也丢进垃圾袋中(孤独)
[01:48.355] 最后失望越积越多,开始靠药物将自己麻醉
[01:50.092] 直到我们到了几乎不能工作的地步
[01:51.843] 是我太有上进心?还是我的音乐已过时?
[01:53.592] 如果我接受药物治疗,还会是原来的自己吗
[01:55.340] 就连治疗师都说我需要药物治疗
[01:56.989] 但我回避了他,因为我害怕药物
[01:58.807] 难道只有我才有上膛的枪吗
[02:00.442] 这充满了怀疑和需要克服的记忆
[02:02.173] 我也会去抱怨 当他们朝我开枪
[02:03.923] 但坦诚的讲,我更爱将枪上膛 给他们个回击!
[02:06.091] 这场面不忍直视,为此我深感抱歉,我需要帮助
[02:09.924] 他们不再理直气壮的讲话 并跟在我的身后
[02:13.379] 那不再是从前的我,上帝,我一定是被谁给操控了
[02:16.864] 别为我感到难过,我只是无法相信我是孤独的
[02:19.729] <Chorus: Sasha Sloan>
[02:20.030] 不,我不是今夜唯一的孤独患者
[02:29.198] 不,我不是唯一那个
[02:34.264] 也许某人就在那里
[02:37.514] 也许他就在那里等着
[02:40.914] 他需要有人陪伴,需要得到释然
[02:48.292] 他一定就在那里
[02:51.313] 他一定在那里等着
[02:54.848] 他需要一些陪伴,需要得到释然
[03:01.483] 我不是今夜唯一的孤独患者
[03:11.093] 不,我不是唯一——(唯一一个)
[03:16.645] 不是唯一那个孤独患者
[03:24.887] 不,我不是唯一一个