The Battle of Shiloh Hill

The Battle of Shiloh Hill

歌名 The Battle of Shiloh Hill
歌手 Bobby Horton
专辑 Homespun Songs of the C. S. A., Volume 4
[00:00.000] 作曲 : M. B. Smith
[00:08.509] Come all ye valiant soldiers -- a story I will tell
[00:16.815] About the bloody battle that was fought on Shiloh Hill.
[00:26.155] It was an awful struggle and will cause your blood to chill;
[00:34.217] It was the famous battle that was fought on Shiloh Hill.
[00:42.712] 'Twas on the sixth of April, just at the break of day;
[00:50.837] The drums and fifes were playing for us to march away.
[01:00.296] The feeling of that hour I do remember still,
[01:08.367] For the wounded and the dying that lay on Shiloh Hill.
[01:27.364] About the hour of sunrise the battle it began;
[01:35.668] Before the day had vanished, we fought 'em hand to hand.
[01:44.653] The horrors of that field did my heart with anguish fill
[01:53.083] For the wounded and the dying that lay on Shiloh Hill.
[02:01.672] The wounded men were crying for help from everywhere,
[02:09.660] While others who were dying were offering God their prayer,
[02:19.055] "Protect my wife and children if it is Thy holy will!"
[02:27.336] Such were the prayers I heard that night on bloody Shiloh Hill.
[02:46.186] And early the next morning we were called to arms again,
[02:54.302] Unmindful of the wounded and unmindful to the slain;
[03:03.823] The struggle was renewed again, and ten thousand men were killed;
[03:11.850] This was the second conflict of the famous Shiloh Hill.
[03:20.421] The battle it raged on, though dead and dying men
[03:28.437] Lay thick all o'er the ground, on the hill and on the glen;
[03:37.767] And from their deadly wounds, the blood ran like a rill;
[03:45.988] Such were the mournful sights that I saw on bloody Shiloh Hill.
[04:04.979] Before the day was ended, the battle ceased to roar,
[04:13.083] And thousands of brave soldiers had fell to rise no more;
[04:22.400] They left their vacant ranks for some other ones to fill,
[04:30.562] And now their mouldering bodies all lie on Shiloh Hill.
[04:39.253] And now my song is ended about those bloody plains;
[04:47.149] I hope the sight by mortal man may ne'er be seen again!
[04:56.402] But I pray to God, my Saviour, "If consistent with Thy will,
[05:04.678] To save the souls of all who fell on bloody Shiloh Hill."
[00:08.509] 来吧勇敢的士兵们讲个故事你们听
[00:16.815] 关于那希洛山上爆发的血腥战斗
[00:26.155] 那场恶战能让你的血液都颤抖
[00:34.217] 都在那希洛山上爆发的血腥战斗中
[00:42.712] 就在那四月六号那天刚接近黎明
[00:50.837] 锣鼓与笛声齐鸣驱使我们迈向前
[01:00.296] 那一刻的感觉我始终还记得
[01:08.367] 或死或伤的身躯铺满了希洛的山
[01:27.364] 在太阳升起的一刹那战斗打响了
[01:35.668] 当太阳落下的时候我们短兵已相接
[01:44.653] 那场战斗的可怕煎熬着我的灵魂
[01:53.083] 或死或伤的身躯铺满了希洛的山
[02:01.672] 满身负伤的人们四处哀求着救援
[02:09.660] 而那些奄奄一息者祈祷上帝的垂怜
[02:19.055] 主啊凭您的圣意庇佑我的爱妻与幼儿
[02:27.336] 这样的祈祷遍布在血腥希洛的夜里
[02:46.186] 在那第二天的清晨号令又把我们唤
[02:54.302] 不管浑身伤口对死亡也无能为力
[03:03.823] 那战斗重新开始上万人遭屠戮
[03:11.850] 那是著名的希洛山丘第二场战斗
[03:20.421] 战况逐渐炽热纵使死伤者无数
[03:28.437] 在山间与平地躯体四处厚厚堆积
[03:37.767] 从那致命的伤口中鲜血流如注
[03:45.988] 我在希洛山上目睹了这悲惨的场景
[04:04.979] 在太阳落下山前我们结束了战斗
[04:13.083] 上千英勇战士永远倒在了战场上
[04:22.400] 他们空缺的位置还要由他人来填补
[04:30.562] 他们失去生机的躯体躺在希洛山上
[04:39.253] 我这咏唱血腥战场的歌已经结束
[04:47.149] 我愿这惨象不再为生者所看见!
[04:56.402] 我向上苍祈祷如果这合你的意愿
[05:04.678] 愿你保佑血腥的希洛山上逝去的魂灵