Wearing of the Gray

Wearing of the Gray

歌名 Wearing of the Gray
歌手 Bobby Horton
专辑 Homespun Songs of the C. S. A., Volume 3
[00:13.150] The fearful struggle's ended now and peace smiles on our land,
[00:18.590] And though we've yielded we have proved ourselves a faithful band.
[00:23.792] We fought them long, we fought them well, we fought them night and day,
[00:29.689] And bravely struggled for our rights while wearing of the gray.
[00:34.828] And now that we have ceased to fight and pledged our sacred word,
[00:40.409] That we against the Union's might no more will draw the sword,
[00:47.260] We feel despite the sneers of those who never smelt the fray,
[00:52.883] That we've a manly, honest right to wearing of the gray.
[01:09.173] Our cause is lost the more we fight 'gainst o'erwhelming power,
[01:14.983] All wearied are our limbs and drenched with many a battle shower.
[01:20.060] We feign we rest for want of strength in yielding up the day,
[01:25.850] And lower the flag so proudly born while wearing of the gray.
[01:31.160] Defeat is not dishonor, nor our honor not bereft,
[01:36.700] We thank God that in our hearts this priceless boon was left.
[01:43.519] And though we weep just for those braves who stood in proud array,
[01:49.119] Beneath our flag and nobly died while wearing of the gray.
[02:05.540] When in the ranks of war we stood and faced the deadly hail,
[02:11.306] Our simple suits of gray composed our only coats of mail.
[02:16.440] And on the awful hours that marked the bloody battle day,
[02:22.200] In memories we'll still be seen wearing of the gray.
[02:27.440] Oh! should we reach that glorious place where waits a sparklin' crown,
[02:33.150] For everyone who for the right his soldier life lay down.
[02:39.910] God grant to us the privilege upon that happy day,
[02:45.510] Of claspin' hands with those who fell while wearing of the gray.
[length: 03:09.959]
[tool: 歌词滚动姬 https://lrc-maker.github.io]
[00:13.150] 血腥的战斗结束了,和平重降临
[00:18.590] 即使投降我们也赢得了忠诚的美名
[00:23.792] 我们打得久,我们打得好,我们日夜在作战
[00:29.689] 身穿着灰色军装为了权利勇作战
[00:34.828] 现在斗争平息我们立下神圣的誓言
[00:40.409] 我们对抗联邦强权不再手执三尺剑
[00:47.260] 无论未经沙场者如何对我们讥讽又冷笑
[00:52.883] 不负灰色军装我们忠诚骁勇曾作战
[01:09.173] 我们对抗压倒性的力量伟业终未尽
[01:14.983] 四肢疲惫不堪无数战斗已经洗礼过
[01:20.060] 我们尝试休息为一切的结束稍保留力气
[01:25.850] 身穿着灰色军装降下荣耀的星杠旗
[01:31.160] 战败虽可耻但我们的荣光不逝去
[01:36.700] 为这无价恩赐我们心中感谢上帝
[01:43.519] 为了线列之中骄傲的勇士我们垂泪而哭泣
[01:49.119] 身穿着灰色军装光荣牺牲在旗帜下
[02:05.540] 在战斗中我们迎面走向致命的弹丸
[02:11.306] 我们简陋的灰色军装便是唯一的盔甲
[02:16.440] 在那充满至暗时刻的血腥的日子里
[02:22.200] 身穿着灰色军装是我们永远的回忆
[02:27.440] 哦!我们终将走向荣耀带上闪烁的桂冠
[02:33.150] 为那些为民请命不顾性命的士兵
[02:39.910] 为那快乐的日子上帝赐予我们权利
[02:45.510] 与那身穿灰色军装倒下的人们同喝彩