With You

With You

歌名 With You
歌手 Jayden
歌手 Jake Reese
专辑 With You
[00:08.74] When I wake in the morning
[00:10.43] Wipe the sleep from my eyes
[00:12.43] Who’s staring back from the mirror
[00:14.32] Coz I don’t recognise ‘em
[00:16.41] Its only when I’m with you
[00:18.35] That it just feels right
[00:20.50] And up to then I’m waiting
[00:22.91] Trying hard to pass the time, time
[00:26.08] No matter what I do, you’re on my mind, mind
[00:30.13] Coz everywhere we go, we’re on a ride, ride
[00:34.23] Until I’m by your side
[00:36.86] There’s nothing more I like
[00:38.78] Than when I’m hanging with you
[00:41.94] I’ll never be down my friend
[00:44.17] I’ll never be up again
[00:46.10] Without you
[00:49.11] You, whenever you’re around my friend
[00:52.23] I’ll never be down again
[00:54.10] When with you
[01:02.91] You, you, you
[01:06.57] I’ll never be down, down, down
[01:08.60] I’ll never be up, up, up
[01:10.47] Without you, you, you
[01:17.65] Thinking back to before when
[01:19.56] You came into my life
[01:21.66] I didn’t know I need ya
[01:23.47] Until you were beside me
[01:25.62] There was something missing
[01:27.53] And now I realise
[01:29.71] That I was always waiting
[01:31.71] Trying hard to pass the time, time
[01:34.91] No matter what I do, you’re on my mind, mind
[01:39.16] Coz everywhere we go, we’re on a ride, ride,
[01:43.23] Until I’m by your side
[01:46.13] There’s nothing more I like
[01:47.87] Than when I’m hanging with you
[01:50.98] I’ll never be down my friend
[01:53.22] I’ll never be up again
[01:55.15] Without you
[01:58.23] You, whenever you’re round my friend
[02:01.22] I’ll never be down again
[02:03.34] When with you
[02:19.38] When with you
[02:22.76] I’ll never be down, down, down
[02:25.84] I’ll never be up, up, up
[02:27.70] Without you,
[02:30.87] I’ll never be down, down, down
[02:33.86] I’ll never be up, up, up
[02:35.80] Without you,
[00:08.74] 梦醒时分
[00:10.43] 抹去眼角睡意
[00:12.43] 镜子里面又是谁在我背后乱瞅
[00:14.32] 是那些我并不熟知的人
[00:16.41] 只在有你陪伴时
[00:18.35] 一切皆为自然
[00:20.50] 你没在时,一直憧憬着与你欢聚
[00:22.91] 煎熬着度过一日一年
[00:26.08] 无论我着手何事,脑海里无时不刻回荡着你的身影
[00:30.13] 无论我们身在何方,我们总会一直前进,永不止步
[00:34.23] 直到来到你的身边
[00:36.86] 没有什么能够
[00:38.78] 比得上即便是与你走走逛逛的那样快活
[00:41.94] 我的挚友,有了你我不再心灰意冷
[00:44.17] 可没了你,我可能不再振奋昂扬
[00:46.10] 与你形影不离
[00:49.11] 我的挚友,无论何时都有你的陪伴
[00:52.23] 我就不会再垂头丧气
[00:54.10] 只因与你心心相印
[01:02.91] 你~
[01:06.57] 有了你,我不再心灰意冷
[01:08.60] 没了你,我可能不再振奋昂扬
[01:10.47] 与你形影不离
[01:17.65] 回想往事
[01:19.56] 你来到我生命里的那天
[01:21.66] 我不知我会如此需要你
[01:23.47] 直到你陪着我度过漫长岁月
[01:25.62] 也有好多事情都已错过
[01:27.53] 而如今我豁然开朗
[01:29.71] 你没在时,一直憧憬着与你欢聚
[01:31.71] 煎熬着度过一日一年
[01:34.91] 无论我着手何事,脑海里无时不刻回荡着你的身影
[01:39.16] 无论我们身在何方,我们总会一直前进,永不止步
[01:43.23] 直到来到你的身边
[01:46.13] 没有什么能够
[01:47.87] 比得上即便是与你走走逛逛的那样快活
[01:50.98] 我的挚友,有了你我不再心灰意冷
[01:53.22] 可没了你,我可能不再振奋昂扬
[01:55.15] 与你形影不离
[01:58.23] 我的挚友,无论何时都有你的陪伴
[02:01.22] 我就不会再垂头丧气
[02:03.34] 我们在一起时
[02:19.38] 形影不离
[02:22.76] 有了你,我不再心灰意冷
[02:25.84] 没了你,我可能不再振奋昂扬
[02:27.70] 与你心心相印
[02:30.87] 有了你,我不再心灰意冷
[02:33.86] 没了你,我可能不再振奋昂扬
[02:35.80] 我们在一起时,形影不离