Running With The Lions

Running With The Lions

歌名 Running With The Lions
歌手 Loving Caliber
歌手 Willow
专辑 Magical
[00:00.000] 作曲 : Linda Stenmark/Anders Lystell/Michael Stenmark
[00:09.910] You say you're fine
[00:12.290] But I can see right through
[00:14.050] You're holding your secrets for way too long
[00:16.562] This can't keep going on
[00:19.390] With every lie
[00:21.970] They keep on hurting you
[00:23.828] Getting away with everything they do
[00:26.185] This can't keep going on, oh
[00:30.005] We're gonna find them
[00:32.270] And I'm gonna fight for you
[00:34.706] They better start hiding
[00:37.568] We'll be running with the lions, lions
[00:42.170] We'll be running with the lions, lions
[00:47.349] They can't run
[00:48.622] They can't hide
[00:49.852] We won't stop until they're down
[00:51.992] We'll be running with the lions, lions
[01:07.553] I'll go through fire
[01:09.888] I'll climb the mountains for you
[01:11.650] Tell me, 'cause I am looking out for you
[01:14.245] This can't keep going on, no
[01:18.015] 'Cause you're not alone in this
[01:20.220] We'll do this together
[01:22.720] No, you're not alone in this, no
[01:27.648] We're gonna find them
[01:29.830] And I'm gonna fight for you
[01:32.206] They better start hiding
[01:35.154] We'll be running with the lions, lions
[01:39.965] We'll be running with the lions, lions
[01:45.027] They can't run
[01:46.275] They can't hide
[01:47.540] We won't stop until they're down
[01:49.533] We'll be running with the lions, lions
[02:05.990] We're gonna find them
[02:08.786] La, la, la, la, la
[02:10.695] They better start hiding
[02:15.877] We'll be running with the lions, lions
[02:20.723] We'll be running with the lions, lions
[02:25.796] They can't run
[02:26.983] They can't hide
[02:28.281] We won't stop until they're down
[02:30.296] We'll be running with the lions, lions
[02:37.135] 'Cause you're not alone in this
[02:39.490] We'll do this together
[02:41.968] No, you're not alone in this
[00:09.910] 你说你无需帮助
[00:12.290] 但我能看出来
[00:14.050] 你的秘密藏了太久
[00:16.562] 无法再维持下去
[00:19.390] 每一个谎言
[00:21.970] 都伤害着你
[00:23.828] 并逃避一切
[00:26.185] 不能再这样下去了
[00:30.005] 我们将把它们找出来
[00:32.270] 我们为你而战
[00:34.706] 他们最好是隐蔽起来
[00:37.568] 因为我们将和狮子一起奔跑 和狮子一起
[00:42.170] 因为我们将和狮子一起奔跑 和狮子一起
[00:47.349] 他们束手无策
[00:48.622] 他们山穷水尽
[00:49.852] 我们永不停歇直到他们倒下
[00:51.992] 因为我们将和狮子一起奔跑 和狮子一起
[01:07.553] 我们愿为你赴汤蹈火
[01:09.888] 我们愿为你翻山越岭
[01:11.650] 告诉我事实 我会照顾好你
[01:14.245] 你不必再继续下去
[01:18.015] 你并非无依无靠
[01:20.220] 我们会和你一起面对
[01:22.720] 你并非单枪匹马
[01:27.648] 我们会找到他们
[01:29.830] 我们为你而战
[01:32.206] 他们最好藏匿起来
[01:35.154] 因为我们将和狮子一起奔跑 和狮子一起
[01:39.965] 因为我们将和狮子一起奔跑 和狮子一起
[01:45.027] 他们无懈可击
[01:46.275] 他们无处可逃
[01:47.540] 我们马不停蹄直到他们倒下
[01:49.533] 因为我们将和狮子一起奔跑 和狮子一起
[02:05.990] 我们会找到他们
[02:10.695] 他们最好藏匿起来
[02:15.877] 因为我们将和狮子一起奔跑 和狮子一起
[02:20.723] 因为我们将和狮子一起奔跑 和狮子一起
[02:25.796] 他们溃不成军
[02:26.983] 他们插翅难飞
[02:28.281] 我们已经布下天罗地网等待他们倒下
[02:30.296] 因为我们将和狮子一起奔跑 和狮子一起
[02:37.135] 你并非孤身一人
[02:39.490] 我们永远站在你的身后
[02:41.968] 你并非无所依靠