Vicksburg Is Taken

Vicksburg Is Taken

歌名 Vicksburg Is Taken
歌手 Bobby Horton
专辑 Homespun Songs of the Union Army, Volume 3
[00:00.000] 作曲 : E. W. Hicks
[00:15.716] All honor and fame to the gallant and brave
[00:19.631] Who forced the rebs out of their holes
[00:23.548] Fling out the old banner, boys proudly let it wave
[00:27.464] With the sun shining bright on its folds
[00:31.381] Hurrah, boy, hurrah! Shout glory, and sing
[00:35.311] For the traitors look sadly for saken
[00:39.229] Our glorious old eagle is yet on the wing
[00:43.083] And Vicksburg is taken boys taken
[01:03.793] That flag, now be grim'd with the carnage of war
[01:07.721] Grows better and pure with time
[01:11.637] For freedom is polishing slowly each star
[01:15.273] From the rust of oppression and crime
[01:19.193] Hurrah, boy, hurrah! Shout glory, and sing
[01:23.387] For the traitors look sadly for saken
[01:27.028] Our glorious old eagle is yet on the wing
[01:31.222] And Vicksburg is taken boys taken
[01:51.955] Bring out the spare powder and fire the big guns
[01:55.589] The rebs are surprised at the way
[01:59.507] Columbia's loyal and true-hearted sons
[02:03.423] Have honored their country's birthday
[02:07.344] Hurrah, boy, hurrah! Shout glory, and sing
[02:11.271] For the traitors look sadly for saken
[02:15.183] Our glorious old eagle is yet on the wing
[02:19.109] And Vicksburg is taken boys taken
[02:40.090] Jeff's great C.S.A. is now severed in twain
[02:43.718] And both of them shortly must die
[02:47.638] But he will not forget, to the end of his reign
[02:51.784] That wonderful fourth of July!
[02:55.711] Hurrah, boy, hurrah! Shout glory, and sing
[02:59.353] For the traitors look sadly for saken
[03:03.276] Our glorious old eagle is yet on the wing
[03:07.194] And Vicksburg is taken, boys, taken!
[00:15.716] 一切荣耀与英名属于英勇无畏之士
[00:19.631] 他们将叛军逼出了老巢
[00:23.548] 拿出旧时的旗帜,兄弟们,让它骄傲飘扬
[00:27.464] 让阳光闪耀在它的褶皱上
[00:31.381] 万岁,老兄,万岁!骄傲地呐喊歌唱
[00:35.311] 看那叛徒吃瘪的衰样
[00:39.229] 我们祖传的光荣雄鹰正展翅高飞
[00:43.083] 维克斯堡光复了,兄弟们,光复了!
[01:03.793] 那旗帜经受住了战场的残酷厮杀
[01:07.721] 随时光变得更纯洁美好
[01:11.637] 因为有自由给每颗星星仔细抛光
[01:15.273] 磨去罪恶与压迫的锈迹
[01:19.193] 万岁,老兄,万岁!骄傲地呐喊歌唱
[01:23.387] 看那叛徒吃瘪的衰样
[01:27.028] 我们祖传的光荣雄鹰正展翅高飞
[01:31.222] 维克斯堡光复了,兄弟们,光复了!
[01:51.955] 拿出我们库存的弹药用它打响巨炮
[01:55.589] 叛军还没到就给吓跑
[01:59.507] 哥伦比娅忠诚真挚的孩子们
[02:03.423] 用荣耀为祖国祝寿
[02:07.344] 万岁,老兄,万岁!骄傲地呐喊歌唱
[02:11.271] 看那叛徒吃瘪的衰样
[02:15.183] 我们祖传的光荣雄鹰正展翅高飞
[02:19.109] 维克斯堡光复了,兄弟们,光复了!
[02:40.090] 杰夫伟大的联盟国已经一分为二
[02:43.718] 无论哪一半都活不长了
[02:47.638] 但他一定忘不了他统治的尾声
[02:51.784] 那个美妙的七月四号!
[02:55.711] 万岁,老兄,万岁!骄傲地呐喊歌唱
[02:59.353] 看那叛徒吃瘪的衰样
[03:03.276] 我们祖传的光荣雄鹰正展翅高飞
[03:07.194] 维克斯堡光复了,兄弟们,光复了!