The Fall of Charleston

The Fall of Charleston

歌名 The Fall of Charleston
歌手 Bobby Horton
专辑 Homespun Songs of the Union Army, Volume 3
[00:00.000] 作曲 : Eugene T. Johnson
[00:26.723] Oh have you heard the glorious news, is the cry from every mouth
[00:31.026] Charleston is taken, and the rebels put to rout;
[00:35.046] And Beauregard the chivalrous, he ran to save his bacon—
[00:38.769] When he saw General Sherman’s Yanks, and “Charleston is taken!”
[00:42.795] With a whack, rowdy-dow
[00:44.801] A hunky boy is General Sherman
[00:47.099] Whack, rowdy-dow
[00:48.822] Invincible is he!
[00:51.979] This South Carolina chivalry, they once did loudly boast
[00:55.710] That the footsteps of a Union man, should ne’er pollute their coast
[00:59.725] They’d fight the Yankees two to one, who only fought for booty
[01:03.739] But when the mudsills came along it was “Legs, do your duty!”
[01:07.474] With a whack, rowdy-dow
[01:09.773] Babylon is fallen
[01:11.777] Whack, rowdy-dow
[01:13.786] The end is drawing near!
[01:41.329] And from the “Sacred City,” this valiant warlike throng;
[01:45.537] Skedaddled in confusion, although thirty thousand strong—
[01:49.462] Without a shot, without a blow, or least sign of resistance
[01:53.388] And leaving their poor friends behind, with the Yankees for assistance!
[01:57.304] With a whack, rowdy-dow
[01:59.549] How are you, Southern chivalry?
[02:01.794] Whack, rowdy-dow
[02:03.475] Your race is nearly run!
[02:06.276] And again o’er Sumter’s battered walls, the Stars and Stripes do fly
[02:10.200] While the chivalry of Sixty-one in the last ditch does lie;—
[02:14.403] With Sherman, Grant and Porter too, to lead our men to glory
[02:18.326] We’ll squash poor Jeff’s confederacy, and then get hunkydory!
[02:21.986] With a whack, rowdy-dow
[02:24.510] How are you, neutral Johnny Bull?
[02:26.471] Whack, rowdy-dow
[02:28.429] We’ll settle next with you!
[00:26.723] 你可听见那光荣的消息,每个人都在传唱
[00:31.026] 查尔斯顿被攻克,叛军们都跑掉了
[00:35.046] 那南方骑士博雷加德,他只想自己脱身
[00:38.769] 只是看着谢尔曼的北军,和“查尔斯顿光复!”
[00:42.795] 嘿呀呀,嘚嘀嘚儿
[00:44.801] 那白胖小子就是谢尔曼将军
[00:47.099] 嘿呀,嘚嘀嘚儿
[00:48.822] 他简直无敌啦!
[00:51.979] 南卡罗莱纳的骑士们,曾放肆地夸口
[00:55.710] 决不让联邦军的足迹弄脏他们的港口
[00:59.725] 宁肯以一敌二对抗联邦,以为我们只会图财
[01:03.739] 但泥腿子们来到时,他们却撒腿就溜
[01:07.474] 嘿呀呀,嘚嘀嘚儿
[01:09.773] 巴比伦陷落了
[01:11.777] 嘿呀,嘚嘀嘚儿
[01:13.786] 大结局要来了!
[01:41.329] 从那“圣城”里头,那帮英勇善战的人
[01:45.537] 惊慌失措地逃跑了,虽然有整整三万人
[01:49.462] 没放一枪,没打一炮,连抵抗的样子都不做
[01:53.388] 直接抛下了可怜的朋友们,让北军来解放
[01:57.304] 嘿呀呀,嘚嘀嘚儿
[01:59.549] 怎样啊,南方骑士们?
[02:01.794] 嘿呀,嘚嘀嘚儿
[02:03.475] 你也跑不了多久啦!
[02:06.276] 在桑姆特残破的城墙上,星条旗再次飘扬
[02:10.200] 六一年的骑士压根没有背水一战
[02:14.403] 而谢尔曼、格兰特还有波特带我们走向胜利
[02:18.326] 我们砸碎老杰夫的同盟国,好日子就要来到
[02:21.986] 嘿呀呀,嘚嘀嘚儿
[02:24.510] 怎样啊,中立的约翰牛?
[02:26.471] 嘿呀,嘚嘀嘚儿
[02:28.429] 咱马上就收拾你!