God Will Defend the Right

God Will Defend the Right

歌名 God Will Defend the Right
歌手 Bobby Horton
专辑 Homespun Songs of the C. S. A., Volume 6
[00:07.196] Sons of the South arise!
[00:10.944] Rise in your matchless might.
[00:14.197] Your war cry echo to the skies,
[00:18.203] "God will defend the right."
[00:21.409] Let haughty tyrants know,
[00:24.904] Our sunny land shall be
[00:28.410] In spite of every foe,
[00:32.158] Home of the brave and free.
[00:35.910] Sons of the South arise!
[00:39.404] Rise in your matchless might.
[00:42.654] Your war cry echo to the skies,
[00:46.406] "God will defend the right."
[00:56.655] Our flag shall proudly stream,
[01:00.150] Defiant of assault.
[01:03.656] With bars of the rainbow's brightest beam
[01:08.150] And stars from the heaven's blue vault.
[01:11.401] Thousand of true and brave,
[01:14.651] Their hero lives may end.
[01:17.903] Over thousands that flag shall wave
[01:21.410] And thousands its foes defend.
[01:25.404] Sons of the South arise!
[01:28.910] Rise in your matchless might.
[01:31.905] Your war cry echo to the skies,
[01:36.080] "God will defend the right."
[01:46.333] No wrongs our breasts alarm
[01:49.840] No fears our hearts appall.
[01:53.334] Unswerving justice nerves our arms.
[01:57.083] We cannot conquered fall.
[02:00.588] Think on our noble sires.
[02:04.275] Immortal in renown.
[02:07.524] Think on our altar-fires.
[02:10.777] And strike the oppressor down.
[02:15.025] Sons of the South arise!
[02:18.277] Rise in your matchless might.
[02:21.526] Your war cry echo to the skies,
[02:25.777] "God will defend the right."
[02:36.027] With threats of horrors dire,
[02:39.280] The fierce invader comes,
[02:43.273] We scorn his boats, we scorn his ire
[02:46.779] Striking of hearths and homes.
[02:50.029] Strike for our mothers now
[02:53.281] For daughters, sisters, wives,
[02:57.030] Freely would each bestow,
[03:00.283] Were it ten thousand lives.
[03:04.276] Sons of the South arise!
[03:07.525] Rise in your matchless might.
[03:11.531] Your war cry echo to the skies,
[03:15.025] "God will defend the right."
[00:07.196] 南方之子崛起!
[00:10.944] 在你无比的力量中崛起
[00:14.197] 你的战吼回荡在天空
[00:18.203] “上帝会捍卫正义”
[00:21.409] 让傲慢的暴君知道
[00:24.904] 我们阳光下的土地
[00:28.410] 将不会畏惧任何敌人
[00:32.158] 那勇敢而自由的家乡!
[00:35.910] 南方之子崛起!
[00:39.404] 在你无比的力量中崛起
[00:42.654] 你的战吼回荡在天空
[00:46.406] “上帝会捍卫正义”
[00:56.655] 我们的旗帜在自豪地飘扬
[01:00.150] 反抗着发起进攻
[01:03.656] 带着那闪耀着美妙梦想的星杠
[01:08.150] 还有那蓝色星杠中的十三颗星
[01:11.401] 无数忠诚且勇敢的战士们
[01:14.651] 他们英勇的生命或将凋零
[01:17.903] 可仍有成千上万面旗帜在飘扬
[01:21.410] 与无数的敌人决一死战
[01:25.404] 南方之子崛起!
[01:28.910] 在你无比的力量中崛起
[01:31.905] 你的战吼回荡在天空
[01:36.080] “上帝会捍卫正义”
[01:46.333] 没错我们的身体在打颤
[01:49.840] 可我们会直面内心的恐惧
[01:53.334] 坚定不移的正义使我们握紧武器
[01:57.083] 我们无法被暴政所打垮
[02:00.588] 想想我们高尚的祖先
[02:04.275] 他们名垂青史
[02:07.524] 想想我们真挚的爱
[02:10.777] 一定要打倒暴君
[02:15.025] 南方之子崛起!
[02:18.277] 在你无比的力量中崛起
[02:21.526] 你的战吼回荡在天空
[02:25.777] “上帝会捍卫正义“
[02:36.027] 可恨的扬基佬即至
[02:39.280] 带来了决不能容忍的威胁
[02:43.273] 我们不屑他的船,不屑他
[02:46.779] 对我们的生活和家园的愤怒
[02:50.029] 现在我们为母亲而战
[02:53.281] 为了女儿、姐妹、妻子而战
[02:57.030] 无数自由的战士们
[03:00.283] 都将自愿献出生命
[03:04.276] 南方之子崛起!
[03:07.525] 在你无比的力量中崛起
[03:11.531] 你的战吼回荡在天空
[03:15.025] “上帝会捍卫正义”