Wait for Me

Wait for Me

歌名 Wait for Me
歌手 André De Shields
歌手 Reeve Carney
歌手 Jewelle Blackman
歌手 Yvette Gonzalez-Nacer
歌手 Kay Trinidad
歌手 Timothy Hughes
歌手 Malcolm Armwood
歌手 Jessie Shelton
歌手 Kimberly Marable
歌手 Khaila Wilcoxon
歌手 Ahmad Simmons
歌手 Afra Hines
歌手 T. Oliver Reid
歌手 John Krause
专辑 Hadestown (Original Broadway Cast Recording)
[00:00.023] [HERMES, spoken]
[00:00.063] How to get to Hadestown:
[00:02.307] You have to take the long way down
[00:05.055] Through the underground, under cover of night
[00:07.851] Layin' low, stayin' out of sight
[00:10.373] Ain't no compass, brother, ain't no map
[00:13.209] Just a telephone wire and a railroad track
[00:15.850] Keep on walkin' and don't look back
[00:18.684] 'Til you get to the bottomland
[00:20.328] [ORPHEUS]
[00:20.485] Wait for me, I'm comin'
[00:25.996] Wait, I'm comin' with you
[00:31.605] Wait for me, I'm comin' too
[00:36.602] I'm coming too
[00:38.353] [HERMES, spoken]
[00:38.577] The River Styx is high and wide
[00:40.638] Cinder bricks and razor wire
[00:43.061] Walls of iron and concrete
[00:45.825] Hound dogs howling 'round the gate
[00:48.209] Those dogs'll lay down and play dead
[00:50.876] If you got the bones, if you got the bread
[00:53.546] But if all you got is your own two legs
[00:56.479] Just be glad you got 'em
[00:58.702] [ORPHEUS and FATES]
[00:58.851] Wait for me, I'm comin'
[01:03.930] Wait, I'm comin' with you
[01:09.421] Wait for me, I'm comin' too
[01:14.616] I'm coming too
[01:15.941] [FATES]
[01:16.120] Who are you?
[01:18.768] [FATE]
[01:18.922] Where do you think you're going?
[01:22.760] [FATES]
[01:22.897] Who are you?
[01:24.221] [FATE]
[01:24.395] Why are you all alone?
[01:27.740] [FATES]
[01:27.898] Who do you-
[01:30.677] [FATE]
[01:30.840] -Think you are?
[01:31.651] [FATES]
[01:31.783] Who are you-
[01:32.508] [FATE]
[01:32.646] -To think that you can walk a road that no one ever walked before?
[01:37.213] [ORPHEUS]
[01:37.379] La la la la la la
[01:49.823] La la la la la la la
[01:53.637] (the COMPANY begins to echo and do rounds)
[01:59.379] [ORPHEUS]
[01:59.584] La la la la la la la
[02:04.263] La la la la la
[02:07.277] (HERMES cuts them off)
[02:07.846] [HERMES]
[02:08.193] You're on the lam, you’re on the run
[02:11.740] Don't give your name, you don't have one
[02:14.531] And don't look no one in the eye
[02:17.456] That town'll try to suck you dry
[02:19.784] They'll suck your brain, they'll suck your breath
[02:22.738] They'll pluck the heart right out your chest
[02:25.309] They'll truss you up in your Sunday best
[02:27.888] And stuff your mouth with cotton
[02:30.986] [ORPHEUS and COMPANY]
[02:31.168] Wait for me I'm coming! I'm coming I'm coming
[02:35.215] Wait, I'm coming with you I'm coming
[02:40.728] Wait Wait I'm coming for me, I'm coming too
[02:44.806] I'm coming!
[02:46.956] [COMPANY]
[02:47.129] Wait!
[02:47.864] [ORPHEUS]
[02:49.160] I'm coming wait for me
[02:49.452] [COMPANY]
[02:49.582] Wait!
[02:50.379] [ORPHEUS and HERMES]
[02:50.682] I hear the walls repeating
[02:52.431] [COMPANY]
[02:52.570] Wait!
[02:53.193] [ORPHEUS and HERMES]
[02:53.317] The falling of my feet and
[02:55.202] [ORPHEUS and COMPANY]
[02:55.362] It sounds like drumming
[02:57.581] [COMPANY]
[02:57.918] Wait!
[02:58.823] [ORPHEUS and HERMES and Unknown Voice]
[02:58.967] And I am not alone
[03:00.503] [COMPANY]
[03:01.729] Wait!
[03:02.023] [ORPHEUS and HERMES, and Unknown Voice]
[03:02.149] I hear the rocks and stones
[03:03.236] [COMPANY]
[03:03.368] Wait!
[03:04.133] [ORPHEUS]
[03:04.273] Echoing my song
[03:05.973] I'm coming!
[03:08.685] [HERMES]
[03:09.344] Coming...
[03:09.626] [COMPANY]
[03:09.972] Coming...
[00:00.063] 怎么下到哈迪斯的冥府
[00:02.307] 你得忍受漫长的旅途
[00:05.055] 在夜色的掩护下穿过铁路
[00:07.851] 俯下身,别让人看见
[00:10.373] 小子,你没有罗盘也没有地图
[00:13.209] 那只有电话线和铁路
[00:15.850] 往前走,别回头
[00:18.684] 直下地底深处,那就是冥府
[00:20.485] 等着我吧,我正向你奔来
[00:25.996] 等着我,我正来到你身边
[00:31.605] 等着我吧,我来陪伴你
[00:36.602] 我来了,来到你身边
[00:38.577] 挡在你面前的斯提克斯又高又宽
[00:40.638] 那是铁丝网和煤灰砖
[00:43.061] 还有混凝土高墙
[00:45.825] 冥府三头犬在门前逡巡吠叫
[00:48.209] 如果你有骨头和面包来贿赂
[00:50.876] 那些狗也许会趴下来装死
[00:53.546] 但如果你只有你的双腿
[00:56.479] 最好庆幸你能把它们糊弄过去
[00:58.851] 等着我吧,我正向你奔来
[01:03.930] 等着我,我正来到你身边
[01:09.421] 等着我吧,我来陪伴你
[01:14.616] 我来了,来到你你身边
[01:16.120] 你是谁?
[01:18.922] 你以为你去的是哪?
[01:22.897] 你是谁?
[01:24.395] 你为何孤身一人?
[01:27.898] 你以为
[01:30.840] 你是谁
[01:31.783] 你凭什么
[01:32.646] 觉得自己可以走过这条从未有人踏足的路
[01:53.637] (歌队开始轮唱回应俄耳甫斯)
[02:07.277] (赫尔墨斯打断他们)
[02:08.193] 你在黑暗中潜逃
[02:11.740] 别告诉任何人你的名字(古希腊文化里真名具有力量所以在一些场合会避讳)
[02:14.531] 也别直视任何人的眼睛
[02:17.456] 冥府会试图把你吸干
[02:19.784] 它会榨取你的神志和呼吸
[02:22.738] 从你的胸腔中扯出你的心脏
[02:25.309] 用棉花塞住你的嘴
[02:27.888] 再用你最好的衣服把你五花大绑
[02:31.168] 等着我吧,我正向你奔来
[02:35.215] 等着我,我正来陪伴你
[02:40.728] 等着我,我正向你奔来,我来陪伴你
[02:44.806] 我来了
[02:47.129] 等着我
[02:49.160] 等着我,我正向你奔来
[02:49.582] 等着我
[02:50.682] 我听到高墙的回声
[02:52.570] 等着我
[02:53.317] 回响着我的脚步
[02:55.362] 犹如鼓声阵阵
[02:57.918] 等着我
[02:58.967] 我也并非孤身一人
[03:01.729] 等着我
[03:02.149] 我听到那顽石撼动
[03:03.368] 等着我
[03:04.273] 回荡着我的歌声
[03:05.973] 我来了!
[03:09.344] (前一段歌词的梗1,俄耳甫斯是世界上最伟大的诗人和乐手,他的音乐能让顽石撼动,野兽俯首)
[03:09.972] (梗2,这里的rocks and stones也可以指的是哈迪斯的工人们,此时他们已经被俄耳甫斯的歌声震撼感化,内心动摇,才有了后来if it true what they say以及之后的riot)