

歌名 Simple
歌手 OGTrevor
歌手 Tripping
歌手 A.T.M
专辑 Simple
[00:00.000] 作词 : OGTrevor/Tripping/Never sleep
[00:01.000] 作曲 : OGTrevor/Tripping/Never sleep
[00:05.461] 编曲:BIZY
[00:10.964] Tripping:
[00:12.214] life so simple I wanna get away
[00:15.963] just tryna make me take that easy way
[00:18.964] Ive lost my time stuckin the other place
[00:22.213] you got me sick when u got me sick
[00:25.464] I lost my temple just take the pills
[00:28.712] just take this travel never feel so real
[00:31.960] 是谁去谁留 太多借口
[00:35.461] 是时候Let go don’t let me know
[00:38.464] I’ve lost in the circle 我迷失在街头
[00:40.960] 从来不曾接受这借口
[00:42.461] 看时间不回头
[00:43.461] Shawty let me know
[00:44.713] I‘ve got the bullet I’ve got the pen
[00:46.211] I’ve got my shawty I live in my dream
[00:47.964] 放下了过去 也喝得更醉
[00:49.461] 残留的味道 它属于着谁
[00:50.463] Never sleep:
[00:51.164] 房间的光 昏暗遮掩我视线
[00:53.915] 弥漫着香 慢慢摄入让我疯癫
[00:56.918] 回忆着过往 梦魇渐渐的浮现
[01:00.165] 一直埋藏在记忆深处的位面
[01:03.165] 也许新的一天又会被留念
[01:06.167] 忘记了从前然后抛开时间
[01:09.414] 浑浑噩噩的度过了几年
[01:13.164] 像跟过去素未谋面
[01:14.917] 笑着接受新的历练
[01:16.664] 回到起点 又转了几圈
[01:19.916] 有人弃权 腐朽到终焉
[01:22.914] 有人兑现了曾经的诺言
[01:26.414] 时间的浪潮 推动到终点
[01:29.168] OGTrevor:
[01:29.664] 又是生死离别的那一种场面
[01:32.916] 就好像这个世界对我有偏见
[01:35.914] 学会了不去在乎外界的冷眼
[01:38.914] 但还一次次的相信你给的谎言
[01:41.914] I came through the way you took away
[01:45.164] It seems too high a price to pay
[01:48.664] I’m facing the cross like the choice you made
[01:51.668] but we ain’t the same even got same last name
[01:54.414] (给你打了电话)你也不告诉我你在哪
[01:58.167] 我害怕会再也见不到你了吧
[02:00.666] (everyday all the same) 我会偷偷为你掉眼泪
[02:04.418] God damn all i want is just a home to stay
[02:07.914] I came through the way you took away
[02:11.165] It seems too high a price to pay
[02:14.164] I’m facing the cross like the choice you made
[02:17.417] But we are not the same even have same last name
[00:12.214] 生活太直白 我只想走开
[00:15.963] 我不想同流合污
[00:18.964] 我丢失了时间 困在另一个空间
[00:22.213] 你让我煎熬
[00:25.464] 我丢失了节奏 服下了药
[00:28.712] 感受这旅途 从未如此真实
[00:35.461] 是时候放手 别让我知道
[00:43.461] 女孩请告诉我
[00:44.713] 我能利用子弹 也能拿起书笔
[00:46.211] 我和我的女孩活在我的梦里
[01:41.914] 我踏上你走过的路
[01:45.164] 看起来要付出的代价不小
[01:48.664] 我面对了你曾经驻足的十字路口
[01:51.668] 但我们不会一样,就算名字印在一本家书
[02:04.418] 天哪 我只想有个家
[02:07.914] 我踏上你走过的路
[02:11.165] 看起来要付出的代价不小
[02:14.164] 我面对了你曾经驻足的十字路口
[02:17.417] 但我们不一样,就算名字印在一本家书