We'll Fight for Uncle Abe

We'll Fight for Uncle Abe

歌名 We'll Fight for Uncle Abe
歌手 Bobby Horton
专辑 Homespun Songs of the Union Army, Volume 1
[00:06.081] Way down in old Varginni,
[00:08.319] I suppose you all do know,
[00:11.116] They have tried to bust the Union
[00:14.474] But they find it is no go,
[00:17.564] The yankee boys are starting out
[00:20.370] De Union for to sabe,
[00:22.897] And we're marching down to Washington,
[00:26.529] To fight for Uncle Abe.
[00:29.608] Rip, Rap, Flip, Flap
[00:32.125] Strap your knapsacks on your back
[00:34.928] For we're a gwine to Washington
[00:37.444] To fight for Uncle Abe.
[00:44.357] There is General Grant at Vicksburg,
[00:47.151] Just see what he has done,
[00:49.393] He has taken sixty cannon
[00:53.310] And made the Rebels run,
[00:56.106] And next he will take Richmond
[00:58.909] I'll bet you half a dollar
[01:01.149] And if he catches Gen'ral Johnson
[01:04.785] Oh wont he make him holler.
[01:08.145] Rip, Rap, Flip, Flap
[01:10.949] Strap your knapsacks on your back
[01:13.475] For we're a gwine to Washington
[01:15.998] To fight for Uncle Abe.
[01:24.125] The season now is coming,
[01:26.917] When the roads begin to dry,
[01:29.441] Soon the army of the Potomac
[01:33.082] Will make the rebels fly,
[01:35.884] For General McClellan he's the man
[01:38.407] The Union for to sabe,
[01:40.923] O! Hail Columbia's right side up,
[01:44.845] And so's your Uncle Abe.
[01:47.917] Rip, Rap, Flip, Flap
[01:50.710] Strap your knapsacks on your back
[01:52.953] For we're a gwine to Washington
[01:55.755] To fight for Uncle Abe.
[02:04.142] You may talk of Southern Chivalry
[02:06.943] And cotton being king,
[02:09.182] But I guess before the war is done
[02:12.816] You'll think another thing,
[02:15.901] They say that recognition
[02:18.416] Will the rebel country sabe,
[02:20.936] But Johnny Bull and Mister France
[02:24.582] Are 'fraid of Uncle Abe.
[02:27.662] Rip, Rap, Flip, Flap
[02:30.460] Strap your knapsacks on your back
[02:32.970] For we're a gwine to Washington
[02:35.772] To fight for Uncle Abe.
[00:06.081] 就在老弗吉尼亚那地方
[00:08.319] 我猜你都知道
[00:11.116] 那里有人要分裂联邦
[00:14.474] 但却发现这行不通
[00:17.564] 有洋基小伙们正在开拔
[00:20.370] 要把联邦来拯救
[00:22.897] 而我们一路行军到华盛顿
[00:26.529] 要给亚伯叔打仗
[00:29.608] 一,二,三,四
[00:32.125] 把行囊背到肩膀上
[00:34.928] 而我们一路前进到华盛顿
[00:37.444] 要给亚伯叔打仗
[00:44.357] 有个格兰特将军在维克斯堡
[00:47.151] 瞧瞧他是怎么做的
[00:49.393] 他俘获了有六十门大炮
[00:53.310] 让叛军们都逃命
[00:56.106] 他下一个就拿下里士满
[00:58.909] 我跟你赌上半块钱
[01:01.149] 他要逮着了约翰斯顿将军
[01:04.785] 肯定叫他不敢埋怨
[01:08.145] 一,二,三,四
[01:10.949] 把行囊背到肩膀上
[01:13.475] 而我们一路前进到华盛顿
[01:15.998] 要给亚伯叔打仗
[01:24.125] 现在好季节正来临
[01:26.917] 道路干燥了起来
[01:29.441] 马上波托马克军团
[01:33.082] 就让叛军都逃命
[01:35.884] 因为麦克莱伦将军正是
[01:38.407] 那拯救联邦的人
[01:40.923] 噢,万岁!美洲大地要翻身
[01:44.845] 同亚伯叔在一起
[01:47.917] 一,二,三,四
[01:50.710] 把行囊背到肩膀上
[01:52.953] 而我们一路前进到华盛顿
[01:55.755] 要给亚伯叔打仗
[02:04.142] 你要吹嘘那南方骑士
[02:06.943] 或是棉花就是王
[02:09.182] 那我猜别等这战争打完
[02:12.816] 你就要改主意
[02:15.901] 有人说有了国际承认
[02:18.416] 叛乱地区就能得救
[02:20.936] 但约翰牛和法兰西先生
[02:24.582] 都害怕亚伯叔
[02:27.662] 一,二,三,四
[02:30.460] 把行囊背到肩膀上
[02:32.970] 而我们一路前进到华盛顿
[02:35.772] 要给亚伯叔打仗