The Battle of Shiloh

The Battle of Shiloh

歌名 The Battle of Shiloh
歌手 Bobby Horton
专辑 Homespun Songs of the C. S. A., Volume 6
[00:08.154] All you Southerners now draw near,
[00:11.434] Unto my story approach you here,
[00:15.225] Each loyal Southerner's heart to cheer,
[00:18.873] With the victory gained at Shiloh.
[00:25.189] O it was on April of sixteenth day,
[00:28.892] In spite of a long and muddy way,
[00:32.665] We landed safe at Corinth Bay
[00:36.353] All on our route to Shiloh,
[00:42.564] That night we lay on the cold ground,
[00:46.253] No tents nor shelters could we find;
[00:49.792] And in the rain we almost drowned
[00:53.442] All on our way to Shiloh.
[01:07.332] Next morning a burning sun did rise
[01:11.113] Beneath the eastern cloudless sky,
[01:14.762] And General Beauregard replied:
[01:18.738] "Prepare to march to Shiloh."
[01:24.725] And when our Shiloh hove in view,
[01:28.457] It would the bravest hearts subdue
[01:32.291] To see the Yankee mighty crew
[01:36.219] That held the works at Shiloh.
[01:42.063] For they were strongly fortified
[01:45.707] With batteries on the river-side.
[01:49.541] Our generals viewed the plains and cried:
[01:53.378] "We'll get hot work at Shiloh."
[02:07.088] And when those batteries strove to gain,
[02:11.015] The balls fell around us thick as rain,
[02:14.945] And many a hero there was slain,
[02:18.541] Upon the plains of Shiloh.
[02:24.758] The thirty-third and the Zouaves,
[02:28.549] They charged the the batteries and gave three cheers,
[02:32.376] And General Beauregard rang the airs '
[02:35.974] With Southern steel at Shiloh.
[02:49.918] Their guns and knapsacks they threw down,
[02:53.935] They ran like hares before the hounds.
[02:57.675] The Yankee Dutch could not withstand
[03:01.601] The Southern charge at Shiloh.
[03:08.056] Now many a pretty maid did mourn
[03:11.705] A lover who'll no more return;
[03:15.586] The cruel war has from her torn;
[03:19.333] His body lies at Shiloh.
[length: 03:45.616]
[tool: 歌词滚动姬]
[00:08.154] 所有南方老乡都靠近来
[00:11.434] 听听我的故事快凑过来
[00:15.225] 每个忠诚南方人心振奋
[00:18.873] 为那夏洛战役的大胜利
[00:25.189] 噢那是十七号在四月里
[00:28.892] 当那长长路上堆满烂泥
[00:32.665] 我们登录科林斯河湾里
[00:36.353] 一齐向着希洛战场进军
[00:42.564] 那夜我们躺在冰冷地上
[00:46.253] 找不着帐篷处所避风寒
[00:49.792] 倾盆雨几乎将我们淹没
[00:53.442] 在我们到夏洛的征途上
[01:07.332] 第二天炽热的烈日升起
[01:11.113] 在那晴朗的东方蓝天边
[01:14.762] 而博雷加德将军下命令:
[01:18.738] 准备好向夏洛进军
[01:24.725] 当咱们夏洛遥遥在望时
[01:28.457] 最勇敢的心灵也会发寒
[01:32.291] 看那洋基大军威风凛凛
[01:36.219] 早全副武装等候在希洛
[01:42.063] 他们在坚壁后严阵以待
[01:45.707] 炮兵组已在河上架起来
[01:49.541] 将军一看战场大吼起来:
[01:53.378] 我们在希洛要有场恶战
[02:07.088] 当大炮开始收割亡命鬼
[02:11.015] 圆弹如雨点般砸在身旁
[02:14.945] 无数英雄好汉暴尸荒野
[02:18.541] 在那夏洛战场的平原上
[02:24.758] 三十三团还有祖阿夫兵
[02:28.549] 他们三呼万岁冲向炮火
[02:32.376] 将军博雷加德惊天一吼
[02:35.974] 伴着南方军钢刀在希洛
[02:49.918] 步枪与行囊他们扔地上
[02:53.935] 像猎犬前的野兔一样逃
[02:57.675] 洋基的外国兵无力阻挡
[03:01.601] 南方战士在夏洛的冲锋
[03:08.056] 现在无数闺中少妇泣涕
[03:11.705] 她们爱人永远不再归去
[03:15.586] 残酷的战争撕碎了平静
[03:19.333] 将她另一半埋在了夏洛