Hood's Old Brigade

Hood's Old Brigade

歌名 Hood's Old Brigade
歌手 Bobby Horton
专辑 Homespun Songs of the C. S. A., Volume 5
[00:19.170] Twas midnight when we built our fires
[00:22.240] We marched at half past three
[00:24.300] We know not when our march shall end
[00:26.490] Nor care–we follow Lee.
[00:28.510] The starlight gleams on many a crest
[00:30.619] And many a well-trod blade
[00:32.520] This handful marching on our left
[00:34.920] This lin’ is our brigade.
[00:37.479] Our lin’ is short because its veins
[00:40.200] So lavishly have bled
[00:42.300] The missing search the countless planes
[00:44.440] For battles it has led
[00:46.420] There are those Georgians on the right
[00:48.599] Their ranks are thinin’ too
[00:50.499] How in one company they say
[00:52.884] They now can count but two
[01:04.430] There’s not much talkin’ down the lines
[01:06.729] Nor shoutin’ down the gloam [twilight]
[01:08.489] For when the night is ’round us
[01:10.891] Then we’re thinkin’ most of home
[01:13.979] I saw a young soldier startled
[01:16.020] When we passed an open glade
[01:18.110] Where the low starlight, leaf, and bough
[01:20.449] A fairy picture made
[01:22.209] Nor has he uttered a word since then
[01:24.440] My heart can whisper why
[01:26.420] ‘Twas like the spot in Texas
[01:28.590] Where he bade his love goodbye
[01:31.790] And when beyond us carelessly
[01:34.150] Some soldier sang “Adieu”
[01:36.150] My comrade here across his eyes
[01:38.325] His coarse sleeve roughly drew
[01:40.320] So scarcely sound of trampling feet
[01:42.520] Is echoed through the gloom
[01:44.200] Because when stars are brightest then
[01:46.680] We’re thinkin’ most of home
[02:06.800] Hush, what an echo startles up
[02:09.540] Around this rocky hill
[02:11.698] Was a shell half buried struck my foot?
[02:13.830] Or stay–’tis a human skull?
[02:15.940] This ridge I surely seem to know
[02:17.940] By light of the rising moon
[02:19.760] While we battled here three mortal hours
[02:22.129] One Sunday afternoon
[02:25.090] Last spring, you see where our captain stands
[02:27.480] His head drooped on his breast
[02:29.360] At his feet that heap of bones and earth
[02:31.610] You know know why his rest
[02:33.660] Is broke off, and why his sword
[02:35.700] was so bitter in the fray
[02:37.590] ‘Tis the grave of his only brother
[02:39.800] Who was killed that awful day
[03:00.709] Hush, for in front I hear a shot
[03:02.830] And then a well-known cry
[03:05.010] It is the foe! See where the flames
[03:07.230] Mount upward to the sky
[03:09.139] It is the full hot breath we hear
[03:11.360] We wait the comin’ sun
[03:13.099] And ‘ere these stars may shine again
[03:15.500] A field is lost or won
[03:18.490] Is won! It is the old brigade
[03:20.549] This line of stalwart men
[03:22.690] The long roll, how it thrills my heart
[03:24.900] To hear that sound again
[03:26.827] God shield us boys! Here breaks the day
[03:29.089] The stars begin to fade
[03:30.850] Now steady here! Fall in! Fall in!
[03:33.150] Forward the old brigade!
[00:19.170] 半夜我们点起营火
[00:22.240] 在三点半开拔
[00:24.300] 不知何时行军结束
[00:26.490] 无妨--咱跟着李
[00:28.510] 星光闪耀在鬃毛上
[00:30.619] 刀尖也磨得光亮
[00:32.520] 有一撮人在左翼前进
[00:34.920] 那条线列是咱的旅
[00:37.479] 我们线列短是因为它
[00:40.200] 曾流过无数血
[00:42.300] 在无数战场上损失高
[00:44.440] 为了掌握主动权
[00:46.420] 还有乔治亚人在右翼
[00:48.599] 他们线列一样短
[00:50.499] 要是算算一个连队里
[00:52.884] 他们只剩两个人
[01:04.430] 在线列中说话不多
[01:06.729] 吼叫声也稀疏
[01:08.489] 当夜幕降临包围我们
[01:10.891] 想家乡是最多
[01:13.979] 我见一年轻士兵惊异
[01:16.020] 当咱穿过林间空地
[01:18.110] 星光低沉在枝叶间
[01:20.449] 画面何等美丽
[01:22.209] 他自那一刻沉默不语
[01:24.440] 我心底里都明白
[01:26.420] 这画面仿佛在德州
[01:28.590] 他离别爱人之地
[01:31.790] 在我们身后轻轻地
[01:34.150] 有人唱起送别歌曲
[01:36.150] 我的战友卷起袖子
[01:38.325] 擦了擦眼角的泪
[01:40.320] 踏步声稀稀疏疏
[01:42.520] 留下愁云惨淡
[01:44.200] 在那星光最耀眼时
[01:46.680] 想家乡是最多
[02:06.800] 哈呀,有声音正惊起
[02:09.540] 回荡在山岭间
[02:11.698] 地里炮弹绊住了脚
[02:13.830] 等等--那是个头颅?
[02:15.940] 这山岭我依旧记得
[02:17.940] 在升起的月光下
[02:19.760] 在此生死搏斗三小时
[02:22.129] 是在周日下午
[02:25.090] 去年春我们上尉在此
[02:27.480] 他的头垂在胸前
[02:29.360] 他脚上积满了尘土
[02:31.610] 宁静已被打破
[02:33.660] 同他宝剑在身旁
[02:35.700] 也锈在战壕里
[02:37.590] 这儿是他兄弟的葬身地
[02:39.800] 在残酷一日战死
[03:00.709] 啊呀听前头一声枪响
[03:02.830] 和那震撼的大吼
[03:05.010] 敌袭!看那熊熊火焰
[03:07.230] 直窜上天边
[03:09.139] 火热的喘息在耳旁
[03:11.360] 等待太阳升起
[03:13.099] 当那星星再次闪烁
[03:15.500] 战场一决输赢
[03:18.490] 胜利!此乃古老的旅
[03:20.549] 此乃壮士的线列
[03:22.690] 那战鼓温暖我的心
[03:24.900] 再听见那声音
[03:26.827] 老天保佑!天色渐明
[03:29.089] 星光渐渐隐去
[03:30.850] 立正站好!列阵!列阵!
[03:33.150] 前进古老的旅!