Virginia's Bloody Soil

Virginia's Bloody Soil

歌名 Virginia's Bloody Soil
歌手 Bobby Horton
专辑 Homespun Songs of the Union Army, Volume 2
[00:07.593] Come all you loyal unionists wherever you may be
[00:13.264] I hope you'll pay attention and listen unto me
[00:18.716] For well you know the blood and woe, the misery and toil
[00:24.750] It took to down secession on Virginia's bloody soil
[00:31.287] When our good old flag, the Stars and Stripes, from Sumter's walls was hurled
[00:37.444] And o'erhead on the forwardest walls the Rebels their flag unfurled
[00:44.106] It aroused each loyal northern man and caused his blood to boil
[00:50.122] For to see that flag, Secession's rag float o'er Virginia's soil
[01:03.749] Then from the hills and mountain tops there came that wild alarm
[01:10.237] Rise up! Ye gallant sons of North, our country calls to arms
[01:16.764] Come from the plains o'er hill and dale, ye hardy sons of toil
[01:22.729] For our flag is trampled in the dust on Virginia's bloody soil
[01:29.815] And thousands left their native homes, some never to return
[01:36.494] And many's the wife and family dear were left behind to mourn
[01:42.794] There was one who went among them who from danger would ne'er recoil
[01:49.252] Now his bones lie bleaching on the fields of Virginia's bloody soil
[02:02.338] In the great fight of the Wilderness, where many brave man fell
[02:08.953] Our captain led his comrades on through Rebel shot and shell
[02:14.995] The wounded 'round they strewed the ground; the dead lay heaped in piled
[02:21.486] The comrades weltered in their blood on Virginia's bloody soil
[02:28.253] The Rebels fought like fury or tigers drove to bay
[02:34.549] They knew full well, if the truth they'd tell, they could not win the day
[02:40.400] It was hand to hand they fought 'em the struggle was fierce and wild
[02:46.742] 'Till a bullet pierced our captain's brain, on Virginia's bloody soil
[03:01.354] And now our hero's sleeping there with thousands of the brave
[03:08.213] No marble slab does mark the place that shows where he was laid
[03:14.233] He died to save our Union; he's free from care and toil
[03:20.623] Thank God! The Stars and Stripes still wave above Virginia's soil!
[00:07.593] 来吧忠诚的联邦主义者,无论你在哪里
[00:13.264] 希望你们都集中注意用心把我倾听
[00:18.716] 你们都深知那血与苦,那悲伤与折磨
[00:24.750] 只为讨平弗吉尼亚血染的土地上那叛乱
[00:31.287] 当我们流传的旗,那星条旗,从萨姆特墙上摔落
[00:37.444] 在正墙之上高高地升起了叛军篡代的旗
[00:44.106] 这唤醒了忠诚的北方人,令每个人热血沸腾
[00:50.122] 见那旗,那叛军破布,飘在弗吉尼亚土地上
[01:03.749] 从一座座山丘峰峦间响起了尖锐的警报
[01:10.237] 起来!北方英雄之子们,祖国号召我们战斗
[01:16.764] 来自平原山地与峡谷勤恳劳碌的孩子们啊
[01:22.729] 我们的旗帜被踏在尘土中,在弗州血染的土地上
[01:29.815] 千万人离开了故乡,有人再也没能回家
[01:36.494] 有无数妻子与家人们被抛下在痛苦中
[01:42.794] 也曾有人挺身而出,在危险前不退缩
[01:49.252] 他的皑皑白骨曝尸在弗州血染的土地上
[02:02.338] 在莽原之役的大战中无数英雄陨落
[02:08.953] 我们上尉领着兄弟们穿过叛军的炮火
[02:14.995] 伤员散落在地面上,尸体堆积如山
[02:21.486] 战友挣扎在血泊中,在弗州血染的土地上
[02:28.253] 叛军如猛虎野兽一路奔逃向海岸边
[02:34.549] 他们明白,如果揭露事实,他们根本毫无胜算
[02:40.400] 两军白刃相接刺刀见红,搏斗凶猛又残酷
[02:46.742] 直到子弹击穿上尉的头颅,在弗州血染的土地上
[03:01.354] 我们的英雄已沉眠与千万烈士同在
[03:08.213] 没有大理石碑来标注他倒下的地方
[03:14.233] 他为拯救我们联邦而死,已从苦难之中解脱
[03:20.623] 感谢上帝!那星条旗仍飘着弗吉尼亚土地上!