The Kentucky Battle Song

The Kentucky Battle Song

歌名 The Kentucky Battle Song
歌手 Bobby Horton
专辑 Homespun Songs of the C. S. A., Volume 5
[00:24.826] In the year of '61, we left our native land,
[00:28.744] For we could not bend our spirits to
[00:30.983] The tyrant's stern command.
[00:32.664] So we rallied 'round our Buckner,
[00:34.903] While our hearts were sad and sore,
[00:36.581] To offer our blood for freedom as our fathers did before
[00:40.504] And we'll march! march! march!
[00:42.462] To the music of the drum,
[00:44.705] We were driven forth in exile,
[00:46.663] From our old Kentucky home
[00:56.764] When at first the southern flag unfurled
[00:59.002] Its' folds upon the air,
[01:00.679] Its' stars had hardly gathered 'til
[01:02.640] Kentucky's sons were there.
[01:04.602] And we swore a solemn oath and sternly gathered round
[01:08.521] We would only live as freemen in the
[01:11.038] Dark and bloody ground.
[01:12.717] And we'll march! march! march!
[01:14.677] To the music of the drum,
[01:16.641] We were driven forth in exile,
[01:18.601] From our old Kentucky home
[01:28.681] With Buckner as our leader
[01:30.654] And Morgan in the van,
[01:32.636] We'll plant the flag of freedom
[01:34.642] In our fair and happy land,
[01:36.626] We'll drive the tyrant's minions
[01:38.625] To the Ohio's rolling flood,
[01:40.610] And dye her waves with crimson
[01:42.888] With the coward yankee blood.
[01:44.819] And we'll march! march! march!
[01:46.817] To the music of the drum,
[01:48.532] We were driven forth in exile,
[01:50.533] From our old Kentucky home
[02:16.851] Then cheer ye southern braves,
[02:18.816] You will soon see the day,
[02:20.787] When Kentucky's fairest daughters
[02:22.772] Will cheer you on your way,
[02:24.732] Then their proud old mothers
[02:26.692] Will welcome one and all,
[02:28.652] For united we stand,
[02:30.614] But divided we fall!
[02:32.870] And we'll march! march! march!
[02:34.831] To the music of the drum,
[02:36.992] We were driven forth in exile,
[02:38.679] From our old Kentucky home
[00:24.826] 那是一八六一年,我们离开了故乡
[00:28.744] 因为我们的精神无法屈服于
[00:30.983] 暴君严苛的统治
[00:32.664] 我们同巴克纳团结在一起
[00:34.903] 心中悲伤又苦楚
[00:36.581] 把我们的鲜血献给自由正如祖辈们一样
[00:40.504] 我们要向前!向前!向前!
[00:42.462] 随着战鼓的节拍
[00:44.705] 我们被暴政驱逐流放
[00:46.663] 离开了肯塔基故乡
[00:56.764] 当第一面南方旗帜升起
[00:59.002] 褶皱荡漾在空中
[01:00.679] 它的星星并不完整
[01:02.640] 直到肯塔基之子来到
[01:04.602] 我们隆重地宣誓,庄严地团聚起
[01:08.521] 我们将只愿自由地活在
[01:11.038] 那血浸的阴暗地下
[01:12.717] 我们要向前!向前!向前!
[01:14.677] 随着战鼓的节拍
[01:16.641] 我们被暴政驱逐流放
[01:18.601] 离开了肯塔基故乡
[01:28.681] 有巴克纳作我们领袖
[01:30.654] 还有摩根当先锋
[01:32.636] 我们将竖起自由的旗帜
[01:34.642] 在我们美丽的乐土上
[01:36.626] 我们驱逐暴君的奴才
[01:38.625] 到俄亥俄滚滚的波涛中
[01:40.610] 将她的河水染成赤红
[01:42.888] 以北军胆小鬼的血
[01:44.819] 我们要向前!向前!向前!
[01:46.817] 随着战鼓的节拍
[01:48.532] 我们被驱逐被流放
[01:50.533] 离开了肯塔基故乡
[02:16.851] 欢呼吧南方勇士们
[02:18.816] 你们就快见到那天
[02:20.787] 那肯塔基曼妙的女儿们
[02:22.772] 夹道把你们欢迎
[02:24.732] 她们自豪的老母亲们
[02:26.692] 也将在一起欢迎
[02:28.652] 我们曾团聚在此地
[02:30.614] 但战死在了各处
[02:32.870] 我们要向前!向前!向前!
[02:34.831] 随着战鼓的节拍
[02:36.992] 我们被暴政驱逐流放
[02:38.679] 离开了肯塔基故乡