Family Matters

Family Matters

歌名 Family Matters
歌手 YBN Cordae
歌手 Arin Ray
专辑 The Lost Boy
[00:00.00] 作词 : Cordae Dunston/Arin Ray/Uforo Ebong/Thomas Brenneck/Homer Steinweiss/David Guy/Leon Michels/Ramon Velez/Raymond Komba
[00:01.00] 作曲 : Cordae Dunston/Arin Ray/Uforo Ebong/Thomas Brenneck/Homer Steinweiss/David Guy/Leon Michels/Ramon Velez/Raymond Komba
[00:21.48] Uh I got an auntie who be raisin' her daughter's kids
[00:24.54] She's 46 one is 1 one is 2 others 4 and 6
[00:28.44] Baby dad ain't really with that supportive s**t
[00:30.91] I come to town iced out with the foreign drip
[00:33.81] I got another cousin she the same age as me
[00:36.47] Our lifestyles completely different and basically
[00:39.27] Her baby dad beat her a*s what I hate to see
[00:41.86] Her black eye as I cried it's a daily thing uh
[00:45.70] And here I am chasin' dreams
[00:47.74] Ignorant with bliss worryin' 'bout plays and streams
[00:50.31] The crazy part is they don't even say a thing
[00:52.99] They don't want me to worry just go and make the cream
[00:55.29] I got an aunt with a cheatin' husband always knew he bogus
[00:58.76] Used to wear turtlenecks and some Louis loafers
[01:01.40] Comin' home to family struggles got me losin' focus
[01:04.15] I don't know how else to deal so it's too late now
[01:06.27] I got a brother out there who like 5 years old
[01:09.05] I don't know why daddy tried to hide your soul
[01:11.74] No blood test needed 'cause it just might be
[01:14.42] Seen the picture lil' man lookin' just like me
[01:18.28] It be the ones that's closest
[01:21.01] That go through the motions
[01:23.60] Maybe it's me that's been selfish
[01:26.37] Don't know why I can't help it
[01:28.97] And it's been hard for me
[01:30.56] To see what you been goin' through it's tirin'
[01:34.52] 'Cause you've been sufferin' you've been sufferin'
[01:37.41] No more sufferin' in silence
[01:39.95] And they don't even ask for s**t
[01:41.58] When I was broke grandma MoneyGram-ed me cash and s**t
[01:44.25] And she wasn't even the one that was havin' it
[01:47.23] Family be matterin' most but as a catalyst
[01:49.88] I got another cousin buggin' who addicted to Xans
[01:52.75] Said it was her substitute for never gettin' a man
[01:55.47] Said we all need love only if it's in the plan
[01:58.23] Forced love the worst love throw that s**t in the can
[02:00.76] I got an auntie who a ********** it hurt my soul
[02:03.80] Promise you sellin' your body ain't worth that gold
[02:06.40] Reverse that role you don't gotta swerve that road
[02:09.34] Searching for the answers I don't wanna search that low
[02:11.84] 'Cause I done been through a lot my family goes through worse
[02:14.81] Cryin' on this airplane how I wrote this verse
[02:17.45] They be sufferin' in silence they don't tell me a thing
[02:20.26] All they tell me is ***** go excel in your dreams
[02:22.98] Yeah it be the ones that's closest
[02:26.66] That go through the motions
[02:29.44] Maybe it's me that's been selfish
[02:32.03] Don't know why I can't help it
[02:34.84] And it's been hard for me
[02:36.37] To see what you been goin' through it's tirin'
[02:40.13] 'Cause you've been sufferin' been sufferin'
[02:43.35] No more sufferin' in silence
[02:45.91] It be the ones that's closest
[02:48.70] That go through the motions
[02:51.37] Maybe it's me that's been selfish
[02:54.05] Don't know why I can't help it
[02:56.80] And it's been hard for me
[02:58.31] To see what you been goin' through it's tirin'
[03:02.17] You've been sufferin' been sufferin'
[03:05.27] No more sufferin' in silence
[00:21.48] 我有个阿姨在抚养她女儿的孩子
[00:24.54] 她已经46岁,那群孩子一个1岁一个2岁另外两个分别是4岁和6岁
[00:28.44] 孩子他爸并不真正支持这件事(没有提供帮助)
[00:30.91] 我来到了一个冷漠的全是外国人的城市
[00:33.81] 我还有另一个表姐妹她和我相同年纪
[00:36.47] 我们的生活方式完全不同
[00:39.27] 我讨厌看到她的孩子的爸对她施暴(这里和上面都用的baby dad应该是代表他们都没有尽到作为丈夫的义务,所以不用夫妻之类的词来指他们)
[00:41.86] 她的眼眶被打得像我哭的时候一样青肿是日常
[00:45.70] 我在这里追逐梦想
[00:47.74] 对幸福的无知(指没有真正的幸福)就是对这些闹剧似的事情的担忧
[00:50.31] 最疯狂的是她们甚至不发一语
[00:52.99] 她们不想我担心,那就安心去狠揍他们吧
[00:55.29] 我有个阿姨有个骗子丈夫,她一直知道他在欺骗
[00:58.76] 以前经常穿高领毛衣和路易乐福鞋(lv的鞋)(可能是暗示现在比较节俭,既有与husband有生活节俭意思的双关,也与上句有了逻辑)
[01:01.40] 回到家卷入家人间的争斗让我无法注意力集中(指追逐梦想)
[01:04.15] 我不知道如何解决这些事所以现在已经太晚了
[01:06.27] 我有一个五岁的弟弟在那里(out there双关上战场,可能指被卷入家庭矛盾)
[01:09.05] 我不知道为什么爸爸尝试去埋没你的灵魂
[01:11.74] 可能是因为不需要验血(可能不是亲生的?)
[01:14.42] 看着这个看起来像我的小家伙的照片(结合上句,我觉得这里并不一定指长得像,可能是指遭遇)
[01:18.28] 这就是最近的一些事
[01:21.01] 装装样子走个过场
[01:23.60] 也许是我自私
[01:26.37] 不知道为什么我无法改善状况
[01:28.97] 这对我来说太困难了
[01:30.56] 去看看你经历了什么让你这么累
[01:34.52] 因为你已经被伤害得那么深
[01:37.41] 不能更多地默默承受痛苦了
[01:39.95] 并且他们从来不寻求解决
[01:41.58] 当我一无所有的时候是奶奶给了我资金和和帮助
[01:44.25] 并且她甚至不是那个拥有钱的人
[01:47.23] 家庭是最重要的但却像是一种催化剂(引发了家庭的这些事)
[01:49.88] 我有一个另外的表姐对xans上瘾,她深陷于其中
[01:52.75] 说这是她从来没有得到过一个男人的替代(能让她兴奋)
[01:55.47] 说在计划中我们都仅仅是需要爱(可能是与下句承接,计划中的爱就是强迫的爱)
[01:58.23] 强迫的爱是最糟糕的爱把这玩意扔厕所里(can有厕所的意思,in the can也可以表示完成了的,可能表示cordae已经抛弃了这种所谓的爱)
[02:00.76] 我有一个阿姨是个卖的?(打码我没听出来这是什么词)这伤了我的灵魂
[02:03.80] 保证你出卖自己的肉体并不值钱
[02:06.40] 反转这个角色你不需要在这条道上转弯
[02:09.34] 寻找答案,我不想是寻找一个低下的答案
[02:11.84] 因为我已经经历了很多,我的家庭经历得更糟糕
[02:14.81] 我是如何在飞机上写下这段词的
[02:17.45] 他们默默承受了很多他们没有告诉我的痛苦
[02:20.26] 他们都告诉我的是小伙去达到你的梦想
[02:22.98] 这就是最近的一些事
[02:26.66] 装装样子走个过场
[02:29.44] 可能是我自私
[02:32.03] 不知道为什么我无法改善状况
[02:34.84] 这对我来说太难了
[02:36.37] 去看看你经历了什么让你感到疲惫
[02:40.13] 你已经被伤害得太深了
[02:43.35] 不能再默默承受更多痛苦了
[02:45.91] 这就是最近的一些事
[02:48.70] 装装样子走个过场
[02:51.37] 可能是我自私
[02:54.05] 不知道为什么我无法改善状况
[02:56.80] 这对我来说太难了
[02:58.31] 去看看你经历了什么让你感到疲惫
[03:02.17] 你已经被伤害得太深了
[03:05.27] 不能再默默承受更多痛苦了