

歌名 Awakening
歌手 Jay Eskar
专辑 Awakening
[00:04] Contemplating the true eternal sound
[00:07.300] Even for half a moment
[00:09.200] Confers much more spiritual merits
[00:13] Than nothing in the holy city of Hikashi
[00:16.500] For millions of years (Awakening)
[01:26] This is indeed very desireable fruit of such knowledge
[01:30.700] That needs to be fought to make it consider it and comprehend it
[01:35.300] Now the essence of reality
[01:38] That dawns within and gives enlightenment(Awakening)
[02:41.740] Meditate everyday, all meditation is a postive step forward, never give up
[00:04] 深思熟虑真正永恒的声音
[00:07.300] 即使转瞬即逝
[00:09.200] 也能赋予灵魂更多的解放
[00:13] 这点与空虚的hikashi圣城相比
[00:16.500] 要领先数百万年(人类们尚在觉醒)
[01:26] 这的的确确是这类知识理想的成果
[01:30.700] 需要努力争取去斟酌着理解它
[01:35.300] 眼下实际的本质
[01:38] 内在的曙光启迪人类(觉醒吧.)
[02:41.740] 日复一日地苦思冥想吧,所有的冥想都是向前迈出积极的一步,请不要轻言放弃