

歌名 Curious
歌手 Rich Brian
专辑 The Sailor
[00:00.000] 作词 : Sergiu Adrian Gherman/Daniel Tannenbaum/Craig Balmoris/Brian Imanuel/Tyler Reese Mehlenbacher/Daniel Nathan Krieger
[00:01.000] 作曲 : Sergiu Adrian Gherman/Daniel Tannenbaum/Craig Balmoris/Brian Imanuel/Tyler Reese Mehlenbacher/Daniel Nathan Krieger
[00:17.507] Imagine if life was a game
[00:19.591] Imagine if all of this is fake
[00:21.657] Imagine if everything ended
[00:23.540] And we go to Heaven and meet all the greats
[00:26.140] Imagine if there was no Drake
[00:28.174] Imagine if there was no Wayne
[00:30.274] Would rappers be garbage? Would people be rappin'?
[00:32.507] Will everyone still sound the same?
[00:34.957] Man, nobody knows it, all of a sudden
[00:37.124] I'm overthinkin', sound like I'm trippin'
[00:39.173] Came to the States, feel like I'm goin' Lindsay
[00:41.323] Taste of fluoride in this water I'm drinkin'
[00:43.440] I don't know why I don't make friends in this business
[00:45.707] Seem like they all wanna win but not with me
[00:47.985] Went to a party in hopes for some kisses
[00:50.018] Girl and her friends and they lookin' delicious
[00:52.967] I came up to 'em, there was four of 'em
[00:54.901] There was one of me, I liked all of 'em
[00:57.217] They liked none of me
[00:58.234] All this bubbly got me stumblin'
[01:00.283] Talked more with the one girl with the pretty fit
[01:02.701] 'Cause I saw through her and the wall she built
[01:04.850] She actin' all that, her friends were all wack
[01:07.016] I asked why she bein' cold to me
[01:08.917] And she said she don't like guys like me
[01:11.066] Oh, you mean smart and funny and has a big ****?
[01:13.700] And doesn't have to fake **** just to fit in
[01:15.933] Maybe we're not meant to be acquaintin'
[01:18.000] 5'9", confidence through the roof
[01:20.033] Not to mention I'm 19, so are you
[01:22.101] We both still got lips, let's put it to use
[01:24.183] Then we smashed that night, she gave me the flu, ayy
[01:27.799] (That **** was not worth it)
[01:28.417] I got sick and sad, man, it gave me the blues
[01:30.917] I started thinkin' 'bout life, all the **** I been through
[01:33.000] At 14, when I didn't have friends or school
[01:35.116] Or when I thought nachos was Italian food
[01:37.215] When I thought smokin' cigarettes would make me cool
[01:39.550] All the nights that I spent in my room
[01:41.950] I guess we could always improve
[01:44.683] I miss my family, miss my home
[01:46.683] Wish I could visit a little more
[01:48.783] The journey's 20 hours, flight too long
[01:50.866] I only get to see 'em on my phone
[01:53.199] Time does fly
[01:54.566] I went from good wine to seein' tears in my mom's eyes
[01:58.167] I don't blame her, though
[01:59.233] She used to feed me, now I live alone
[02:01.750] Doin' things she don't know about
[02:03.415] But I'm always her angel (Always her angel)
[02:05.665] Man, I wonder what my mom was thinkin'
[02:07.500] When she realized that her son's a little too famous
[02:10.466] A little too anxious
[02:11.832] Went from havin' no friends, now he's singin' on stages
[02:14.932] I'm her youngest son
[02:16.050] She just hopin' that I know what to do with my paper
[02:19.149] When I think about it, ****
[02:21.116] I don't know how I could live without it
[02:23.032] I just bought some **** at the grocery
[02:24.716] Some coconut water and some frozen meat
[02:27.049] This gotta be good for my dopamine
[02:29.199] Sometimes I still miss the nicotine
[02:31.282] I've been nervous and vomitin'
[02:33.536] Doing shows don't even sound fun to me
[02:35.748] Told the crowd that I have food poisonin'
[02:37.833] Had a trash can side of the stage for me
[02:39.914] Man, I don't know why it happened to me
[02:42.199] But I think I'm right where I'm supposed to be
[02:45.164] I think it's meant to be, I mean, I think I'm meant to be
[02:48.799] Put a kid with a dream in a room full of books
[02:50.916] He gon' read even though none of it's understood, ayy
[02:53.598] Shouts out to the ones doin' things
[02:55.333] Everyone was afraid or unable to do, man
[02:57.365] The world needs more of you, the world needs more like you
[03:02.366] And I heard that the simplest choice that you choose
[03:04.548] Ain't simple, it's actually huge
[03:06.230] And the older I get, man, the more that it's true
[03:08.132] Don't believe in the hate, just believe in the truth
[03:10.449] I don't spend the bread, I just know how to chase it
[03:12.848] If the difference isn't here, I'll make it
[03:15.164] No, I do not live for validation
[03:17.230] **** your comments and your mama's basement
[03:19.615] Always rich because that's what my name is
[03:21.681] Greatest days are on a daily basis
[03:23.747] RZA's ******' with me, man, I made it
[03:25.948] If I could, man, I would never change ****
[00:17.507] 想象一下人生只是游戏
[00:19.591] 这些全都是假的
[00:21.657] 想象所有事都结束了
[00:23.540] 我们去了天堂而且有美好的结局
[00:26.140] 想象一下如果没有Drake
[00:28.174] 没有Lil Wayne
[00:30.274] 那些rapper们会是什么样?还有人玩说唱吗
[00:32.507] 是不是每个人做的歌听起来都一样
[00:34.957] man 没有人知道,一切都太快了
[00:37.124] 我想得太多了,就像产生了幻觉
[00:39.173] 来到了米国我好像变成了Lindsay一样
[00:41.323] 喝着加了氟的水
[00:43.440] 我不知道怎么在商业关系里交朋友
[00:45.707] 似乎他们都不想和我一起赚钱
[00:47.985] 去party想要亲亲
[00:50.018] 女生们看起来都超正点
[00:52.967] 我走向她们四个
[00:54.901] 我喜欢她们四个
[00:57.217] 但她们一点都不喜欢我
[00:58.234] 这些香槟让我慌张
[01:00.283] 和她们之中打扮得最好看的女生聊天
[01:02.701] 因为我的视线已经穿过了她的防线
[01:04.850] 她假装成她朋友一样的怪人
[01:07.016] 我问她为什么对我冷漠
[01:08.917] 她说她不喜欢我这样的o(╥﹏╥)o
[01:11.066] 噢 你是说你不喜欢聪明幽默而且有大吉吉的人
[01:13.700] 而且我不用假装合群
[01:15.933] 可能我们不该认识
[01:18.000] 身高175(5'9''应该是指美国男性平均身高),自信爆棚
[01:20.033] 我们都才19岁
[01:22.101] 我们都有嘴,所以我可以亲你吗
[01:24.183] 然后我们度过良宵,她传染了我感冒
[01:27.799] 靠 亏了
[01:28.417] 我得了病,心情也很差
[01:30.917] 我开始回忆我过去的生活
[01:33.000] 14岁的时候,我没有朋友也没上学
[01:35.116] 那时我认为玉米片是意大利食品
[01:37.215] 也觉得抽烟很酷
[01:39.550] 那时候每个待在房间里的夜晚
[01:41.950] 我想都可以变得更好
[01:44.683] 我思念家人和我的家乡
[01:46.683] 希望可以回去得更频繁
[01:48.783] 但20小时的飞行时间太长了
[01:50.866] 我只能在手机上看看他们
[01:53.199] 时间飞快
[01:54.566] 我透过酒杯中见了妈妈的眼泪
[01:58.167] 我不怪她
[01:59.233] 她曾经把我养大,现在我自己养活自己
[02:01.750] 做着她不理解的事情
[02:03.415] 但我一直是她心中的宝贝
[02:05.665] Man 我想知道我妈妈在想什么
[02:07.500] 当她知道她的儿子有点出名的时候
[02:10.466] 有点焦虑的时候
[02:11.832] 从没有朋友到站在舞台上演出
[02:14.932] 我是我妈最小的孩子
[02:16.050] 她只希望我知道我该做什么
[02:19.149] 当我回忆这些的时候(淦)
[02:21.116] 我不知道没有这些我怎么活下去
[02:23.032] 我在杂货店买了点东西
[02:24.716] 买了椰子水和冷藏肉
[02:27.049] 这应该能让我兴奋
[02:29.199] 有时候我会想抽烟
[02:31.282] 这段时间我常常会紧张和呕吐
[02:33.536] 巡演对我来说也没什么意思
[02:35.748] 我告诉观众我食物中毒了
[02:37.833] 在舞台边还有一个为我准备的垃圾桶
[02:39.914] Man 我不知道这些为什么发生在我身上
[02:42.199] 但我觉得我在做对的事情
[02:45.164] 这些都是应该的,我的意思是,我是对的
[02:48.799] 一个有梦想的孩子待在一间满是书的房间里
[02:50.916] 他也会去阅读和学习,尽管他什么都不懂
[02:53.598] 我尊敬那些人
[02:55.333] 他们做着所有人都害怕或是做不到的事情
[02:57.365] 这个世界需要更多的你,需要更多像你一样的人
[03:02.366] 我听说要选择最简单的选择
[03:04.548] 并不容易,反而很困难
[03:06.230] 并且我年龄越大越觉得这个道理正确
[03:08.132] 不要相信那些嫉妒和厌恶,相信事实就好了
[03:10.449] 我不花钱,我只知道怎么赚钱
[03:12.848] 如果这有区别的话我会把他们变成一样的
[03:15.164] 我不是为了赞美而活
[03:17.230] 杠精和啃老键盘侠们请去si
[03:19.615] 一直很rich因为我名字就是Rich
[03:21.681] 每天我都很嗨皮
[03:23.747] RZA现在和我一起玩,兄弟我做到了
[03:25.948] 如果可以的话,我不会改变这一切