Marching Along

Marching Along

歌名 Marching Along
歌手 Bobby Horton
专辑 Homespun Songs of the Union Army, Volume 1
[00:31.161] The army is gathering from near and from far,
[00:34.802] The trumpet is sounding the call for the war,
[00:38.440] McClellan's our leader, hes gallant and strong,
[00:42.082] We'll gird on our armor and be marching along.
[00:46.287] Marching along, we are marching along,
[00:49.924] Gird on the armor and be marching along;
[00:53.560] McClellan's our leader, hes gallant and strong,
[00:57.202] For God and our country we're marching along
[01:16.217] The foe is before us in battle array,
[01:19.850] But let us not waver, nor turn from the way;
[01:23.497] The Lord is our strength, and the Union's our song,
[01:27.405] With courage and faith we are marching along.
[01:31.331] Marching along, we are marching along,
[01:35.244] Gird on the armor and be marching along;
[01:38.604] McClellan's our leader, hes gallant and strong,
[01:42.237] For God and our country we're marching along
[02:01.267] The flag of our country is floating on high,
[02:04.901] We'll stand by that flag till we conquer or die;
[02:08.550] Our cause is the right one—our foe's in the wrong,
[02:12.463] Then gladly we'll sing as were marching along.
[02:16.381] Marching along, we are marching along,
[02:20.021] Gird on the armor and be marching along;
[02:23.660] McClellan's our leader, hes gallant and strong,
[02:27.303] For God and our country we're marching along
[00:31.161] 那大军从四方正在集结
[00:34.802] 号角已吹响让战争开场
[00:38.440] 麦克莱伦我们的领袖,勇敢又强壮
[00:42.082] 我们披坚又执锐一路向前进
[00:46.287] 一路前进,我们一路前进
[00:49.924] 我们披坚又执锐一路向前进
[00:53.560] 麦克莱伦我们的领袖,勇敢又强壮
[00:57.202] 为了上天与祖国我们一路向前进
[01:16.217] 敌人在前方早严阵以待
[01:19.850] 但不要畏惧也不要放弃
[01:23.497] 以上帝为力量以联邦为歌
[01:27.405] 带着勇气与信念我们一路向前进
[01:31.331] 一路前进,我们一路前进
[01:35.244] 我们披坚又执锐一路向前进
[01:38.604] 麦克莱伦我们的领袖,勇敢又强壮
[01:42.237] 为了上天与祖国我们一路向前进
[02:01.267] 我们国家的旗帜在高空飘扬
[02:04.901] 国旗陪伴下我们胜利或死亡
[02:08.550] 我们的事业正义敌人犯了错
[02:12.463] 愉快地歌唱我们一路向前进
[02:16.381] 一路前进,我们一路前进
[02:20.021] 我们披坚又执锐一路向前进
[02:23.660] 麦克莱伦我们的领袖,勇敢又强壮
[02:27.303] 为了上天与祖国我们一路向前进