Bury the Brave Where They Fall

Bury the Brave Where They Fall

歌名 Bury the Brave Where They Fall
歌手 Bobby Horton
专辑 Homespun Songs of the Union Army, Volume 4
[00:00.000] 作曲 : H. L. Frisbie
[00:06.702] Oh,bury the braves on the field where they fall
[00:11.706] Let them sleep Beneath the sod
[00:16.198] That Drank up their blood in the deadly affray
[00:21.448] When their spirit went home to god
[00:26.706] Let their resting place be where their brave deeds were done
[00:31.956] With the banner the banner for their shroud
[00:36.947] And as stars shall keep watch as they peacefully sleep
[00:42.205] Far away from gathering crowd
[00:48.453] Then sleep on and soft be thy repose
[00:53.457] And green be the turf on thy breast
[00:59.202] The glorious stars of our banner shall watch
[01:04.453] O'er the graves where the heroes rest
[01:11.706] Though nameless the graves where their ashes repose
[01:17.198] All unhallowed by tears
[01:22.202] Their laurels are fadeless they never can die
[01:27.451] While we measure the fleeting years
[01:32.455] Though no marble may rise o'er their low lonely beds
[01:37.447] There to point out the sacred sacred spot
[01:42.950] Yet the hearts of the nation their memory will keep
[01:48.454] Its dead heroes are never forgot
[01:54.955] Then sleep on and soft be thy repose
[01:59.449] And green be the turf on thy breast
[02:05.205] The glorious stars of our banner shall watch
[02:10.454] O'er the graves where the heroes rest
[02:29.703] The sunlight and rain will awaken the flow'rs
[02:34.706] That in beauty o'er them wave
[02:39.199] The soft whispering breezes a requiem sad
[02:44.704] Murm'ring over their lonely grave
[02:49.952] But we mourn for them not as all calmly they sleep
[02:54.699] Far away from the loving household band
[03:00.459] For the brave and the noble die never in vain
[03:05.951] When they die for their native land
[03:12.452] Then sleep on and soft be thy repose
[03:17.457] And green be the turf on thy breast
[03:23.201] The glorious stars of our banner shall watch
[03:28.704] O'er the graves where the heroes rest
[00:06.702] 噢,在勇士们倒下的地方埋葬他们
[00:11.706] 让他们沉睡于地下
[00:16.198] 激烈的搏斗耗尽了他们的鲜血
[00:21.448] 在他们的灵魂回归上帝时
[00:26.706] 让他们的安息之地成为他们英勇事迹的所在
[00:31.956] 让国旗作为他们的裹尸布
[00:36.947] 星辰会守卫在他们安睡之时
[00:42.205] 远离喧嚣的人世
[00:48.453] 沉睡吧,安息吧
[00:53.457] 你胸前是一片绿茵
[00:59.202] 旗上的繁星将守望在
[01:04.453] 英雄们安息的坟墓上
[01:11.706] 身于无名之坟
[01:17.198] 泪水蒙蔽了双眼
[01:22.202] 他们的桂冠永不褪色凋谢
[01:27.451] 岁月转瞬即逝
[01:32.455] 虽然他们的坟上没有碑
[01:37.447] 但有人指出了那个神圣的地方
[01:42.950] 他们的记忆将保留在全国人民的心中
[01:48.454] 英雄虽死,永不凋零
[01:54.955] 沉睡吧,安息吧
[01:59.449] 你胸前是一片绿茵
[02:05.205] 旗上的繁星将守望在
[02:10.454] 英雄们安息的坟墓上
[02:29.703] 阳光和露珠唤醒了花朵
[02:34.706] 那是坟旁的一道美景
[02:39.199] 轻风奏出一首悲伤的安魂曲
[02:44.704] 在他们孤独的坟墓上喃喃自语
[02:49.952] 我们为他们哀悼,不像他们沉睡时平静
[02:54.699] 他们远离深爱的家人
[03:00.459] 勇敢和高贵的人永不会白白死去
[03:05.951] 他们为故土而死
[03:12.452] 沉睡吧,安息吧
[03:17.457] 你胸前是一片绿茵
[03:23.201] 旗上的繁星将守望在
[03:28.704] 英雄们安息的坟墓上