General Forrest, a Confederate

General Forrest, a Confederate

歌名 General Forrest, a Confederate
歌手 Bobby Horton
专辑 Homespun Songs of the C. S. A., Volume 5
[00:00.000] 作曲 : General James Chalmers
[00:15.382] The day of our destiny was darkened,
[00:18.921] The heart of the nation stood still,
[00:22.367] When Forts Henry and Donelson surrendered
[00:25.674] And Johnston fell back to Nashville.
[00:29.677] But the clouds which then thickened all around us
[00:33.086] Served only the plainer to show
[00:36.632] The form of that hero arising,
[00:39.941] To deliver us all from the foe.
[00:43.912] Here's to Forrest from the Brave Tennessee,
[00:47.410] Here's to Forrest from the Brave Tennessee,
[00:50.884] In our hearts he will triumph forever,
[00:54.050] Here's to Forrest from the Brave Tennessee!
[01:11.995] At Shiloh he charged a division,
[01:16.001] And covered our army's retreat,
[01:19.403] At Murfreesboro won his promotion,
[01:22.629] When Crittenden admitted his defeat.
[01:26.638] Next Streight went careering before him,
[01:30.230] Expecting our rear to assail,
[01:33.825] But Forrest, with his fair maiden pilot
[01:36.809] Soon landed the robber in jail!
[01:40.875] Here's to Forrest from the Brave Tennessee,
[01:44.462] Here's to Forrest from the Brave Tennessee,
[01:48.013] In our hearts he will triumph forever,
[01:51.004] Here's to Forrest from the Brave Tennessee!
[02:09.424] Chickamauga, Chattanooga, Okolona,
[02:13.021] Memphis and Tishamingo Creek
[02:16.565] Union City, Fort Pillow, and Paducah,
[02:19.737] All the deeds of our hero bespeak.
[02:23.709] Now, Athens, Sulphur Springs, and Pulaski,
[02:27.303] Have aroused old Sherman from his lair,
[02:30.752] For the boldest of Yankee commanders
[02:34.020] Will tremble with Forrest in his rear!
[02:38.175] Here's to Forrest from the Brave Tennessee,
[02:41.630] Here's to Forrest from the Brave Tennessee,
[02:45.033] In our hearts he will triumph forever,
[02:48.106] Here's to Forrest from the Brave Tennessee!
[03:06.387] Next Johnsonville attracted his attention,
[03:09.937] Where Sherman had collected his stores,
[03:13.249] And the gunboats' once terrible dimension
[03:16.803] Floated grandly and proudly at its doors
[03:20.819] But Forrest's Artillery Battallion
[03:24.409] Morton, Rice, and Walton, and Croft
[03:27.913] Set fire to Sherman's gunboats and transports,
[03:31.091] Nor ceased 'til they had burned them all.
[03:35.016] Here's to Forrest from the Brave Tennessee,
[03:38.568] Here's to Forrest from the Brave Tennessee,
[03:42.130] In our hearts he will triumph forever,
[03:45.251] Here's to Forrest from the Brave Tennessee!
[03:49.323] Here's to Forrest from the Brave Tennessee,
[03:52.821] Here's to Forrest from the Brave Tennessee,
[03:56.367] In our hearts he will triumph forever,
[03:59.443] Here's to Forrest from the Brave Tennessee,
[00:15.382] 我们的命运之日黯淡
[00:18.921] 而国家的心弦紧绷
[00:22.367] 当亨利堡多纳森堡投降
[00:25.674] 约翰斯顿往纳什维尔跑
[00:29.677] 但我们周遭浓密的阴云
[00:33.086] 将会为一人所刺破
[00:36.632] 那个英雄的身影降临
[00:39.941] 从敌手将我们拯救
[00:43.912] 敬那勇敢的田纳西佛瑞斯特
[00:47.410] 敬那勇敢的田纳西佛瑞斯特
[00:50.884] 在我们心中永远欢呼着
[00:54.050] 敬那勇敢的田纳西佛瑞斯特
[01:11.995] 在夏洛他朝一整个师冲锋
[01:16.001] 为了掩护大军的撤退
[01:19.403] 在默弗里斯伯勒荣获晋升
[01:22.629] 让克里滕登吃下败仗
[01:26.638] 而后大功一件找上门
[01:30.230] 预防后方来到的进攻
[01:33.825] 但佛瑞斯特的新手骑士们
[01:36.809] 让匪帮在监狱落了地
[01:40.875] 敬那勇敢的田纳西佛瑞斯特
[01:44.462] 敬那勇敢的田纳西佛瑞斯特
[01:48.013] 在我们心中永远欢呼着
[01:51.004] 敬那勇敢的田纳西佛瑞斯特
[02:09.424] 奇卡莫加,查塔努加,奥科洛纳
[02:13.021] 孟菲斯与蒂肖明戈河
[02:16.565] 尤宁城,枕头堡和帕迪尤卡
[02:19.737] 到处传颂英雄的事迹
[02:23.709] 雅典,萨尔弗斯普林斯和珀拉斯凯
[02:27.303] 在舍曼的老巢中大闹
[02:30.752] 即使最勇敢的洋基指挥官
[02:34.020] 也害怕佛瑞斯特在后头
[02:38.175] 敬那勇敢的田纳西佛瑞斯特
[02:41.630] 敬那勇敢的田纳西佛瑞斯特
[02:45.033] 在我们心中永远欢呼着
[02:48.106] 敬那勇敢的田纳西佛瑞斯特
[03:06.387] 约翰逊维尔吸引了他的注意
[03:09.937] 舍曼的物资在那里屯储
[03:13.249] 而艘艘巨大的战船
[03:16.803] 目中无人地侵门踏户
[03:20.819] 但佛瑞斯特的炮兵连
[03:24.409] 莫顿,莱斯,沃顿与克罗夫特
[03:27.913] 向舍曼的船只倾泻火力
[03:31.091] 直到把它们都烧干净
[03:35.016] 敬那勇敢的田纳西佛瑞斯特
[03:38.568] 敬那勇敢的田纳西佛瑞斯特
[03:42.130] 在我们心中永远欢呼着
[03:45.251] 敬那勇敢的田纳西佛瑞斯特
[03:49.323] 敬那勇敢的田纳西佛瑞斯特
[03:52.821] 敬那勇敢的田纳西佛瑞斯特
[03:56.367] 在我们心中永远欢呼着
[03:59.443] 敬那勇敢的田纳西佛瑞斯特