The Brass Mounted Army

The Brass Mounted Army

歌名 The Brass Mounted Army
歌手 Bobby Horton
专辑 Homespun Songs of the C. S. A., Volume 4
[00:07.458] Oh soldiers, I’ve concluded to make a little song,
[00:11.333] And if I tell no falsehood there can be nothing wrong,
[00:15.296] If any be offended at what I have to sing,
[00:19.167] Then surely his own conscience applies the bitter sting.
[00:22.850] Oh, how do you like this Army
[00:24.860] The brass-mounted Army,
[00:26.775] The high-falutin’ Army,
[00:28.545] Where eagle buttons rule?
[00:38.485] Whisky is a monster, and ruins great and small,
[00:42.213] But in our noble Army, Headquarters gets it all;
[00:45.981] They drink it when there’s danger, although it seems too hard,
[00:49.844] But if a private touches it, they put him “under guard.”
[00:53.620] And when we meet the ladies, we’re bound to go it sly,
[00:57.528] Headquarters are the pudding, and the privates are the pie!
[01:01.307] They issue standing orders to keep us all in line,
[01:05.313] For if we had a showing, the brass would fail to shine.
[01:09.039] Oh, how do you like this Army
[01:10.713] The brass-mounted Army,
[01:12.572] The high-falutin’ Army,
[01:14.394] Where eagle buttons rule?
[01:24.128] At every big plantation or wealthy men’s yard,
[01:27.956] Just to save the property, the general puts a guard;
[01:31.775] The sentry’s then instructed to let no private pass –
[01:35.555] The rich man’s house and table are fixed to suit the “brass.”
[01:39.333] I have to change this story, so beautiful and true,
[01:43.208] But the poor man and widow must have a line or two;
[01:47.078] For them no guard is stationed, their fences oft are burned,
[01:51.006] And property molested, as long ago you’ve learned.
[01:55.249] Oh, how do you like this Army
[01:57.201] The brass-mounted Army,
[01:59.206] The high-falutin’ Army,
[02:00.887] Where eagle buttons rule?
[02:10.631] The Army’s now much richer than when the war begun,
[02:14.566] It furnishes three tables where once it had but one;
[02:18.391] The first is richly loaded with chickens, goose, and duck,
[02:22.252] The rest with pork and mutton, the third with good old buck.
[02:26.068] Our generals eat the poultry, and buy it very cheap,
[02:29.937] Our colonels and our majors devour the hog and sheep;
[02:33.810] The privates are contented (except when they can steal),
[02:37.625] With beef and corn bread plenty to make a hearty meal.
[02:41.539] Oh, how do you like this Army
[02:43.449] The brass-mounted Army,
[02:45.345] The high-falutin’ Army,
[02:47.307] Where eagle buttons rule?
[02:56.676] These things, and many others, are truly hard to me,
[03:00.546] But still I’ll be contented, and fight for Liberty!
[03:04.321] And when the war is over, oh what a jolly time!
[03:08.234] We’ll be our own commanders and sing much sweeter rhymes.
[03:12.267] We’ll see our loving sweethearts, and sometimes kiss them, too,
[03:16.184] We’ll eat the finest rations, and bid old buck adieu,
[03:20.006] There’ll be no more generals with orders to compel,
[03:23.844] Long boots and eagle buttons, forever fare ye well!
[03:27.713] And thus we’ll leave the Army,
[03:29.624] The brass-mounted Army,
[03:31.583] The high-falutin’ Army,
[03:33.404] Where eagle buttons rule.
[length: 03:46.425]
[tool: 歌词滚动姬]
[00:07.458] 噢战友们我想到要写一首小曲
[00:11.333] 我要唱得一点不假那肯定错不了
[00:15.296] 要我唱的这点东西让哪个急了眼
[00:19.167] 他那点小心眼真容不下半根刺
[00:22.850] 噢你觉得这部队怎样
[00:24.860] 挂着黄铜扣的部队
[00:26.775] 那趾高气昂的部队
[00:28.545] 带着白头鹰铜纽的?
[00:38.485] 威士忌是个魔鬼,君子小人都糟蹋了
[00:42.213] 但咱光荣的部队里,司令部向来搞得到
[00:45.981] 战况紧时来它两口,虽然多半不管用
[00:49.844] 但列兵要敢碰一下,就得抓去关禁闭
[00:53.620] 咱要是碰上了女人,个个变成老油条
[00:57.528] 军官们像是布丁,咱们列兵就是派!
[01:01.307] 长官发出立正口令,让咱列队站齐整
[01:05.313] 要是这时候丢脸,连铜纽也无光啦
[01:09.039] 噢你觉得这部队怎样
[01:10.713] 挂着黄铜扣的部队
[01:12.572] 那趾高气昂的部队
[01:14.394] 带着白头鹰铜纽的?
[01:24.128] 在每个大种植园和阔人的门前
[01:27.956] 将军安排了卫兵,要保护财产权
[01:31.775] 守卫都死死盯着,不让闲杂人等过
[01:35.555] 那富人的豪宅和餐桌才配得上这铜纽呀
[01:39.333] 我得润色一下这故事,让它好听又真实
[01:43.208] 但穷鬼还有寡妇,也得唱他们一两句
[01:47.078] 他们没有士兵保护,连院子都烧干净
[01:51.006] 财产也朝不保夕,这你也早就知道吧
[01:55.249] 噢你觉得这部队怎样
[01:57.201] 挂着黄铜扣的部队
[01:59.206] 那趾高气昂的部队
[02:00.887] 带着白头鹰铜纽的?
[02:10.631] 比起刚刚开战那时,部队稍微富裕点儿
[02:14.566] 能摆上三道饭菜,从前只有一道呐
[02:18.391] 第一道满是鸡鸭,还有不错的烧鹅
[02:22.252] 第二桌有猪有羊,第三桌老鹿肉
[02:26.068] 咱的将军喜欢家禽,价钱总是好商量
[02:29.937] 咱们上校还有少校,天天猪肉和羊羔
[02:33.810] 小兵们也都有份(要是有本事偷到!)
[02:37.625] 满满的牛肉和玉米面包能饱餐它一顿
[02:41.539] 噢你觉得这部队怎样
[02:43.449] 挂着黄铜扣的部队
[02:45.345] 那趾高气昂的部队
[02:47.307] 带着白头鹰铜纽的?
[02:56.676] 这样那样的破事儿,可真是愁死人
[03:00.546] 但我现在还是愿意去为自由而战!
[03:04.321] 当这场战争结束,就会迎来好时光!
[03:08.234] 我们自己指挥自己唱些高兴的歌曲
[03:12.267] 我们会重逢亲爱的人们,还要一个个地吻
[03:16.184] 我们吃上等的佳肴,老鹿肉一边儿去吧
[03:20.006] 再也不会有个将军命令咱们强行军
[03:23.844] 长靴和鹰徽铜纽,您可从此永别吧!
[03:27.713] 我们到时候离开部队
[03:29.624] 挂着黄铜扣的部队
[03:31.583] 那趾高气昂的部队
[03:33.404] 带着白头鹰铜纽的?