Almost Grown

Almost Grown

歌名 Almost Grown
歌手 Lawrence
专辑 Living Room
[00:20:35] Looking for the new way
[00:25:42] Under my skin
[00:29:33] Under my skin
[00:34:24] Feels like it's a school day
[00:40:22] When will it end?
[00:43:92] When will it end?
[00:47:75] Why can't we just get along?
[00:55:06] Throw out your fighting words
[01:02:24] It still hurts
[01:05:89] It still hurts
[01:09:84] I'm tired of hurlin' stones
[01:16:06] We're almost grown
[01:19:84] We're almost grown
[01:30:48] Grown
[01:40:90] You don't seem to worry
[01:46:29] You're doing fine
[01:49:32] You're doing fine
[01:55:59] And I'm in such a hurry
[01:59:62] That I'm falling behind
[02:04:73] Where is the time?
[02:08:63] Why can't we just get along?
[02:15:56] Throw out your fighting words
[02:22:15] Cause It still hurts
[02:26:43] It still hurts
[02:30:37] I'm tired of hurlin' stones
[02:36:84] We're almost grown
[02:40:43] We're almost grown
[02:47:62] We're almost grown
[03:37:33] Throw out your fighting words
[03:43:90] It still hurts
[03:47:28] It still hurts
[03:51:96] I'm tired of hurlin' stones
[03:57:43] We're almost grown
[04:01:05] We're almost grown
[04:06:50] Throw out your fighting words
[04:12:46] Cause it still hurts
[04:16:50] It still hurts
[04:21:16] I'm tired of hurlin' stones
[04:26:66] We're almost grown
[04:30:85] We're almost grown
[04:34:93] So, throw out your fighting words
[04:42:31] Cause it still hurts
[04:45:89] It still hurts
[04:50:81] I'm tired of hurlin' stones
[04:57:05] We're almost grown
[04:59:82] We're almost grown
[05:06:99] We're almost grown
[00:20:35] 寻找新的途径
[00:25:42] 在我肌肤之下
[00:29:33] 在我表层之中
[00:34:24] 就像在上学时一样
[00:40:22] 这何时会结束?
[00:43:92] 究竟何时会结束?
[00:47:75] 为什么我们不能和睦相处?
[00:55:06] 丢掉你的激烈言辞
[01:02:24] 那太伤人了
[01:05:89] 真的很伤人
[01:09:84] 我已厌倦了互相攻击
[01:16:06] 我们都长大了
[01:19:84] 我们都成熟了
[01:30:48] 成长了...
[01:40:90] 你好像对此不很关心
[01:46:29] 你做的很好
[01:49:32] 你做的已经足够好了...
[01:55:59] 我很焦急
[01:59:62] 我早已居于人后
[02:04:73] 现在是什么时候了?
[02:08:63] 为什么我们不能和睦相处?
[02:15:56] 丢掉你的污言秽语
[02:22:15] 因为那的确伤人
[02:26:43] 太伤人了...
[02:30:37] 我已厌倦了互相攻击
[02:36:84] 我们都长大了
[02:40:43] 我们都有所成长
[02:47:62] 我们都成熟了...
[03:37:33] 抛弃你的攻击话语
[03:43:90] 它太伤人了
[03:47:28] 的确太伤人了...
[03:51:96] 我真的厌倦互相伤害了
[03:57:43] 我们都长大了
[04:01:05] 我们都成熟了
[04:06:50] 丢掉你的污言秽语吧
[04:12:46] 因为那任然在伤害着我
[04:16:50] 依然很伤人
[04:21:16] 我不愿再互相攻击了
[04:26:66] 我们都有所成长
[04:30:85] 我们都长大了
[04:34:93] 所以,丢掉你的激烈言辞吧
[04:42:31] 因为它仍然在刺痛着我
[04:45:89] 那太伤人了
[04:50:81] 我不想再互相伤害了
[04:57:05] 我们都长大了
[04:59:82] 都成熟了
[05:06:99] 都理性了......