Ye Cavaliers of Dixie

Ye Cavaliers of Dixie

歌名 Ye Cavaliers of Dixie
歌手 Bobby Horton
专辑 Homespun Songs of the C. S. A., Volume 5
[00:00.000] 作曲 : Benjamin F. Porter and John Wall Collcott
[00:11.856] Ye Cavaliers of Dixie!
[00:14.278] Who guard the Southern shores,
[00:16.375] Whose standards brave the battle storm
[00:18.845] Which o'er our border roars
[00:20.940] Your glorious sabers draw once more,
[00:23.455] And charge the Northern foe;
[00:26.353] And reap their columns deep,
[00:28.731] And reap their columns deep,
[00:30.920] And reap their columns deep,
[00:34.508] Where the raging tempests blow,
[00:36.748] Where the raging tempests blow,
[00:39.404] And the iron hail in floods descends,
[00:41.689] And the bloody torrents flow.
[00:44.762] Ye Cavaliers of Dixie!
[00:47.282] Though dark the tempest lower,
[00:49.564] What arms will wear the tyrant's chains
[00:51.898] What dastard heart will cower?
[00:54.271] Bright o'er the night a sign shall rise
[00:56.367] To lead to victory!
[00:59.168] And your swords reap their hordes,
[01:01.606] Where the battle tempests blow;
[01:03.843] Where the iron hail in floods descends,
[01:07.297] And the bloody torrents flow.
[01:09.681] And the bloody torrents flow.
[01:12.262] And the iron hail in floods descends,
[01:14.592] And the bloody torrents flow.
[01:17.624] The South! she needs no ramparts,
[01:20.245] No lofty towers to shield;
[01:22.480] Your bosoms are her bulwarks strong,
[01:24.758] Breastworks that never yield!
[01:26.998] The thunders of your battle blades
[01:29.232] Shall sweep the servile foe;
[01:32.265] While their gore stains the shore,
[01:34.411] Where the battle tempests blow;
[01:36.788] Where the iron hail in floods descends,
[01:40.374] And the bloody torrents flow.
[01:42.940] And the bloody torrents flow.
[01:45.139] And the iron hail in floods descends,
[01:47.323] And the bloody torrents flow.
[01:50.485] The battle-flag of Dixie
[01:53.044] With crimson field shall flame;
[01:55.468] Her azure cross and silver stars
[01:57.657] Shall light her sons to flame!
[01:59.750] When peace with olive-branch returns,
[02:02.130] That flag's white folds shall glow
[02:05.155] Still bright on every height,
[02:07.441] When strom has ceased to blow,
[02:09.677] And the battle tempests roar no more;
[02:13.177] Nor the bloody torrents flow.
[02:15.420] Nor the bloody torrents flow.
[02:18.078] And the iron hail in floods descends,
[02:20.209] And the bloody torrents flow.
[02:23.463] O, battle-flag of Dixie!
[02:25.973] Long, long, triumphant wave!
[02:28.119] Where'er the storms of battle roar,
[02:30.493] Or victory crowns the brave!
[02:32.825] The Cavaliers of Dixie!
[02:35.147] In woman's song shall glow
[02:38.029] The flame of your name,
[02:40.352] When the storm has ceased to blow,
[02:42.726] When the battle tempests rage no more
[02:46.084] Nor the bloody torrents flow.
[02:48.830] Nor the bloody torrents flow.
[02:50.931] And the iron hail in floods descends,
[02:53.168] And the bloody torrents flow.
[00:11.856] 你们迪克西的骑兵
[00:14.278] 保卫着南方海岸
[00:16.375] 勇敢直面战争的风暴
[00:18.845] 当它入侵我们的国土
[00:20.940] 再次将荣耀之剑拔出
[00:23.455] 冲向北方的仇敌
[00:26.353] 宰割他们的纵队
[00:28.731] 宰割他们的纵队
[00:30.920] 宰割他们的纵队
[00:34.508] 在那愤怒的疾风咆哮之处
[00:36.748] 在那愤怒的疾风咆哮之处
[00:39.404] 在那钢铁冰雹如洪水降下
[00:41.689] 血腥疾风咆哮之处
[00:44.762] 你们迪克西的骑兵
[00:47.282] 纵使风暴乌云密布
[00:49.564] 双手岂能为暴君所束缚
[00:51.898] 心灵怎能污浊懦弱
[00:54.271] 照亮夜空的信号将升起
[00:56.367] 指明胜利方向!
[00:59.168] 你的剑刺向群敌
[01:01.606] 在疾风咆哮之处
[01:03.843] 在那钢铁冰雹如洪水降下
[01:07.297] 血腥疾风咆哮之处
[01:09.681] 血腥疾风咆哮之处
[01:12.262] 在那钢铁冰雹如洪水降下
[01:14.592] 血腥疾风咆哮之处
[01:17.624] 南方不需要堡垒
[01:20.245] 不需要高塔守护
[01:22.480] 你们的胸膛便是她的坚城
[01:24.758] 胸墙从不曾屈服
[01:26.998] 你们刺刀的暴风卷起
[01:29.232] 扫清奴隶性的敌人
[01:32.265] 令他们血染海滩
[01:34.411] 在疾风咆哮之处
[01:36.788] 在那钢铁冰雹如洪水降下
[01:40.374] 血腥疾风咆哮之处
[01:42.940] 血腥疾风咆哮之处
[01:45.139] 在那钢铁冰雹如洪水降下
[01:47.323] 血腥疾风咆哮之处
[01:50.485] 那迪克西的战旗
[01:53.044] 同赤色大地燃烧
[01:55.468] 她天蓝的十字与银星
[01:57.657] 领孩子们向战火!
[01:59.750] 当和平的橄榄枝归来
[02:02.130] 旗帜的白边闪烁
[02:05.155] 每一夜发着光
[02:07.441] 当风暴渐渐平息
[02:09.677] 而战争风暴不再咆哮
[02:13.177] 血腥疾风咆哮不再
[02:15.420] 血腥疾风咆哮不再
[02:18.078] 在那钢铁冰雹如洪水降下
[02:20.209] 血腥疾风咆哮之处
[02:23.463] 噢迪克西的战旗
[02:25.973] 永远为凯旋飘舞
[02:28.119] 不怕战争风暴侵袭
[02:30.493] 胜利桂冠何等英勇
[02:32.825] 那迪克西的骑兵
[02:35.147] 随着女人歌声发热
[02:38.029] 你们的英名在燃烧
[02:40.352] 当风暴渐渐平息
[02:42.726] 而战争风暴不再愤怒
[02:46.084] 血腥疾风咆哮不再
[02:48.830] 血腥疾风咆哮不再
[02:50.931] 在那钢铁冰雹如洪水降下
[02:53.168] 血腥疾风咆哮之处