The Drummer Boy of Shiloh

The Drummer Boy of Shiloh

歌名 The Drummer Boy of Shiloh
歌手 Bobby Horton
专辑 Homespun Songs of the C. S. A., Volume 3
[00:00.484] On Shiloh's dark and bloody ground,
[00:05.243] The dead and wounded lay,
[00:10.290] Amongst them was a drummer boy,
[00:14.773] Who beat the drum that day.
[00:19.813] A wounded soldier held him up,
[00:24.571] His drum was by his side;
[00:29.325] He clasped his hands then raised his eyes
[00:34.361] And prayed before he died.
[00:38.834] He clasped his hands then raised his eyes
[00:43.861] And prayed before he died.
[00:48.905] "Look down upon the battle field
[00:53.385] Oh Thou, our heavenly friend !
[00:58.129] Have mercy on our sinful souls !"
[01:03.172] The soldiers cried "Amen !"
[01:07.930] For gathered 'round a little group,
[01:12.726] Each brave man knelt and cried;
[01:17.518] They listened to the drummer boy,
[01:22.551] Who prayed before he died,
[01:27.032] They listened to the drummer boy,
[01:31.792] Who prayed before he died.
[01:36.827] "Oh, Mother", said the dying boy,
[01:41.584] "Look down from heaven on me,
[01:46.351] Receive me to thy fond embrace,
[01:51.099] Oh, take me home to thee !
[01:55.870] I've loved my country as my God;
[02:00.902] To serve them both I've tried."
[02:05.656] He smiled, shook hands -- death seazed the boy
[02:10.697] Who prayed before he died,
[02:15.174] He smiled, shook hands -- death seazed the boy
[02:19.935] Who prayed before he died.
[02:24.979] Ye angels 'round the Throne of Grace,
[02:29.735] Look down upon the braves,
[02:34.495] Who fought and died on Shiloh's plain,
[02:39.254] Now slumb'ring in their graves !
[02:44.011] How many homes made desolate ?
[02:48.772] How many hearts have sighed ?
[02:53.811] How many like that drummer boy
[02:58.842] Who prayed before they died ?
[03:03.328] How many like that drummer boy,
[03:08.091] Who prayed before they died ?
[00:00.484] 夏洛漆黑血腥的战场上
[00:05.243] 躺着多少尸体与伤员
[00:10.290] 其中有一个小鼓手
[00:14.773] 那天曾高奏过战鼓
[00:19.813] 一个伤兵把他扶起来
[00:24.571] 他的战鼓就落在一边
[00:29.325] 他十指紧扣抬起双眼
[00:34.361] 在死前曾祈祷过
[00:38.834] 他十指紧扣抬起双眼
[00:43.861] 在死前曾祈祷过
[00:48.905] “往下看看这片战场吧
[00:53.385] 那天上的挚友啊!
[00:58.129] 可怜我们罪恶的灵魂吧!”
[01:03.172] 士兵们嘶吼到“阿门!”
[01:07.930] 他们聚集成了一小群
[01:12.726] 每个勇士都跪下哭泣
[01:17.518] 他们倾听着这小鼓手
[01:22.551] 他死前曾祈祷过
[01:27.032] 他们倾听着这小鼓手
[01:31.792] 他死前曾祈祷过
[01:36.827] “妈妈呀,"垂死的孩子说
[01:41.584] 从天堂上看看我吧
[01:46.351] 给我那爱的拥抱吧
[01:51.099] 快快把我带回家吧!
[01:55.870] 我爱祖国不逊于上帝
[02:00.902] 我已经尽力侍奉过啦。“
[02:05.656] 他笑了,合着手,被死亡带走了
[02:10.697] 他死前曾祈祷过
[02:15.174] 他笑了,合着手,被死亡带走了
[02:19.935] 他死前曾祈祷过
[02:24.979] 天使们围绕在圣座旁
[02:29.735] 俯瞰向人间的勇士
[02:34.495] 他们战死夏洛平原上
[02:39.254] 在墓穴中已经安息
[02:44.011] 有多少家庭陷入悲戚?
[02:48.772] 有多少心灵在哀叹?
[02:53.811] 有多少人像这小鼓手
[02:58.842] 在死前曾祈祷过?
[03:03.328] 有多少人像这小鼓手
[03:08.091] 在死前曾祈祷过?