

歌名 Vacant
歌手 Rich Brian
专辑 The Sailor
[00:00.000] 作词 : Sergiu Adrian Gherman/Daniel Tannenbaum/Craig Balmoris/Brian Imanuel/Tyler Reese Mehlenbacher/Daniel Nathan Krieger/Melissa Lingafelt
[00:01.000] 作曲 : Sergiu Adrian Gherman/Daniel Tannenbaum/Craig Balmoris/Brian Imanuel/Tyler Reese Mehlenbacher/Daniel Nathan Krieger/Melissa Lingafelt
[00:20.930] Fighting so much I forgot how peace feels
[00:22.786] If you like that memory so much than you should keep it
[00:25.003] He’s the one you called up when you’re lonely on the weekends
[00:27.536] He’s the one that broke your heart into those little pieces
[00:30.033] Now you don’t trust anything I say unless you see it
[00:32.482] Tears on your face I’m tryna give you all my Kleenex
[00:35.038] But I aint make you cry girl, he did
[00:36.988] Know it aint my fault that he dipped
[00:38.804] Know it aint my fault he cheated
[00:40.696] Why you say that I got secrets?
[00:42.602] Well I’m here tryna make you breakfast
[00:44.450] What the **** you thinks my intention?
[00:46.306] Before we start to fight give me head first
[00:48.351] I’m starting to despise my reflection
[00:50.265] And girl it’s time to let it go
[01:00.667] Cuz I won’t be here no more
[01:10.907] When you got a problem who you call?
[01:12.630] Who was there to calm you down when you felt like you lost it all?
[01:14.921] How you say that I seem disconnected every time we talk?
[01:17.311] Can’t you see I tried my best and you just putting up your walls?
[01:19.850] Oh the perfect couple
[01:21.171] No I’m not thinking bout leaving but if you just ask a couple more times I just might
[01:25.690] Never really been good at reading but maybe you’ve just never been with people that cared your whole life
[01:30.638] Figure out when you want to give it up
[01:32.823] Ima call my ******* up
[01:34.196] Yeah the ones you said I got
[01:35.215] Maybe book a restaurant
[01:36.535] Since I’m tryna break your heart
[01:37.684] Since I never gave a ****
[01:38.837] and we fight then it’s my fault
[01:40.171] I don’t get you
[01:41.500] You aint ever talk about our good moments
[01:44.140] Your bed feels better when I’m on it
[01:46.250] Feelin uneasy everytime you call me
[01:48.823] Only playin nice with me cuz you want it
[01:56.133] And girl it’s time to let it go
[02:00.921] Cuz I won’t be here no more
[00:20.930] 我早就因为频繁的吵架忘记了什么是安稳的感情
[00:22.786] 如果你那么喜欢那种有着争吵的回忆,那你大不了就留下它
[00:25.003] 他是那个你周末无聊时叫出去耍的人
[00:27.536] 他是那个让你心碎无以复加的人
[00:30.033] 现在除了你亲眼看到的,你不会再相信我亲口说的了
[00:32.482] 你流的那么多泪想让我把所有的抽纸都递给你
[00:35.038] 但你得记住他才是让你这样的人
[00:36.988] 你要明白是他堕落了
[00:38.804] 是他劈腿了
[00:40.696] 倒是你为什么你会质问我对你有所隐瞒?
[00:42.602] 我现在试着给你做爱心早餐
[00:44.450] 但你tm以为我有什么别的目的?
[00:46.306] 吵架之前来的那点儿鱼水之欢
[00:48.351] 让我都开始瞧不起自己
[00:50.265] 女孩儿,是时候让它过去了
[01:00.667] 因为我想离开了
[01:10.907] 你曾打给谁倾诉衷肠?
[01:12.630] 谁曾在你感觉一无所有的时候给你安慰?
[01:14.921] 竟然如此,你怎么能说我们彼此未曾心意相通?
[01:17.311] 难道你看不见是你自己筑起心墙试图将我阻隔在外?
[01:19.850] 我们可真是对儿“完美情侣”
[01:21.171] 尽管我还没想过分手,若是你再多问几次,我也许真的会
[01:25.690] 我不擅长读你,但也许错在你从未跟在乎你一切的我好好在一起
[01:30.638] 若是发现你想放手
[01:32.823] 我可以马上去找别的妞
[01:34.196] 就像你过去臆想的那样做
[01:35.215] 也许是去订家餐厅
[01:36.535] 因为我就是想让你也试试心碎
[01:37.684] 因为我从没tm在乎过
[01:38.837] 一吵架就是我错在先
[01:40.171] 我不懂你
[01:41.500] 你从没记得我们之间的好
[01:44.140] 要知道你的床有我才有温度
[01:46.250] 每次你叫我名字我都头大
[01:48.823] 只有你想要的时候你才会跟我示好
[01:56.133] 放下一切的时候到了宝贝
[02:00.921] 因为我以后不会在了