General Butler

General Butler

歌名 General Butler
歌手 Bobby Horton
专辑 Homespun Songs of the C. S. A., Volume 5
[00:26.838] Butler and I went out from camp
[00:28.518] At Bethel to make a battle
[00:30.480] And then the south'rons whupped us back
[00:32.718] Just like a drove of cattle
[00:34.668] Come throw your swords and muskets down;
[00:36.895] You do not find them handy
[00:38.567] Although we Yankees cannot fight,
[00:40.809] At runnin' we're a dandy
[00:59.526] And then we got a monster gun
[01:01.480] Which gives us satisfaction
[01:03.725] For seven miles are just the space
[01:05.677] We Yankees lack in action
[01:07.902] Come throw your swords and muskets down;
[01:09.862] You do not find them handy
[01:11.814] Although we Yankees cannot fight,
[01:13.767] At runnin' we're a dandy
[01:32.777] Whene'er we go out to fight
[01:34.740] The south'rons give us lickin's
[01:36.974] But then we strive to get revenge
[01:38.928] By stealin' all their chickens
[01:41.174] Come throw your swords and muskets down;
[01:42.851] You do not find them handy
[01:45.088] Although we Yankees cannot fight,
[01:47.041] At runnin' we're a dandy
[02:05.752] Oh, Butler stays in Fort Monroe
[02:07.705] And listens to the firing,
[02:09.670] And when his men have met defeat
[02:11.911] Him then goes out inquirin'
[02:13.865] Come throw your swords and muskets down;
[02:15.810] You do not find them handy
[02:18.331] Although we Yankees cannot fight,
[02:20.009] At runnin' we're a dandy
[02:39.055] To say that Butler will not fight
[02:41.006] Is certainly no scandal
[02:42.962] For not a trophy has he gained
[02:45.197] Except an old pump handle
[02:47.148] Come throw your swords and muskets down;
[02:49.098] You do not find them handy
[02:51.335] Although we Yankees cannot fight,
[02:53.291] At runnin' we're a dandy
[03:03.652] Come throw your swords and muskets down;
[03:05.609] You do not find them handy
[03:07.562] Although we Yankees cannot fight,
[03:09.789] At runnin' we're a dandy
[00:26.838] 巴特勒和我离开营地
[00:28.518] 到伯特利去打仗
[00:30.480] 但是南方人把咱赶回来了
[00:32.718] 就像赶奶牛一样
[00:34.668] 把你的军刀和火枪都丢下
[00:36.895] 它们一点也不顺手
[00:38.567] 虽然我们北军不会打仗
[00:40.809] 但逃跑我们可在行
[00:59.526] 我们又调来了大炮巨兽
[01:01.480] 能让我们感到安心
[01:03.725] 一炮能打出去七里远
[01:05.677] 我们的人可打不过去
[01:07.902] 把你的军刀和火枪都丢下
[01:09.862] 它们一点也不顺手
[01:11.814] 虽然我们北军不会打仗
[01:13.767] 但逃跑我们可在行
[01:32.777] 不管我们跑到哪儿打仗
[01:34.740] 南方人都给我们痛击
[01:36.974] 但我们也能报复他们
[01:38.928] 把他们的鸡都偷啦
[01:41.174] 把你的军刀和火枪都丢下
[01:42.851] 它们一点也不顺手
[01:45.088] 虽然我们北军不会打仗
[01:47.041] 但逃跑我们可在行
[02:05.752] 噢,巴特勒坐镇门罗堡
[02:07.705] 听着外面在交火
[02:09.670] 当他的部下被打败了
[02:11.911] 他再出去问问情况
[02:13.865] 把你的军刀和火枪都丢下
[02:15.810] 它们一点也不顺手
[02:18.331] 虽然我们北军不会打仗
[02:20.009] 但逃跑我们可在行
[02:39.055] 说是巴特勒先生他不打仗
[02:41.006] 那怎么会有污点
[02:42.962] 他一个奖杯都得不到
[02:45.197] 只得了个旧水泵手柄
[02:47.148] 把你的军刀和火枪都丢下
[02:49.098] 它们一点也不顺手
[02:51.335] 虽然我们北军不会打仗
[02:53.291] 但逃跑我们可在行
[03:03.652] 把你的军刀和火枪都丢下
[03:05.609] 它们一点也不顺手
[03:07.562] 虽然我们北军不会打仗
[03:09.789] 但逃跑我们可在行