Hey, Little Songbird

Hey, Little Songbird

歌名 Hey, Little Songbird
歌手 Patrick Page
歌手 Eva Noblezada
专辑 Hadestown (Original Broadway Cast Recording)
[00:00.000] 作词 : Anaïs Mitchell
[00:01.000] 作曲 : Anaïs Mitchell
[00:23.159] Hey, little songbird, give me a song
[00:28.409] I'm a busy man and I can't stay long
[00:33.909] I got clients to call, I got orders to fill
[00:40.159] I got walls to build, I got riots to quell
[00:46.660] And they're giving me hell back in Hades
[00:52.159] Hey, little songbird, cat got your tongue
[00:57.410] Always a pity for one so pretty and young
[01:03.659] When poverty comes to clip your wings
[01:10.660] And knock the wind right out of your lungs
[01:15.160] Hey, nobody sings on empty
[01:19.093] EURYDICE:
[01:21.723] Strange is the call of this strange man
[01:26.223] I wanna fly down and feed at his hand
[01:32.224] I want a nice, soft place to land
[01:37.973] I wanna lie down forever
[01:40.473] HADES:
[01:41.165] Hey, little songbird, you've got something fine
[01:45.916] You'd shine like a diamond down in the mine
[01:51.915] And the choice is yours if you're willing to choose
[01:58.416] Seeing as you've got nothing to lose
[02:04.416] And I could use a canary
[02:10.166] EURYDICE:
[02:10.416] Suddenly nothing is as it was
[02:15.915] Where are you now, Orpheus
[02:21.666] Wasn't it gonna be the two of us
[02:27.165] Weren't we birds of a feather
[02:29.416] HADES:
[02:30.416] Hey, little songbird, let me guess
[02:35.594] He's some kind of poet and he's penniless
[02:41.275] Give him your hand, he'll give you his hand-to-mouth
[02:48.025] He'll write you a poem when the power is out
[02:53.525] Hey, why not fly south for the winter
[02:59.525] Hey, little songbird, look all around you
[03:04.774] See how the vipers and vultures surround you
[03:10.525] And they'll take you down, they'll pick you clean
[03:17.526] If you stick around such a desperate scene
[03:23.275] See, people get mean when the chips are down
[00:23.159] 嘿,小小的鸣禽,给我唱首歌吧
[00:28.409] 我是个忙碌的人,停留不了多久
[00:33.909] 我要和客户商谈,我得去填写订单
[00:40.159] 我要建壁垒城墙,我得去平息暴乱
[00:46.660] 而他们回敬我说要我滚回地狱里
[00:52.159] 嘿,小小的鸣禽,你的舌头被猫夺去了么 / 多无言以对啊(双关)
[00:57.410] 总是对那些被贫穷限制住翅膀的青春美好的年轻人感到可惜
[01:10.660] 自肺中吐出风吧(指唱歌?)
[01:15.160] 嘿,空无一物之处无人歌唱
[01:19.093] 欧律狄克:
[01:20.974] (古希腊神话中因丈夫俄耳甫斯在走出冥府的路上回头而无法复生的女子)
[01:21.723] 这个怪人的呼唤如此奇怪
[01:26.223] 我想飞入他的手中得到满足
[01:32.224] 我想着陆于轻柔舒适的某处
[01:37.973] 我想要躺下,永远的永远
[01:40.473] 哈迪斯:
[01:40.665] (古希腊神话中的冥王)
[01:41.165] 嘿,小小的鸣禽,你得了些好处
[01:45.916] 你将如同矿井中的宝钻般闪耀
[01:51.915] 如果你愿意的话,选择权在你
[01:58.416] 你似乎没什么可损失之物
[02:04.416] 而我能喝杯加那利白葡萄酒/而我能养只金丝雀(?)
[02:09.915] (canary也有加那利白葡萄酒的意思)
[02:10.166] 欧律狄克:
[02:10.416] 骤然间一切都变了模样
[02:15.915] 你现处何方,俄耳甫斯
[02:19.666] (古希腊神话中其用音乐征服草木万物,欧律狄克的丈夫)
[02:21.666] 不应是我们二人共度吗
[02:27.165] 我们不是志趣相投吗
[02:29.416] 哈迪斯:
[02:30.416] 嘿,小小的鸣禽,让我猜猜看
[02:35.594] 他这诗人身无分文
[02:41.275] 若与他生活,你们只能勉强糊口
[02:48.025] 饥寒交迫时他只能为你写诗
[02:53.525] 嘿,为什么不向南飞离冬天呢
[02:59.525] 嘿,小小的鸣禽,看看你周围
[03:04.774] 看看毒蛇和秃鹫是如何包围你的(疾病与饥饿?)
[03:10.525] 它们会使你坠落地面,它们将把你吃干抹净
[03:17.526] 如果你在这绝望之地驻足
[03:23.275] 你看,紧要关头时人们将变得多么凶恶吝啬
[03:28.775] (翻译定有多处错误,请大佬指正!)
[03:29.775] (怎么给我一种哈迪斯在挖人家墙角的感觉……)