Hard Times in Dixie

Hard Times in Dixie

歌名 Hard Times in Dixie
歌手 Bobby Horton
专辑 Homespun Songs of the Union Army, Volume 3
[00:00.000] 作曲 : M. K. and Eugarps
[00:08.819] Hear the mournful music swell,
[00:10.635] It's hard times in Dixie!
[00:12.781] Hear Rebellion's fun'ral knell,
[00:14.692] Hard times in Dixie!
[00:16.834] Ev'rything is going wrong,
[00:18.840] Rations short and faces long,
[00:21.031] And the burden of their song
[00:22.796] It's hard up in Dixie
[00:24.940] Rations up and funds so low,
[00:26.894] Foemen come and black folks go,
[00:28.945] Worst of all the Yankees know
[00:30.766] We're hard up in Dixie!
[00:41.288] Grant is close upon their track
[00:43.196] It's hard times in Dixie!
[00:45.293] Southern fire won't turn him back
[00:47.250] Hard times in Dixie!
[00:49.365] With his heroes tested well
[00:51.331] What cares he for shot for shell
[00:53.432] Southern brag or Southern swell
[00:55.296] They're hard up in Dixie!
[00:57.633] Rations up and funds so low,
[00:59.644] Foemen come and black folks go,
[01:01.598] Worst of all the Yankees know
[01:03.371] We're hard up in Dixie!
[01:14.144] Uncle Abe don't flinch a bit
[01:15.775] For hard times in Dixie!
[01:17.878] Tough as any rail he's split
[01:19.740] Hard up in Dixie!
[01:21.886] Holding out his honest hands,
[01:23.895] Welcoming all loyal bands
[01:25.989] Abraham well understands,
[01:27.851] They're hard up in Dixie!
[01:30.131] Rations up and funds so low,
[01:32.184] Foemen come and black folks go,
[01:34.230] Worst of all the Yankees know
[01:35.951] We're hard up in Dixie!
[01:46.531] Butler with his soldiers true
[01:48.252] Makes hard times in Dixie!
[01:50.484] When he came the Rebels knew
[01:52.299] Hard times in Dixie!
[01:54.492] Johnny Rebs don't see the fun
[01:56.593] Want begins and credit's done
[01:58.555] White man works and black folks run
[02:00.702] They're hard up in Dixie!
[02:02.753] Rations up and funds so low,
[02:04.718] Foemen come and black folks go,
[02:06.768] Worst of all the Yankees know
[02:08.489] We're hard up in Dixie!
[02:19.014] Beat the drum and toll the bell
[02:20.880] For hard times in Dixie!
[02:22.986] Chant Rebellion's fun'ral knell
[02:24.905] Hard times in Dixie!
[02:27.088] And while o'er the land and sea,
[02:29.089] Floats the banner of the free
[02:31.234] Traitors shall forever be
[02:33.285] Hard up in Dixie!
[02:35.380] Rations up and funds so low,
[02:37.380] Foemen come and black folks go,
[02:39.385] Worst of all the Yankees know
[02:41.298] We're hard up in Dixie!
[02:49.651] We're hard up in Dixie!
[00:08.819] 听那哀悼的音乐奏起
[00:10.635] 迪克西艰难了!
[00:12.781] 听那叛军的丧钟响起
[00:14.692] 迪克西受苦了!
[00:16.834] 一切事都乱了套
[00:18.840] 粮食短缺脸哭丧
[00:21.031] 歌曲沉重又哀伤
[00:22.796] 迪克西难起来了
[00:24.940] 粮价飞涨钱包空
[00:26.894] 敌军降临黑哥走
[00:28.945] 最糟糕的是洋基知道
[00:30.766] 咱迪克西难起来了!
[00:41.288] 格兰特正步步紧逼
[00:43.196] 迪克西艰难了!
[00:45.293] 南方炮火赶不跑他
[00:47.250] 迪克西受苦了!
[00:49.365] 同久经考验的战士们
[00:51.331] 管他枪击和炮弹
[00:53.432] 还是发誓与赌咒
[00:55.296] 那迪克西苦起来了
[00:57.633] 粮价飞涨钱包空
[00:59.644] 敌军降临黑哥走
[01:01.598] 最糟糕的是洋基知道
[01:03.371] 咱迪克西难起来了!
[01:14.144] 亚伯叔压根不怕
[01:15.775] 让迪克西吃苦头!
[01:17.878] 他如围墙坚韧不拔
[01:19.740] 迪克西难起来了!
[01:21.886] 伸出他真诚的手
[01:23.895] 欢迎忠诚的部属
[01:25.989] 亚伯拉罕都知道
[01:27.851] 那迪克西苦起来了!
[01:30.131] 粮价飞涨钱包空
[01:32.184] 敌军降临黑哥走
[01:34.230] 最糟糕的是洋基知道
[01:35.951] 咱迪克西难起来了!
[01:46.531] 巴特勒同他忠诚的兵
[01:48.252] 让迪克西受煎熬!
[01:50.484] 当他一来叛贼就知道
[01:52.299] 迪克西受苦了!
[01:54.492] 反贼不敢开玩笑
[01:56.593] 需求大而供给少
[01:58.555] 白人干活黑哥跑
[02:00.702] 那迪克西苦起来了!
[02:02.753] 粮价飞涨钱包空
[02:04.718] 敌军降临黑哥走
[02:06.768] 最糟糕的是洋基知道
[02:08.489] 咱迪克西难起来了!
[02:19.014] 打起鼓来敲起钟
[02:20.880] 让迪克西吃苦头!
[02:22.986] 将那叛军的丧钟敲起
[02:24.905] 迪克西受苦了!
[02:27.088] 跨越海洋与大地
[02:29.089] 飘扬着自由星条旗
[02:31.234] 叛徒永不闹脾气
[02:33.285] 迪克西难起来了!
[02:35.380] 粮价飞涨钱包空
[02:37.380] 敌军降临黑哥走
[02:39.385] 最糟糕的是洋基知道
[02:41.298] 咱迪克西难起来了!
[02:49.651] 咱迪克西难起来了!