John Harrolson, John Harrolson

John Harrolson, John Harrolson

歌名 John Harrolson, John Harrolson
歌手 Bobby Horton
专辑 Homespun Songs of the C. S. A., Volume 5
[00:03.856] John Haralson, John Haralson—you are a funny creature;
[00:11.329] You’ve given to this cruel war a new and useful feature.
[00:18.515] You’d have us think, while every man is bound to be a fighter,
[00:25.640] The women, bless the pretty dears, should be put to making nitre.
[00:36.258] John Haralson, John Haralson, how could you get the notion,
[00:43.433] To send your barrel ‘round the town to gather up the lotion?
[00:50.607] We think the girls do work enough in giving love and kissing,
[00:57.747] But you have put the pretty dears to Patriotic...I can't say that word. (Pissing).
[01:08.650] John Haralson, John Haralson, could you not invent a neater,
[01:15.825] Or some less immodest mode of making your saltpetre.
[01:23.290] The thing it is queer, you know, gunpowder like the cranky
[01:30.431] That when a lady lifts her skirts, she shoots another Yankee.
[00:03.856] 约翰哈罗森,约翰哈罗森,你可真是个搞笑玩意
[00:11.329] 你给这残酷的战争添了个新奇有效的特色
[00:18.515] 你让我们都想到,每个男的都能去作战
[00:25.640] 而女士们,敬爱的女士们,都能用于制造硝石
[00:36.258] 约翰哈罗森,约翰哈罗森,你可怎么想出来的
[00:43.433] 拿你的桶子挨家挨户搜集古老的洗涤剂?(众所周知在古罗马)
[00:50.607] 咱觉得妇女们够勤劳了,给出了爱情与热吻
[00:57.747] 但你却让豆蔻少女们参与爱国的 - 我没法说这词(原文是排泄)
[01:08.650] 约翰哈罗森,约翰哈罗森,能不能发明点干净的
[01:15.825] 或者用谦虚点的方式来制造你那硝石
[01:23.290] 挺诡异的,你晓得不,火药装了不明液体
[01:30.431] 每个女士掀起裙子时,就能杀死一个北方兵