The Sailor

The Sailor

歌名 The Sailor
歌手 Rich Brian
专辑 The Sailor
[00:00.000] 作词 : Sergiu Adrian Gherman/Daniel Tannenbaum/Craig Balmoris/Brian Imanuel/Tyler Reese Mehlenbacher/Daniel Nathan Krieger
[00:01.000] 作曲 : Sergiu Adrian Gherman/Daniel Tannenbaum/Craig Balmoris/Brian Imanuel/Tyler Reese Mehlenbacher/Daniel Nathan Krieger
[00:10.998] The time flies when you spend your nights in the Westin
[00:13.864] I didn’t know that snakes come in the form of a best friend,
[00:16.647] Who you faking for you’re ready for your lights camera action,
[00:19.230] This ain’t Trader Joe’s you paying for my verses with 5 tens
[00:21.949] I’m on stage alone what is you doing with 5 men,
[00:24.597] Hit up record stores to see if my new **** has sold out yet,
[00:27.314] And we don’t aim at all but we hit all of the targets,
[00:29.997] Man I’m h*lla spiritual my soul is nothing to **** with
[00:32.847] Woke up with a *****, we didn’t have a conversation man she just creamed on my ****,
[00:37.513] Don’t get involved in altercations got too much fame for this ****,
[00:40.063] Made so much money I forgot about like who paid for this ****
[00:42.730] I got used to destruction so I’m always causin problems,
[00:45.529] The only difference between me and you is you’re the bad one,
[00:48.397] I do not socialize with these rappers I just destroy em,
[00:50.930] When times are good I do not pull my phone out I enjoy em
[00:53.730] Uh, uh, you’re making me mad, bad energy man where my Palo Santo at,
[00:59.213] Told her don’t **** me cuz this **** get sentimental fast,
[01:01.563] But she didn’t listen we was on the devil’s lettuce wrap (laughs)
[01:04.864] I’m just a social smoker, but I’m a social person,
[01:07.513] My brain yellin stop I’m tryna be good like a social worker,
[01:10.245] It’s only 2 o clock and this gas put me in a coma,
[01:12.745] Got that fire burnin I’ll call you back when I’m feelin sober
[01:15.629] I’m feelin pressure from my job lately
[01:17.929] I guess if I don’t drop a song today then I’m just lazy
[01:20.730] I haven’t dropped a thing in months so what does that make me
[01:23.280] but then again I’m somewhat famous you supposed to hate me
[01:25.980] Pissed off, with the heat drawn, man I’ll neva, stop ventin til the beat stop,
[01:29.578] when the beat drop get setup for action,
[01:31.313] I just mind my own man I don’t write disses I just write songs,
[01:33.995] but then again if nobody gets hurt then where’s the fun
[01:41.881] Woke up this morning
[01:44.288] Nothing in the fridge
[01:45.263] Nothing to eat
[01:47.415] My stomach talking angry to me
[01:50.427] Went outside forgot to brush my teeth
[01:53.628] Jetted over to the corner store
[01:56.390] Picked up some bubble gum, some passion fruit ice tea
[02:00.001] Went outside and felt a breeze
[02:02.393] A young girl walked up the street, came up right next to me
[02:06.808] She looked me up and down with curiosity
[02:09.931] Like I was standing there but not where I was supposed to be
[02:14.265] She cracked a smile and said…
[02:17.256] “Open. Your. Eye.”
[02:21.293] Uhh what the **** are you talking about?
[02:27.899] I can see just fine.
[02:32.395] “No Mister,” she said. But can you answer this question of mine?
[02:37.074] Where do we go when we die?
[02:40.864] What is the color of blue if there isn’t a sky?
[02:53.045] What is the meaning of life?
[02:56.944] What is a life if a moment can end in a blink of an eye?
[00:10.998] 你在威斯汀共度良宵,时光飞逝
[00:13.864] 我不知道他们是不是笑里藏刀
[00:16.647] 你上台前早已安排好演员
[00:19.230] 这才不是便利店别想低价买我的歌
[00:21.949] 我一个人就顶你们六个人
[00:24.597] 让我看看我的专辑是不是已经售空
[00:27.314] 我们本意本非如此怎奈天赋异凛
[00:29.997] 我就是那种无可匹敌的有趣的灵魂
[00:32.847] 早上醒来二话不说就开冲
[00:37.513] 别陷入争端来博取公众眼球
[00:40.063] 赚了这么多钱,你们看不到我背后的努力
[00:42.730] 我已习惯于毁灭所以我总是制造麻烦
[00:45.529] 我和你的区别就是你是个憨憨
[00:48.397] 我不和那帮憨憨来往只是锤爆他们
[00:50.930] 电话关机享受我自己的美好时光
[00:53.730] 啊,啊,你惹怒我了,让我用用圣檀木压压怒火
[00:59.213] 告诉她,离我远点因为她太多愁善感了
[01:01.563] 她不听,于是我们继续与恶魔共舞(笑)
[01:04.864] 我只在社交场合抽烟,但这并不代表者我不是个狠人
[01:07.513] 我一心从善可惜我的脑子叫我停下
[01:10.245] 才两点这玩意已经让我上头了
[01:12.745] 继续磕,我清醒了会给你回电话的
[01:15.629] 这个工作让我感到压力
[01:17.929] 不出歌只是因为我懒而已
[01:20.730] 几个月了没放出一首歌,那又怎么样呢
[01:23.280] 我还是这么耀眼让你眼红
[01:25.980] 你继续生气吧,我先走了,你可以泄愤直到节拍停止
[01:29.578] 这个beat是为我搞事准备的
[01:31.313] 提醒自己心平气和好好写歌,别写diss
[01:33.995] 太有趣了没有人受伤嘛
[01:41.881] 今天早上醒来
[01:44.288] 冰箱里啥都没
[01:45.263] 没东西可以吃
[01:47.415] 我的胃在抗议
[01:50.427] 没刷牙就出门
[01:53.628] 飞奔到拐角的商店
[01:56.390] 选了泡泡糖和百香果冰茶
[02:00.001] 走出门去让风吹醒我
[02:02.393] 有个女孩在街上走着,向我走来
[02:06.808] 她好奇地打量着我
[02:09.931] 就好像我不应该站在这一样
[02:14.265] 她笑了,然后说
[02:17.256] “睁开,你的,眼。”
[02:21.293] 诶你在说啥
[02:27.899] 我能看的见
[02:32.395] “先生,不。”她说道,“回答下我的问题好吗?”
[02:37.074] 我们何去何从?
[02:40.864] 天真的是蓝色的吗?
[02:53.045] 生活的意义何在呢?
[02:56.944] 如果人生转瞬即逝,又会怎么样呢?