Say You Won't Let Go

Say You Won't Let Go

歌名 Say You Won't Let Go
歌手 Lucca Massa
专辑 Say You Won't Let Go
[00:00.00] 作曲 : Neil Richard Ormandy;James Arthur;Steve Solomon
[00:10.67] I met you in the dark
[00:13.18] You lit me up
[00:15.69] You made me feel as though
[00:18.23] I was enough
[00:20.55] We danced the night away
[00:23.23] We drank too much
[00:25.75] I held your hair back when
[00:28.35] You were throwing up
[00:30.83] Then you smiled over your shoulder
[00:33.40] For a minute I was stone cold sober
[00:35.83] I pulled you closer to my chest
[00:40.86] And you asked me to stay over
[00:43.49] I said I already told ya
[00:46.00] I think that you should get some rest
[00:50.93] I knew I loved you then
[00:53.50] But you'd never know
[00:56.01] Cause I played it cool when I was scared of letting go
[01:01.13] I know I needed you
[01:03.57] But I never showed
[01:06.16] But I wanna stay with you
[01:08.35] Until we're grey and old
[01:10.71] Just say you won't let go
[01:15.60] Just say you won't let go
[01:21.31] I wake you up with some breakfast in bed
[01:26.29] I'll bring you coffee
[01:28.36] With a kiss on your head
[01:31.36] And I'll take the kids to school
[01:33.69] Wave them goodbye
[01:36.39] And I'll thank my lucky stars for that night
[01:41.49] When you looked over your shoulder
[01:44.10] For a minute I forget that I'm older
[01:46.60] I wanna dance with you right now oh
[01:51.63] And you look as beautiful as ever
[01:54.38] And I swear that everyday you'll get better
[01:56.70] You make me feel this way somehow
[02:01.75] I'm so in love with you
[02:04.19] And I hope you know
[02:06.69] Darling your love is more than it's worth in gold
[02:11.80] We've come so far my dear
[02:14.38] Look how we've grown
[02:16.85] And I wanna stay with you
[02:19.11] Until we're grey and old
[02:21.37] Just say you won't let go
[02:26.23] Just say you won't let go
[02:32.15] I wanna live with you
[02:34.67] Even when we're ghosts
[02:36.99] Cause you were always there for me
[02:39.26] When I needed you most
[02:41.94] I'm gonna love you till
[02:44.68] My lungs give out
[02:46.98] I promise till death we part
[02:49.64] Like in our vows
[02:52.25] So I wrote this song for you
[02:54.69] Now everybody knows
[02:57.36] Cause it's just you and me
[02:59.60] Until we're grey and old
[03:01.88] Just say you won't let go
[03:06.71] Just say you won't let go
[03:11.92] Just say you won't let go
[03:16.38] Oh just say you won't let go
[00:10.67] 与你在黑暗中邂逅
[00:13.18] 你将我点亮
[00:15.69] 你让我感到
[00:18.23] 今生无悔
[00:20.55] 你我舞到天明
[00:23.23] 喝得酩酊大醉
[00:25.75] 我轻挽你的秀发
[00:28.35] 在你将吐之时
[00:30.83] 接着你回眸一笑
[00:33.40] 让我瞬间清醒
[00:35.83] 我将你揽入怀中
[00:40.86] 你叫我留下过夜
[00:43.49] 可我说道
[00:46.00] 你得好好休息下
[00:50.93] 我爱你至深
[00:53.50] 可你难以知晓
[00:56.01] 只因与你惜别时 我还故作冷漠
[01:01.13] 我深知我需要你
[01:03.57] 可我从未表现
[01:06.16] 我想与你携手
[01:08.35] 直到头发花白
[01:10.71] 告诉我 你绝不放手
[01:15.60] 绝不放手
[01:21.31] 我为你带来早餐 将你轻轻叫醒
[01:26.29] 为你冲杯咖啡
[01:28.36] 再亲吻你额头
[01:31.36] 我会送孩子们去上学
[01:33.69] 向他们挥手道别
[01:36.39] 你就是我的幸运星 我三生有幸
[01:41.49] 当你回眸一笑
[01:44.10] 那一刻我竟忘了年华已逝
[01:46.60] 我此刻只想与你共舞
[01:51.63] 你依旧眉目如画
[01:54.38] 我发誓你的美只会与日俱增
[01:56.70] 这便是你给我的感觉
[02:01.75] 我是如此爱你
[02:04.19] 我只想你知道
[02:06.69] 亲爱的 你的爱对我来说弥足珍贵
[02:11.80] 我们携手共度
[02:14.38] 看看一路走来
[02:16.85] 我想与你相伴
[02:19.11] 直到两鬓斑白
[02:21.37] 告诉我 你绝不放手
[02:26.23] 绝不放手
[02:32.15] 我想同你生活
[02:34.67] 无论在天堂还是地狱
[02:36.99] 只因在我需要你时
[02:39.26] 你都伴我左右
[02:41.94] 我会一直爱着你
[02:44.68] 哪怕最后一口气
[02:46.98] 你我的爱至死不渝
[02:49.64] 就像当初的海誓山盟
[02:52.25] 所以我为你写了这首歌
[02:54.69] 让所有人知道
[02:57.36] 你和我
[02:59.60] 会爱到天荒地老
[03:01.88] 告诉我 你绝不放手
[03:06.71] 绝不放手
[03:11.92] 告诉我 你绝不放手
[03:16.38] 绝不放手