歌名 M
歌手 Florist
专辑 Emily Alone
[00:16.026] Can I see heaven's light
[00:27.886] With a magic spell and candlelight?
[00:39.928] I need someone to tell me yes
[00:47.556] I believe in things we cannot see
[00:55.262] The world's hanging over me
[01:03.464] The glow keeps me company
[01:25.668] Can I feel your hands on my arms?
[01:38.155] Lavender blows through the room
[01:50.798] I know it's not the ending yet
[01:58.531] Sleep next to me like no one does
[02:06.733] No,you're the only one
[02:16.059] No, you're the only one
[02:24.209] No, you're the only one
[02:32.803] No, you're the only one
[00:16.026] 我能够亲眼目睹天堂的曙光吗
[00:27.886] 带有一连串具有魔力的咒语又或是一抹烛光
[00:39.928] 我需要一个人告诉我一切并无差错
[00:47.556] 我坚信这里还有我们所不能目及的事物
[00:55.262] 整个世界正笼罩着我
[01:03.464] 只有微弱摇曳的光辉与我为伴
[01:25.668] 我是否能够感觉你的手就至于我的臂膀之上
[01:38.155] 当薰衣草香被吹入我的卧室时
[01:50.798] 我知道一切还没走到尽头
[01:58.531] 你酣睡在我身边无人能及
[02:06.733] 也许并不是 也许只有你才是唯一
[02:16.059] 不 也许并不是 也许只有你才是唯一
[02:24.209] 不 只有你才是唯一
[02:32.803] 不 只有你才是唯一