What You Need

What You Need

歌名 What You Need
歌手 Black Gryph0n
歌手 Baasik
专辑 Diamond
[00:00.000] 作曲 : Gabriel Christian Brown
[00:01.709] I don't know where you are going
[00:04.103] But you shouldn't go there alone
[00:11.735] I would like to go there with you
[00:14.176] But you gotta pick up the phone
[00:17.950] Answer your phone
[00:21.777] I just don't know what you need
[00:25.209] But I'm not gonna stand out here all day
[00:28.232] And watch you slip away (Away... away)
[00:31.666] I'm not going to beg or plead
[00:35.319] But if we can't communicate
[00:38.469] Something's got to change
[00:40.539] 'Cause what you need is the way to escape
[00:42.637] All the crazy commotion (Crazy commotion)
[00:45.436] Could you please find a way
[00:47.012] To display just a trace of emotion
[00:50.509] I know we gonna be okay
[00:52.866] If you don't keep pushing me away
[00:55.358] You got me weak by the way you behave
[00:57.580] In the face of devotion (Face of devotion)
[01:01.617] I'm not trying to convince you
[01:04.182] But I'm pretty sure you're the one
[01:11.745] But if you don't ever answer
[01:14.218] How are we ever gonna have any fun
[01:18.000] Have any fun?
[01:21.320] 'Cause I know exactly what you need
[01:25.341] But give me your hand
[01:26.334] Because today is about to slip away (Away... away)
[01:31.622] I have tried to beg and plead
[01:35.407] But if we can't communicate
[01:38.484] Something's got to change
[01:40.484] 'Cause what you need is the way to escape
[01:42.589] All the crazy commotion (Crazy commotion)
[01:45.435] Could you please find a way
[01:46.990] To display just a trace of emotion
[01:50.453] I know we gonna be okay
[01:52.893] If you don't keep pushing me away
[01:55.341] You got me weak by the way you behave
[01:57.516] In the face of devotion (Face of devotion)
[02:01.657] I don't know where you are going
[02:04.166] But you shouldn't go there alone
[02:08.000] I know we gonna be ok
[02:11.800] I would like to go there with you
[02:14.207] But you gotta pick up the phone
[02:17.906] If you don't keep pushing me away
[02:20.397] 'Cause you got a way of locking the door and
[02:23.036] You got a way of rocking my world
[02:25.139] And letting me fall, letting me fall
[02:30.451] And I know you are waiting
[02:31.601] But you're get bored and
[02:32.986] I know you are waiting
[02:34.031] I can't do more than nothing at all
[02:37.957] Nothing at all
[02:43.001] 'Cause what you need is the way to escape
[02:45.117] All the crazy commotion (Crazy commotion)
[02:47.842] Could you please find a way
[02:49.490] To display just a trace of emotion
[02:52.953] I know we gonna be okay
[02:55.438] If you don't keep pushing me away
[02:57.851] You got me weak by the way you behave
[03:00.074] In the face of devotion (Face of devotion)
[03:04.266] I don't know where you are going
[03:06.636] But you shouldn't go there alone
[03:10.402] I know we gonna be okay
[03:14.258] I would like to go there with you
[03:16.700] But you gotta pick up the phone
[03:20.442] If you don't keep pushing me away
[03:24.409] I don't know where you are going
[03:26.689] But you shouldn't go there alone
[03:33.327] Ha ha ha
[03:34.837] Yeah, um no laugh this time
[03:37.296] Why not?
[03:38.846] 'Cause it doesn't sound good
[03:40.502] It sounds cool
[03:41.920] Laughter cool
[03:42.736] No it doesn't
[03:43.428] I have a cool laugh
[03:44.222] No you don't
[03:44.688] People tell me that all the time
[03:45.758] - Ha ha!
[00:01.709] 我不清楚你究竟想去哪里
[00:04.103] 不管你想去哪里 别独自一个人走
[00:11.735] 因为我想陪着你一起去
[00:14.176] 但是如果我给你打了电话
[00:17.950] 你一定要接啊
[00:21.777] 我不知道你究竟想要什么
[00:25.209] 但是我不会再浪费整天的时间
[00:28.232] 就这么看着你走远
[00:31.666] 我不想放下尊严 乞求任何东西
[00:35.319] 但是如果我们连正常的沟通都不能保持
[00:38.469] 那么我就必须做出改变了
[00:40.539] 因为你只需要逃离
[00:42.637] 那些疯狂的躁动
[00:45.436] 但是你也应该对我
[00:47.012] 展示内心的想法
[00:50.509] 我知道我们都不会有事的
[00:52.866] 只要你不再拒绝我
[00:55.358] 你以奉献为名 操纵着我
[00:57.580] 击穿了我的防线
[01:01.617] 我不想强行说服你
[01:04.182] 但是我很确定 你就是(我想要的)那个人
[01:11.745] 如果我听不见你的回应
[01:14.218] 那么我们就不能开心地在一起了
[01:18.000] 我们该怎么办呢
[01:21.320] 因为我知道你的内心所想
[01:25.341] 来牵住我的手吧
[01:26.334] 因为时间转瞬即逝
[01:31.622] 我放下尊严 向你乞求 向上天祈祷
[01:35.407] 如果我们还是无法沟通
[01:38.484] 我好像只能放弃了
[01:40.484] 因为你只需要逃离
[01:42.589] 那些疯狂的躁动
[01:45.435] 但是你也应该对我
[01:46.990] 展示内心的想法
[01:50.453] 我知道我们都不会有事的
[01:52.893] 只要你不再拒绝我
[01:55.341] 你以奉献为名 操纵着我
[01:57.516] 击穿了我的防线
[02:01.657] 我不清楚你究竟想去哪里
[02:04.166] 但是不管你想去哪里 别独自一个人走
[02:08.000] 我知道我们都不会有事的
[02:11.800] 我们一起去吧
[02:14.207] 如果你想一个人走 别忘了保持联系
[02:17.906] 只要你不再拒绝我
[02:20.397] 因为你关上了我们之间的那道门
[02:23.036] 你弄乱了我的世界
[02:25.139] 这样我就再也找不到自己了
[02:30.451] 我知道你在等我
[02:31.601] 但你不会等太久
[02:32.986] 我知道你会等我
[02:34.031] 但是我什么也不能做
[02:37.957] 我无能为力
[02:43.001] 因为你只需要逃离
[02:45.117] 那些疯狂的躁动
[02:47.842] 但是你也应该对我
[02:49.490] 展示内心的想法
[02:52.953] 我知道我们都不会有事的
[02:55.438] 只要你不再拒绝我
[02:57.851] 你以奉献为名 操纵着我
[03:00.074] 击穿了我的防线
[03:04.266] 我不清楚你究竟想去哪里
[03:06.636] 但是不管你想去哪里 别独自一个人走
[03:10.402] 我知道我们都不会有事的
[03:14.258] 可我还是想陪着你一起去
[03:16.700] 如果你一定要走的话 请接我的电话
[03:20.442] 如果你不再像这样拒绝我
[03:24.409] 我不清楚你究竟想去哪里
[03:26.689] 但是不管你想去哪里 别独自一个人走
[03:33.327] 「哈哈哈...」
[03:34.837] 「嗯...这次别笑了」
[03:37.296] 「为什么?」
[03:38.846] 「因为你笑得不好听」
[03:40.502] 「很好听啊...
[03:41.920] 笑着的好听...」
[03:42.736] 「不好听就是不好听」
[03:43.428] 「你不觉得我笑起来很酷吗」
[03:44.222] 「我不觉得」
[03:44.688] 「可是别人都觉得很酷呢 -
[03:45.758] - 哈哈!」