Count The Hours

Count The Hours

歌名 Count The Hours
歌手 Nevve
歌手 Kastilione
专辑 Count The Hours
[00:00.00] 作曲 : Keeley Bumford/杨泊尼/杨约翰
[00:05.83] I'm waiting through the shallows
[00:08.95] Just waiting for a sign
[00:12.14] It's dark under the clouds tonight
[00:18.51] You know I count the hours
[00:21.50] I’m waiting every second
[00:24.63] Till you realize
[00:26.52] Through the lows and the highs
[00:28.07] I'm the one you had to find
[00:31.31] Hey oooh
[00:34.36] Yeah oooh
[00:37.47] Will you realize
[00:39.14] I'm the one you had to find
[00:42.32] To find
[00:44.22] You know I count
[00:53.53] You know I count
[01:00.23] You know I play until, play until
[01:06.74] You know I count
[01:13.09] I used to know just what I needed
[01:16.21] Figures in the light
[01:19.44] But Now I’m struggling to survive
[01:24.09] The collide
[01:25.80] You know I count the hours
[01:28.59] I’m waiting every second
[01:31.70] Till you realize
[01:33.57] Through the lows and the highs
[01:35.18] I'm the one you had to find
[01:38.45] Hey oooh
[01:41.36] Yeah oooh
[01:44.52] Will you realize
[01:46.51] I'm the one you had to find
[01:49.36] To find
[01:51.39] You know I count
[02:00.58] You know I count
[02:07.37] You know I play until, play until
[02:13.74] You know I count
[00:05.83] 我悄悄地在湖边等待着
[00:08.95] 等着上天给我的一个指示
[00:12.14] 今夜云月下一片漆黑
[00:18.51] 我一直都在数着每一个消逝的时辰
[00:21.50] 分分秒秒都使我无比期待
[00:24.63] 你想到了吗?
[00:26.52] 期望着攀登高峰却跌入深谷
[00:28.07] 我才是你要寻找的那个人
[00:31.31] hey............
[00:34.36] yeah..........
[00:37.47] 你是否会知道
[00:39.14] 我就是你注定去寻找的人
[00:42.32] 去寻找
[00:44.22] 我数着那些消逝的时辰
[00:53.53] 我静静地数着......
[01:00.23] 你知道我玩到,玩到
[01:06.74] 我激动地数着.......
[01:13.09] 我本以为知道自己要的是什么
[01:16.21] 每天却只顾着捕风捉影
[01:19.44] 但我现在明白了我要么有意义地活着
[01:24.09] 亦或是被别人遗忘在某个角落
[01:25.80] 我每天数着时辰一个个消逝
[01:28.59] 等待着每分每秒的到来
[01:31.70] 直到你明白
[01:33.57] 不管爬的多高跌的多深
[01:35.18] 我都是你注定要寻找的那个人
[01:38.45] hey.........
[01:41.36] yeah.........
[01:44.52] 你是否会明白
[01:46.51] 我才是你要寻找的那个人
[01:49.36] 命中注定的那位
[01:51.39] 我不动声色地数着......
[02:00.58] 我急躁无比地数着......
[02:07.37] 我波澜不惊地数着......
[02:13.74] 我欢天喜地数着.......