The Reluctant Conscript

The Reluctant Conscript

歌名 The Reluctant Conscript
歌手 Bobby Horton
专辑 Homespun Songs of the C. S. A., Volume 3
[00:23.741] How are you boys, I'm just from camp and feel as brave as Caesar
[00:27.408] The sound of bugle, drum, and fife has raised my Ebeneezer
[00:31.044] I'm full of fight, odd shots, and shell, I'll leap into the saddle
[00:34.961] And when the yankees see me come, Lord how they will skedaddle
[00:39.154] Hold your head up Shanghai shanks, don't shake your knees and blink so
[00:42.799] It's no time to dodge the act, brave comrades don't you think so
[00:54.575] I was a plow boy in the field, a gawking, lazy, dodger
[00:57.940] When came the conscript officer and took me for a soldier
[01:01.861] He put a musket in my hand and showed me how to fire it
[01:05.780] I marched and counter-marched all day; Lord, how I did admire it
[01:09.690] With corn and hog fat for my food, a digging, guarding, drilling
[01:13.613] I got as thin as twice-skimmed milk and scarcely worth the killing
[01:17.533] And now I'm used to homely fare, my skin is tough as leather
[01:21.175] I do guard duty cheerfully in every kind of weather
[01:33.207] 'Tis true I have not seen a fight, nor have I smelt gunpowder
[01:36.570] But then the way I'll pepper them will be a sin to chowder
[01:40.494] A sergeant's stripes I now will sport, perhaps be color bearer
[01:44.136] And then a captain, good for me, I'll be a regular terror
[01:48.058] Hold your head up Shanghai shanks, don't shake your knees and blink so
[01:51.970] It's no time to dodge the act, brave comrades don't you think so
[02:03.715] I'll then begin to wear the stars and then the wreathes of glory
[02:07.346] Until the army I command and poets sing my story
[02:11.267] Our congress will pass votes of thanks to him who rose from zero
[02:15.182] The people in a mass will shout, "Hurrah! Behold the Hero!"
[02:19.097] Hold your head up Shanghai shanks, don't shake your knees and blink so
[02:22.747] It's no time to dodge the act, brave comrades don't you think so
[02:40.652] What's that? Oh dear a boiler burst, a gas pipe has exploded
[02:44.006] Maybe the yankees are hard by with muskets ready loaded
[02:47.931] Oh gallant soldiers beat them back, I'll join you in the frolic
[02:51.846] But I've a chill from head to foot and symptoms of the colic
[03:03.639] Hold your head up Shanghai shanks, don't shake your knees and blink so
[03:07.282] It's no time to dodge the act, brave comrades don't you think so
[00:23.741] 嗨呀兄弟们,我刚入伍,感觉自己比凯撒还牛
[00:27.408] 听着号角战鼓还有笛声好像凯旋柱都立起来了
[00:31.044] 我想打仗,到处放大炮,我一跃能跳到马鞍上
[00:34.961] 要是北方佬看到我来了,不得吓得惊慌失措
[00:39.154] 抬头挺胸你个上海腿,别搁哪儿吊儿郎当
[00:42.799] 遇上战斗可不能逃,好兄弟你们说是不
[00:54.575] 我是个种田的乡下仔,游手好闲呆头呆脑
[00:57.940] 忽然来了个征兵的军官把我拉进了军队里
[01:01.861] 他给了我一把燧发枪又教我怎么开火
[01:05.780] 我整天来回踏步走,哎呀,就喜欢这感觉
[01:09.690] 吃的是猪油炒玉米,天天修工事,站岗,操练
[01:13.613] 瘦得跟脱脂奶一样,宰了我都挤不出油水
[01:17.533] 但这都是家常便饭了,我浑身比皮革都糙
[01:21.175] 不论风吹雨淋还是日晒站岗都能非常轻松
[01:33.207] 虽然我一仗都没打过,还没闻过火药味儿
[01:36.570] 但我肯定能把敌人一锅端上面还得撒点胡椒
[01:40.494] 会有士官袖章可显摆,搞不好还能让我举旗
[01:44.136] 当个上尉对我正合适,也算是个正规军啦
[01:48.058] 抬头挺胸你个上海腿,别搁哪儿吊儿郎当
[01:51.970] 遇上战斗可不能逃,好兄弟你们说是不
[02:03.715] 马上肩章上就能加星星,边上会有荣耀花环(这都是军衔标识)
[02:07.346] 最后指挥一个方面军,会有诗人把我歌颂
[02:11.267] 国会通过提案要感谢我,这从零干起的大将
[02:15.182] 人群把我簇拥并欢呼到:“万岁!快看咱们的英雄!”
[02:19.097] 抬头挺胸你个上海腿,别搁哪儿吊儿郎当
[02:22.747] 遇上战斗可不能逃,好兄弟你们说是不
[02:40.652] 咋了?哦豁是锅炉炸了,还是管道给爆开了
[02:44.006] 还是说有北军在附近连子弹都装好了
[02:47.931] 好汉们把他们赶回去,我这就来跟他们耍耍
[02:51.846] 但我浑身发冷又肚子疼怕是暂时上不了了
[03:03.639] 抬头挺胸你个上海腿,别搁哪儿吊儿郎当
[03:07.282] 遇上战斗可不能逃,好兄弟你们说是不