The Capture of 17 of Co. H, 4th Texas Cavalry

The Capture of 17 of Co. H, 4th Texas Cavalry

歌名 The Capture of 17 of Co. H, 4th Texas Cavalry
歌手 Bobby Horton
专辑 Homespun Songs of the C. S. A., Volume 6
[00:17.393] Twas early in the morning of 1863
[00:21.070] We started out on picket, not knowing what we'd see
[00:24.744] The bridge we knew was floating. If the yankee should persue
[00:28.511] We know we should be captured if runing we'd not do
[00:34.212] To stop and give them battle we never thought of it
[00:37.932] The shot at us did rattle, so we thought we'd better "git"
[00:41.671] The captain tried to rally us and so did brave young Linn
[00:45.081] And Rader too with pistol drawn, Fenly next "put in"
[00:50.855] Rainbolt too, with angry words attempts to stop our flight
[00:54.576] They tell us yet to stop with them, and give the yankees fight
[00:58.287] They saw they could not stop us, to try it would be in vain
[01:01.747] So their only chance to safety was to give their steeds the rein
[01:07.730] Now this portion of my story will cause your hearts to bleed
[01:11.485] It tells of those who halted while going at full speed
[01:14.965] First came Billy Eddins with musket shot in thigh
[01:18.685] He was told by the yankees "surrender now or die!"
[01:41.319] Then came poor Johnny Burnes with sabre cut in head
[01:44.995] And nearby him, and wounded, stood the still unconquered Red
[01:48.655] Then Oscar and June Harris stood near in sore affright
[01:52.317] Then came the young De Marcus, in none the better plight
[01:58.052] Yarborough too with chalky cheek was walking down the road
[02:01.819] The yankees had to some extent reliey'd him of his load
[02:05.531] His overcoat he had pull'd off and in his shirt he stood
[02:09.248] In woeful plight, he was a sight, his face contain'd no blood
[02:15.245] Then came the lively Lilly, with teeth hard set in wrath
[02:18.420] To think that some had pass'd him by, but picked him up at last
[02:22.137] Then Burnes came, and Maynard, them Graham and Jim Baugh
[02:26.101] The gallant Bone was found along and brought back from afar
[02:48.271] But of that handsome Parton I must not fail to tell
[02:51.940] His graceful way of riding you all remember well
[02:55.670] But today the fates concluded to stop his wild career
[02:59.617] So from his horse was jolted by a musket from the rear
[03:05.301] The gallant Hill and dashing Dees, were spurring for dear life
[03:08.750] When a yankee rode with perfect ease upon them with a knife
[03:12.754] Surrender now my pretty pair and do it quickly too
[03:16.476] Stop at once and turn your mare or I will run you through!
[03:22.161] They stopped in once and faced about and to the rear did start
[03:25.566] And back they came with legs quite lame with faint and sinking heart
[03:29.277] And there they saw a crowd who were gobbled up that day
[03:33.035] They were the twain that made 17, and we were march'd away
[00:17.393] 那是一八六三年的一个清晨里
[00:21.070] 我们出发前去侦察,不晓得能看见什么
[00:24.744] 那熟悉的桥还立着。可北佬要是追来
[00:28.511] 我们晓得要是不跑就一定会被俘虏
[00:34.212] 停下来跟他们交火我们从来没想过
[00:37.932] 啪啪地射来了子弹我想最好赶紧溜
[00:41.671] 上尉在试着整队,勇敢的小林也在一块儿
[00:45.081] 拉德也拔出了手枪,芬利下一个来到
[00:50.855] 兰博也骂骂咧咧想阻止我们逃跑
[00:54.576] 他们叫咱停下一起和洋基佬交手
[00:58.287] 他们发现拦不住人,怎么做都是白费
[01:01.747] 所以唯一的保命机会就是拍马赶紧逃
[01:07.730] 我这故事这一段能让你心里滴血
[01:11.485] 讲讲那些奔逃中被迫停下的人
[01:14.965] 第一个是比利艾丁斯被枪子射中大腿
[01:18.685] 北佬对他讲到“要么投降要么死!”
[01:41.319] 而可怜的强尼伯恩斯被刀劈中脑袋
[01:44.995] 在他旁边受伤还没被抓的是瑞德
[01:48.655] 奥斯卡和朱恩哈里斯在惊恐中呆住
[01:52.317] 而小德马库斯的境地也好不到哪里去
[01:58.052] 雅博勒也脸色苍白沿着道路走来
[02:01.819] 北佬某种意义上也是让他放松了
[02:05.531] 他把自己大衣脱了下来只穿了件衬衫
[02:09.248] 在惨状中他的脸上看不到一丝血色
[02:15.245] 又来了活泼的李黎愤怒得咬牙切齿
[02:18.420] 因为有人直接经过了他,最后仍被抓了回来
[02:22.137] 又来了伯恩斯和梅纳德还有格拉翰和吉姆博
[02:26.101] 勇猛的伯恩他落了单从远处被带回来
[02:48.271] 但那位帅气的帕顿我也得提他一嘴
[02:51.940] 他骑马如何优雅你们也都记得
[02:55.670] 可今天命运决定要结束他大好生涯
[02:59.617] 所以他在马上被一发子弹从背后颠了下来
[03:05.301] 无畏的希尔和大胆迪斯在力保珍贵性命
[03:08.750] 一个北佬拿着刀朝他们稳稳地策马而来
[03:12.754] 投降吧我的老伙计你动作最好快点
[03:16.476] 停下把马转过来不然我踩你身上过!
[03:22.161] 他们马上停下转过身并跑向了后头
[03:25.566] 他们一瘸一拐地回来了胸中昏暗低沉
[03:29.277] 那里他们看到了今天一败涂地的人群
[03:33.035] 他们俩凑足了十七俘虏,我们一起离开去