Who Will Care for Mother Now?

Who Will Care for Mother Now?

歌名 Who Will Care for Mother Now?
歌手 Bobby Horton
专辑 Homespun Songs of the Union Army, Volume 3
[00:00.000] 作曲 : Charles Sawyer
[00:12.407] Why am I so weak and weary?
[00:18.718] See how faint my heated breath
[00:24.738] All around to me seems darkness
[00:30.753] Tell me, comrades, is this death?
[00:37.066] Ah! how well I know your answer
[00:43.090] To my fate I meekly bow
[00:49.113] If you'll only tell me truly
[00:55.429] Who will care for mother now?
[01:01.425] Soon with angels I'll be marching
[01:07.445] With bright laurels on my brow
[01:13.757] I have for my country fallen
[01:19.502] Who will care for mother now?
[01:38.029] Who will comfort her in sorrow?
[01:44.089] Who will dry the falling tear?
[01:50.629] Gently smooth her wrinkled forehead?
[01:56.450] Who will whisper words of cheer?
[02:02.490] Even now I think I see her
[02:08.530] Kneeling, praying for me how
[02:14.509] Can I leave her in her anguish?
[02:20.450] Who will care for mother now?
[02:26.649] Soon with angels I'll be marching
[02:32.529] With bright laurels on my brow
[02:38.340] I have for my country fallen
[02:44.510] Who will care for mother now?
[03:02.527] Let this knapsack be my pillow
[03:08.420] And my mantle be the sky
[03:14.619] Hasten, comrades, to the battle
[03:20.389] I will like a soldier die
[03:26.340] Soon with angels I'll be marching
[03:32.579] With bright laurels on my brow
[03:38.380] I have for my country fallen
[03:44.509] Who will care for mother now?
[03:50.389] Soon with angels I'll be marching
[03:56.089] With bright laurels on my brow
[04:02.080] I have for my country fallen
[04:07.980] Who will care for mother now?
[00:12.407] 为什么我无力又疲惫?
[00:18.718] 喘息也这样虚弱
[00:24.738] 四周看起来黑漆漆的
[00:30.753] 战友们,我要死了吗?
[00:37.066] 啊!我知道你会说什么
[00:43.090] 我只能服从命运了
[00:49.113] 可你得实话告诉我
[00:55.429] 该谁来照顾妈妈呀?
[01:01.425] 我马上就跟天使去了
[01:07.445] 将闪耀桂冠带在额上
[01:13.757] 我为了国家倒下了
[01:19.502] 可谁来照顾妈妈呀?
[01:38.029] 该谁来抚慰她的哀伤?
[01:44.089] 谁来为她擦掉眼泪呀?
[01:50.629] 轻轻抚平她紧锁的眉头
[01:56.450] 细声为她逗乐呀?
[02:02.490] 我现在仿佛看见她
[02:08.530] 正跪下为着我祈祷
[02:14.509] 我能让她独自伤心吗?
[02:20.450] 该谁来照顾妈妈呀?
[02:26.649] 我马上就跟天使去了
[02:32.529] 将闪耀桂冠带在额上
[02:38.340] 我为了国家倒下了
[02:44.510] 可谁来照顾妈妈呀?
[03:02.527] 把军囊当作我的枕头
[03:08.420] 斗篷当作天空吧
[03:14.619] 走吧,战友们,快去战斗
[03:20.389] 我会死得像军人一样
[03:26.340] 我马上就随天使去了
[03:32.579] 将闪耀桂冠带在额上
[03:38.380] 我为了国家倒下了
[03:44.509] 可谁来照顾妈妈呀?
[03:50.389] 我马上就跟天使去了
[03:56.089] 将闪耀桂冠带在额上
[04:02.080] 我为了国家倒下了
[04:07.980] 可谁来照顾妈妈呀?